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No EU T5 at reset?


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I am almost speechless

Do I have some sort of eyesight hallucination, or an official guy from ANet actually quickly respond on the official game forum, and even in the darkest and most toxic part of the deepest dungeon which is called "WvW section", where even the bravest ~~heroes~~ Forum Moderators almost do not dare to touch anything, otherwise insta-kittenkittystorm would happen? Is something happening on ArenaNet side? Is this a first sign of, I almost do not dare to say that, is ANet trying its first steps to actually start communicating with their playerbase?


Anyway, kudos to that guy for quickly responding to a topic about WvW problem. Nice. no sarcasm, no ironic, real kudos. Thats how ANet <-> playerbase communication should be.

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