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  1. they´re going to grab some money with new xpac and then let game bleed out .. wtf .. this isn´t the way to treat a game where u want players to stay .. annoying
  2. They stopped balancing the game years ago. All they do now is random nerfs/buffs to this and that ..decisions made by cats playing with dices \o/
  3. > @"gloflop.3510" said: > > @"Sansar.1302" said: > > Why is most so affraid of figths with eqaul numbers in solo/smal scale. > > > > > This is for me also the biggest question. Imagine you run with a friend across the map. You find 2 players doing the same. What are these two players doing? Precisely! The run away. If it happens once, ok. I also sometimes dodge fights. But if this happens again and again, one may slowly ask "what the heck am I playing?". It gets weirder when I lose my wing-man and suddenly find myself attacked by the same 2 players who dodged us before. > Idk maybe depends on what classes / builds you run. There's a lot of builds some people just refuse fighting against because they know there's noch chance to win? *cough missing balance *cough
  4. Tables have turned Btt: Anet not interested if not pve.. sorry :(
  5. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > i agree with @"primatos.5413" , only i do think that balance isn't making sense in Wvw. the mode is naturally unbalanced. think about it. I remember a time when there was not that much builds fighting against makes no sense.. today it is more build vs build than ever i think. This should not be the case in a game like this imo. High risk high reward is long gone.. u can play builds tanky as hell but still dealing lots of damage. Can play builds many other builds can never catch so they keep trolling on an on.. this things i mean should not be the way they are :)
  6. Yeah missing balance and no alliance caused a massive increase of toxicity, bm and cancerous bullshit builds.
  7. we should try it .. but ... u know Anet refuses to get the shit done. Working on xpansion instead of solving the massive problems wvw has .. geezuz never been hoping for a new (better) game be relased harder than now.
  8. New feature.. they have been working hard on it over years to create content for making wvw great again.
  9. Wtf they just forgot to fix it.. no other class can do so .. why should ranger? But they work so hard on balance and alliances lol so u know.. they forgot this and that ..
  10. Proper balance - healthy gameplay- more fun for everyone... easy fix. Kkthxbb.
  11. They didn't even manage to balance game properly when esports was a thing. Honestly...what do you expect? Be real it's all about living story, shiny skins and some other pve crap. Sorry kkthxbb.
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