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At which AP are you allowed to raid

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> > > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > > > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > What you're asking for is essentially the reasons why raid trainings exist.

> > 1. Asking for voluntary donations isn't a bad thing, one could say. The person with wing open for looting chests has done the clearing and saves the effort from people who come in which is a nice thing to do and why can't being nice be rewarded?

> > 2., 3. and 5. Trainings are for that as they help the new players learn the boss mechanics and doing low dps there is somewhat ok (unless it's carry-levels like doing druid-tier dps which means they don't know their build at all. On easier bosses training shouldn't require LI/KP (not like they tell much about skill level on harder bosses either) but on harder bosses it can be somewhat justified as someone raiding for first time and not used to playing with raid squad would just hinder the squad from learning past first 10% of the boss due to wiping the squad again and again. Which is why 4. has its time and place but for the sake of getting forward with the training, sometimes can't be done as someone who hasn't done the basic groundwork to prepare for raiding can prevent others who've done that from progressing.

> We all begin from 0, and all had fails in first, you say about trainings, but in most common I saw trainings which require more than what trainings need, I did not want call this trainings, how you begin ? what you did in first ? I am still learning details and in some cases I lead squad and create my own, I saw new players which better than player with more li, this mean what you need is brain not li, this li just ticket to get faster squad for raid and nothing more.


Kitty started raiding 3 years ago with trainings, 0 LI. She then joined clears after a couple kills per boss in trainings and currently she's killed W1-4 bosses hundreds of times and W5-7 bosses quite a few times (though not many Dhuums 'cause trying to find a pug squad for W5 just doesn't work very well, at least on NA). If you're not confident at doing the mechanics at bosses yet ("still learning details"), Kitty suggests doing more trainings 'til you can consider yourself smooth with them. And then you can just set up a squad with "BOSS LF yadayadayada. Need commander tag." in LFG if you don't have tag and/or enough LI-KP to join other clear squads.

As another pointer, Kitty hasn't ever raided for legendary armors, just for fun and some gold (well, quite a bunch of gold by now).


Though when Kitty started raiding, she did have some massive advantage over peoples who are starting to raid today: Kitty had already done T4 fractal dailies for half a year before entering raids and during that era, T4 fractals never had healers in squad, just 5 dpsers so Kitty was already used to dealing with hard painful mechs, usually with less clear telegraphs and since already that time bad positioning and mistiming a couple evades in T4 fractals meant death, Kitty prolly had a way easier time learning raid mechs than peoples these days as T4 fractals players get mostly carried by healbrands now.

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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> The people u ses with 1K-3K AP are mostly playing with their second account


I started raiding when I was sligjtly bellow 3k AP. AP doesnt show experiance. It only shows how much do you do achievments. I have around 5k AP now (2,5 years after starting with raids) and it stopped going higher because I maxed agent of entropy :D

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