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Roaming on Necro


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I took a break from the game for a while and basically left after the big "nerf patch".

I really hoped the game has improved and power creep is no longer a thing. Obviously I'm very wrong. I'm a Necro only player most of the my GW2 history and I'm really out of ideas now. Is the only Necro build that doesn't get countered hard by any other roaming spec still Core condi necro?

Any 1v1 I try on any other build seems to be a not to win thing. Even when I have the upper hand most other professions have a ton of options to reset the fight or just run from it.

Second issue: How is that my power damage is on the lower end, when I wear basically the same gear as my opponents on power builds? I normally run Marauder on Core/Reaper and my crits hit for maximum 4-5k while I get hit for 10k, 8k etc from Rangers, Thieves or basically anyone roaming out there.


What did I miss? What professions do I counter that hard as professions counter me?

Sorry, but I really don't get it.

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Fun fact. Just the other day I met a thief player that permanently ganked us. We killed him with our group of 3 (both other players are very good roamers).


And he got salty. Writing me that I'm too bad to 1v1 him and Blabla.


So I told him this: why should I do a 1v1 with one of the weakest 1v1/ solo roaming classes (I played reaper) vs the absolute strongest roaming and 1v1 class that also (in my opinion) hard counters necro?


He told me this: reaper is one of the strongest roaming classes right now - in my opinion it cannot compare to rev, thief, guard, ele, ranger. But I didn't play much since last patch so maybe rev and ele are more doable now? I didn't meet good rev and ele players yet.


Let's look at the kit reaper has: low stability uptime, long casttimes, skills with channel times,

and even with speed rune, Wurm and spectral walk, thief has more mobility and can easily interrupt a reaper in all the reaper is doing.


Especially after the February patch you cannot simply stun a thief and oneshot it anymore. Even a full Soulspital doesn't kill a thief on most builds.


He was playing dagger/pistol+shortbow. And Everytime he dropped below 50% he ran away to out of combat.

Why should I fight that kitten?


So I told him, that I won't fight him. And the typical reaction happened: he insulted me then blocked me or went offline, so I couldn't reply.



But back to your question:

You'll still be at a disadvantage against most classes. Matchups got a bit easier since the February patch. But there's still a lot of kiting involved.

Most of you damage comes from: reaper shroud 4 and reaper shroud autoattacks.

With a bit of luck focus 5 and axe 2 can hit hard as well. But overall, reapers damage got tuned down heavily, as you cannot run spite traitline anymore.

At least I didn't find a build, that has enough condicleanses (deathmagic and bloodmagic provide that + bloodmagic has a lot better lifeforcegain) to keep up with all these condi classes running around right now

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Nimon that blokes lost the plot. A decent thief can disengage whenever we pop shroud and wait it out then burst...super easy. I've only ever run reaper in wvw but have had to go condi, just to deal with the super booners. Revs and Eles are nuts let alone thieves. Every fight requires full LF from the start and without grasp you hope you can do enough dmg to end it asap.

Geist it's rough as a roaming reaper out there vs decent opponents but play with LOS as open fields no option. Necro can get into shroud alot easier than reaper so you have that path too.

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This is what you want to run for roaming now.


Btw. don't listen to nimon. I've beaten him on that build yesterday, even though I changed GS to dagger/warhorn just for fun (which weakened the build a lot!). :p He is not capable of using the full potential of necro. And that statement is meant to be as objective as possible! I don't like it when players, that have a lot of room for improvements themself, are making statements about the potential of a class.


Teef encounters suck for everyone. That's not reaper specific. Teefs can always run away and will once they realize they are not favored in the fight. So just ignore them and move into the next structure (which is possible with the build above to a good extent).

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> @"geist.4126" said:

> I took a break from the game for a while and basically left after the big "nerf patch".

