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Server Ehmry Bay

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**Hello everyone**, gw2 community. I wanted to be able to ask the WvW experts a question.


I have been thinking about joining a specific NA server in **Ehmry Bay**, but I have no information if the server is abandoned or there are some active clans there (and which ones), I would greatly appreciate the feedback, excellent WvW experts, a hug to all and I won a lot of bags in their battles <3

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> @"xthexxkillerx.6438" said:

> My schedule is bad, every time I play there is nobody, I think it is very early


Ah. You need to know ur timezone so you can find people to play with :) not all servers have people at the time you play. Which means, you need to find a time and server where people play at that time too :)


I e. I am at +8gmt timezone. Based on this my team and I raid around 11pm onwards my time, that's around 3pm server time onwards on nsp.

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I recently moved to EBAY and its def not usually dead. Lots of bigger groups running, not as much smaller scale/roamer groups and a lot that you do find (Could name a few well known guild tags, but I wont stoop to their level) looooove to bm.


That said there have been lots of fights for sure, def more populated than some of the other servers ive been in for sure (like CD/SF/DH). I myself am a roamer/ havoc runner (even with my guild that I also joined when I went to EBAY I run their WvW missions.)

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ye ebay is fine, can be quiet at times but most severs are, my main account there, i play uk times,, from 9am ish on and off thru the day, theres aussie guilds run in the mornin too. its the na timezone i dont know much about since im headin to bed as it comes around. (wvw isnt as populated as in the past but its not quite dead yet)


but ye you need to tell us your timezone really..

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