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Raid Tanks?

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Hey all.


On and off player for several years now. PoF caught my attention and I'm loving many of the changes so far! I have noticed there are raids now since HoT and based on a couple of the videos I've watched, it looks like Mesmers are used as the primary tank. I was wondering, in a serious setting, if there are any other options for tanks? I've seen older videos with guardian tanks but it seems like the more recent stuff strictly adheres to Chronomancers. Any input/diversity to speak of?


Anything helps and thanks in advance!

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Chronomancer is indisputably the best due to its ability to dish out heavy offensive buffs without sacrificing any defensive prowess, but you can tank on any class and do fine. The only thing that defines a tank is having higher toughness than the other raiders (or performing certain boss mechanics to capture aggro, like MO's claim or Samarog's fixation).

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Understandable. I actually raided for many years on wow, as recently as Legion, and it looks a lot like the bear tank situation over there. Is there any kind of definitive tier list? I wouldn't want to cripple my team just because I'm not playing something thats less than ideal.

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> @Dedricus.3091 said:

> Understandable. I actually raided for many years on wow, as recently as Legion, and it looks a lot like the bear tank situation over there. Is there any kind of definitive tier list? I wouldn't want to cripple my team just because I'm not playing something thats less than ideal.


There is no tier list since chronomancer is the only relevant tank.

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I know some groups use healing temp as tank for some bosses. But besides that. Chrono all the way. If you have an stable group however, any class can tank and it will not be a problem. But for pugs, chrono. And no, will prob not change for a long time, since there is no benefit from having any other class tank.


An that note, if chrono get a damage increse. Then heal druid might become the new tank. So there is that

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> @Sigfodr.9576 said:

> An that note, if chrono get a damage increse. Then heal druid might become the new tank. So there is that


The chances of chrono getting any type of buff are 0. The chances of chrono getting toned down are a lot higher in that regard.


> @Dedricus.3091 said:

> > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > There is no tier list since chronomancer is the only relevant tank.


> Was afraid of that. Any hope this will change in the near future? I've always loved tanking, but Mesmer just hasn't ever looked appealing to me.



Who knows, as of now, chrono is just to strong to be replaced and provides to much utility.


On that note, I do think you should read up on what tanking in GW2 actually means. It's by far not the same as in other MMOs and not even needed on many boss fights. Even if there were to be a different tank meta some time down the road, for all the fights wher no tank is needed you would 100% be required to switch characters. The only reason chronos don't have to is because besides being tanks they are also one of the main support characters. I doubt we will see arenanet add a similar strong support character with tank ability any time soon.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> The only reason chronos don't have to is because besides being tanks they are also one of the main support characters. I doubt we will see arenanet add a similar strong support character with tank ability any time soon.


Ok, so they're viewed as more of an offensive support! That makes sense. I've tried finding some stuff on tanking but only managed to scratch at a couple good sources. Anything you could recommend?


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> @Dedricus.3091 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > The only reason chronos don't have to is because besides being tanks they are also one of the main support characters. I doubt we will see arenanet add a similar strong support character with tank ability any time soon.


> Ok, so they're viewed as more of an offensive support! That makes sense. I've tried finding some stuff on tanking but only managed to scratch at a couple good sources. Anything you could recommend?



Nothing besides watching raid guides. There is no tanking outside of raids in this game.


Notable bosses which require a tank (via different mechanics, most often highest toughness) in raids are:


- Vale Guardian (W1)

- Gorseval (W1)

- Keep Construct (W3)

- Xera (W3)

- Mursaat Overseer (W4) (debatable since he doesn't actually hit hard)

- Deimos (W4)


All the other fights either have no tank mechanic or some form of alternating tank mechanic which requires everyone to take turns (and since everyone else will be in very squishy gear do not require specific high damage reduction gear).



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> @Dedricus.3091 said:

> > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > There is no tier list since chronomancer is the only relevant tank.


> Was afraid of that. Any hope this will change in the near future? I've always loved tanking, but Mesmer just hasn't ever looked appealing to me.



You might be surprised with chrono tank.....honestly its the spec I run on most things even out and about in open world and in fracts. The divirsity of chrono/mes is something you diffently want to look at. Think of it more of a char that gives all kinds of boons, healing, and can stand there and dish it out to a boss. (never played wow, so cant give something similiar.)

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> @Dedricus.3091 said:

> > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > There is no tier list since chronomancer is the only relevant tank.


> Was afraid of that. Any hope this will change in the near future? I've always loved tanking, but Mesmer just hasn't ever looked appealing to me.