> I really hoped the game has improved and power creep is no longer a thing. Obviously I'm very wrong. I'm a Necro only player most of the my GW2 history and I'm really out of ideas now. Is the only Necro build that doesn't get countered hard by any other roaming spec still Core condi necro?


Core condi necro is countered pretty hard by anything with CC. Reaper seems to be doing better in wvw than condi core.


> Any 1v1 I try on any other build seems to be a not to win thing. Even when I have the upper hand most other professions have a ton of options to reset the fight or just run from it.


Reaper is my goto for roams/duels etc. It's all about timing your shroud ends. Once you are caught out of shroud its a free 10s of damage on you.


> Second issue: How is that my power damage is on the lower end, when I wear basically the same gear as my opponents on power builds? I normally run Marauder on Core/Reaper and my crits hit for maximum 4-5k while I get hit for 10k, 8k etc from Rangers, Thieves or basically anyone roaming out there.


Some of it is damage modifiers. Rangers and soulbeast get a ton of stacking modifiers. (Maul + sicem for example). Overall though, soulbeast can easily be "overtuned" for damage. Still, as a reaper you are one of the harder hitters out there. It's not uncommon to get 3-6k autoattacks on a target with vuln in shroud. Spinal shivers hits like a truck and can routinely cit 8k+ on the right target. Axe 2 is an easy 6-9k if you get it to land. Axe 3 below 50% health can be a nice double 2-3k crit.

Reapers hit like a truck. Hell, I was dueling a soulbeast that tried to go damage for damage with me in melee and autos alone wrecked him. (Pretty sure autoattacking is more damage to single target than spin2win).



> What did I miss? What professions do I counter that hard as professions counter me?

> Sorry, but I really don't get it.


Ranged always countered necros. Still does. So does CC. Reapers are in a far better place though now than they used to be for roaming and we're starting to see a lot more roaming necros. Speed runes are a must though imo.


What professions do we hard counter? Anything with low mobility really. Rangers for example are only an issue for me if they are full serk yolo damage and burst through an entire shroud while im out of stunbreaks. Thieves are annoying because if I misjudge their stealth I get bursted down.


You have a lot of chill access and a lot of interrupt/cc and that's important to use.


I've literally won fights because all i hear is "Every time i cleanse, im chilled again" :lol:



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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2FlRw0YcMPWJOcXntbA-zRJYiR3fZkZq2bVZ3JJM+D-e


> This is what you want to run for roaming now.


> Btw. don't listen to nimon. I've beaten him on that build yesterday, even though I changed GS to dagger/warhorn just for fun (which weakened the build a lot!). :p He is not capable of using the full potential of necro. And that statement is meant to be as objective as possible! I don't like it when players, that have a lot of room for improvements themself, are making statements about the potential of a class.


> Teef encounters suck for everyone. That's not reaper specific. Teefs can always run away and will once they realize they are not favored in the fight. So just ignore them and move into the next structure (which is possible with the build above to a good extent).


Agreed on build. Blood builds are fun but, too easy to keep lifeforce down. I prefer signet build myself and see success with it even post nerf to signets.


I do swap armor out for wurm though when generally roaming.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2FlRw0YcMPWJOcXntbA-zRJYiR3fZkZq2bVZ3JJM+D-e


> This is what you want to run for roaming now.


> Btw. don't listen to nimon. I've beaten him on that build yesterday, even though I changed GS to dagger/warhorn just for fun (which weakened the build a lot!). :p He is not capable of using the full potential of necro. And that statement is meant to be as objective as possible! I don't like it when players, that have a lot of room for improvements themself, are making statements about the potential of a class.


LoL. Why do you start lying? I was like 10minutes in wvw on 15th. And there was only one reaper that ganked me together with another player while I was basically afk.

What server are you on if I may ask?



> Teef encounters suck for everyone. That's not reaper specific. Teefs can always run away and will once they realize they are not favored in the fight. So just ignore them and move into the next structure (which is possible with the build above to a good extent).



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