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Reason why necro was killed and what we can do


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Necro was always in bad position. Selfish class in an MMO is nothing if all content can't be soloed. It lack offensive skills and any unique support. So why we got nerfed again?


People in PvP used to treat necro as a dummy to focus fire on. He can't do much on range, is immobile and just bad overall. Now when we got some actually usefull skills, it was a shock. It wasn't so easy to just target scourge and dps him. He can teleport and place shades to deny sniping spots, or to prevent meele gangbang. And he could deal dmg too! That was too much for PvP scrubs, so they shouted loud to nerf instead learning how to play against. And necro was killed.


So what we can do now? We are dark magicians, time for a revenge. Let's see.


Druid: Superior healing, unique dps party boost. Either remove GotL or reduce base healing of skills so power/condi druids won't heal at all. Go magi or gtfo. Reduce spirits boons to affect 3 targets.


Chrono. Always included supportive tanky class. Remove one of either distortion share, quickness or aclarity or put them on one trait range to choose one of them. You can use 6 chrono of you want to get all that juice in 10ppl squad! Reduce aclarity/quickness share to 3 targets.


Warriors. Banners, PS and empower is too OP. Place PS and empower in one trait column. Reduce banners area of effect to 3 targets, like shades.


Firebrand supposed to be support. Remove dps like from scourge. Reduce AoE radius. Affected targets: 3.


Tempest supposed to be support. Reduce dmg to scourge level.


Weaver top possible dps on mighty Golem is too high. Reduce it to 30k.


Deadeye as a dps is in good spot. We can still mock them a bit.




Engineers are too mindkittening so just leave them for carpal tunnel lovers.


Revenants were in bad spot since release. Don't nerf. Hug on every occasion.


Cap dps classes at 30k max. Reduce most of boon sharing and aoe skills to affect 3 targets. Remove traps stacking.


Now, spread this on forums. Spam the kittens, make more noise than they did. Nerf OP auto-included classes to the ground. And I will fight for it with all my heart.


Yes, I am salty af, because I play nec since beta and i cant use it on game modes I play most.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> it was a freakin bug ; dont u get it ?

> and btw as a none necro player ; i'd take every bit of barrier over quickness or alacrity.

> I cant cast faster when im dead.


Two evades, two blocks, good amount of CC, stealth, alacrity, quickness and you're still complaining about not enough utility? Wow.

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