* years tanking on WOW as well, loved it! DK and bear tank for life but this game is NOTHING like WOW in that regards so all your tanking knowledge goes out the window. Still need to lead the group and such, but no aggro mechanic really or blocks and taunts and all that fun stuff. That said, raids here are fun, just a very different type of fun.

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I raided too in wow (wotlk mainly), as dk dps and off tank. Tanking in gw2 imho is much funnier, because you dont have to care for taunts and an aggro meter, but at the same time you must "play the piano". Not doing your rotation on chronomancer comes out as a HUGE dps loss for the whole raid. So, while evading deadly mechanics, moving the boss in the correct way, you must also pay attention to your rotation (which is really complicated, prolly the most complicated one after the engi). Im starting to tank lately and im having so much fun in it, much more (IMHO) than calling for the taunt or trying to save your glass cannons from goin overboard with TPS...

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> @Dedricus.3091 said:

> Hey all.


> On and off player for several years now. PoF caught my attention and I'm loving many of the changes so far! I have noticed there are raids now since HoT and based on a couple of the videos I've watched, it looks like Mesmers are used as the primary tank. I was wondering, in a serious setting, if there are any other options for tanks? I've seen older videos with guardian tanks but it seems like the more recent stuff strictly adheres to Chronomancers. Any input/diversity to speak of?


> Anything helps and thanks in advance!


I did it against Goreseval with a Deadeye. I literally just hunkered down with kneel, iron-sights, and dodge rolled out of the way when I saw something bad. I was sober. My static raid squad didn't give two shits (nor do we really follow the meta...)

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What makes you a tank in there is thoughnes, since bosses will always target the player iwth more toughtnes (unless they have some special mechanics that makes their aggro random or special) the chrono dps is really really really really bad so they dont lose much from getting thougnes while keeping their 100% boon duration, mean while if you try to grab thoughnes on a, lets say, guardian, you are going to drop your dps from meta to trash tier.

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> @GiftUngiven.7854 said:

> I raided too in wow (wotlk mainly), as dk dps and off tank. Tanking in gw2 imho is much funnier, because you dont have to care for taunts and an aggro meter, but at the same time you must "play the piano". Not doing your rotation on chronomancer comes out as a HUGE dps loss for the whole raid. So, while evading deadly mechanics, moving the boss in the correct way, you must also pay attention to your rotation (which is really complicated, prolly the most complicated one after the engi). Im starting to tank lately and im having so much fun in it, much more (IMHO) than calling for the taunt or trying to save your glass cannons from goin overboard with TPS...


DK brothers unite!!! For the Lich King....

Ok, that's out.....and yea, I tried briefly as Chrono but because I am still pretty much a clicker (getting better) I struggled with th rotation which is as you say pretty complex, if done right. For young agile fingers, ah yea. Old stumpy ones like me, yea, I sucked....lol. But that's ok, I am enjoying being dps/support for a change so its all good. I also reckon POF raids are going to bring some thing new to the table, just look at the bounty fights and such. ;)

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> @Nowaki.2136 said:

> What makes you a tank in there is thoughnes, since bosses will always target the player iwth more toughtnes (unless they have some special mechanics that makes their aggro random or special) the chrono dps is really really really really bad so they dont lose much from getting thougnes while keeping their 100% boon duration, mean while if you try to grab thoughnes on a, lets say, guardian, you are going to drop your dps from meta to trash tier.

i has succesfully tank boss mursat overseer with warior of 1k tuffness. i also successfuly tank sloth (and whole of W2) similarly with my warior :+1:


btw.. if chrono for there dps deserve 4x _really_, then druid for theres deserve at least 8x _really_ !!

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To add on top of what everyone said until now, no. You really dont want any other tank then mesmer. Why? Because even if you get another class to tank you will still want 2 chronos to pump quickness/alacrity to both groups. What you will sacrifice for that? 1 druid, 1 dps, 1 ps slot? It just doesnt work. Also mesmer have access to -a lot- active defenses (eg, blocks, aoe distort, evades), making them the perfect tanks, especially on bosses which shouldnt be moved a lot, like VG. Imagine your tank moving VG everytime the blue circles spawn on top of them, which happens a lot. Mesmer can easily dodge/evade or even distort that, without moving an inch, while other class tank would need to move around to avoid getting ported, which will reflect in dps loss for the whole squad.


Basically this is pretty much what makes Mesmers the perfect tanks in raids, not to mention their atrocious dps. Since recent patches we got slight buff on that, but its still miles away from other dps classes.

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> @GiftUngiven.7854 said:

> I raided too in wow (wotlk mainly), as dk dps and off tank. Tanking in gw2 imho is much funnier, because you dont have to care for taunts and an aggro meter, but at the same time you must "play the piano". Not doing your rotation on chronomancer comes out as a HUGE dps loss for the whole raid. So, while evading deadly mechanics, moving the boss in the correct way, you must also pay attention to your rotation (which is really complicated, prolly the most complicated one after the engi). Im starting to tank lately and im having so much fun in it, much more (IMHO) than calling for the taunt or trying to save your glass cannons from goin overboard with TPS...


Well, I guess people can be really different. The piano part has always been the thing which prevented me from even thinking about "tanking" in GW2. For me, tanking is about so much more, stuff like managing aggro, controlling adds, worrying about proper positioning, etc. ... and all that stuff hardly exists in this game. I just can't view that tiny bit of positioning and watching cooldowns as tanking.

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> @CptAurellian.9537 said:

> > @GiftUngiven.7854 said:

> > I raided too in wow (wotlk mainly), as dk dps and off tank. Tanking in gw2 imho is much funnier, because you dont have to care for taunts and an aggro meter, but at the same time you must "play the piano". Not doing your rotation on chronomancer comes out as a HUGE dps loss for the whole raid. So, while evading deadly mechanics, moving the boss in the correct way, you must also pay attention to your rotation (which is really complicated, prolly the most complicated one after the engi). Im starting to tank lately and im having so much fun in it, much more (IMHO) than calling for the taunt or trying to save your glass cannons from goin overboard with TPS...


> Well, I guess people can be really different. The piano part has always been the thing which prevented me from even thinking about "tanking" in GW2. For me, tanking is about so much more, stuff like managing aggro, controlling adds, worrying about proper positioning, etc. ... and all that stuff hardly exists in this game. I just can't view that tiny bit of positioning and watching cooldowns as tanking.


You havent really paid much attention then what tanks do on most bosses, I take it? Xera is perfect example of all the aformentioned by you. Tanks do control adds, especially on Xera where is really crucible to do it and talking about Xera there the positioning can be the factor of success or very swift and fast wipe. Put on top of that that tanks usually bring the most CC, which they need to utilize in the right moment, lets no go into aoe distortion as well, which in some cases must be timed perfectly. All of this on top of having a complex rotation, which takes time to do perfect under pressure of the raid itself. Not sure what are you talking, but its obvious you shouldnt talk about something, if you havent even tried it. Just a thumbs up, mate. Nothing personal.


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My dear, it isn't too difficult to see what "tanks" are doing in GW2 when you are playing raids with at least one open eye. Your post makes me wonder how much you've tanked in other raids. Of course, stuff like positioning and add control exist in GW2 - but they are a pale shadow of what can happen in other games' raids. I stick to my point - throwing some focus #4 or moving bosses like Xera and Deimos around a bit doesn't come close to the kind of ballet in other encounters. Doing the piano is, for me at least, no replacement for those other aspects, even when it is the probably most challenging role in GW2 raids.


But that's fine, actually. Not always having more of the same is a good thing and there are other fun roles left for people like me. Chacun a sa façon, as old Frederick would have said.

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So full of yourself "My dear", yet its clear you keep talk, about things you neither did, nor understand how they work. To answer your question. Yes, I have tanked quite a bit in several different MMO's and in no other of those you do so much managing mechanic wise, as you do in Guild wars raids. In other games i played never have I seen as many mechanics flying around during a raid on top of having to worry about boss attacks that can easily wipe the raid. Granted I havent touched WoW, so I cant make a comparison with it, but neither I want or care to do so.


Of course there is super easy bosses to tank like Gorse and KC, but to say Xera and Deimos are really easy to tank, while you never even done it is just ignorant. It really doesnt look like anything much when you observe what tanks do from the side, but trust me its entirely different when you -actually- are the tank and you'd know that if you did played a tank. Since you havent, your opinion really doesnt hold any weight i am afraid, as you are just clueless about it and dont bother answering anymore.

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> @Llyweln.3078 said:

> > @Dedricus.3091 said:

> > > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > There is no tier list since chronomancer is the only relevant tank.

> >

> > Was afraid of that. Any hope this will change in the near future? I've always loved tanking, but Mesmer just hasn't ever looked appealing to me.

> >


> You might be surprised with chrono tank.....honestly its the spec I run on most things even out and about in open world and in fracts. The divirsity of chrono/mes is something you diffently want to look at. Think of it more of a char that gives all kinds of boons, healing, and can stand there and dish it out to a boss. (never played wow, so cant give something similiar.)


Put on an outfit and you can even look the part rather than wearing a frilly dress :smile:

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