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How much process does your launcher use just for doing nothing?

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Just by opening the launcher mine uses 15% but i could say 60% just by sitting idle, see below:


[launcher](http://oi68.tinypic.com/vyp4r6.jpg), [process](http://oi67.tinypic.com/2ynm049.jpg)


My pc specs is an AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor 3.40 GHz and each core, when at high load, works at 25% maximum, that is 100 divided by the number os cores (100/4=25). So, if i multiply 15 by the number of cores to get a single core value the result is 60% (15*4=60), of course, 60 if the launcher uses a single core.





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During the startup of the launcher, mine spikes to 35%. After it finishes starting, just sitting there idle, 4%. After logging in...about the same. Perhaps slightly more, maybe 0.3% more. That is on an OLD Dell XPS laptop with an i7-Q740 processor, 8gb of RAM and a GTX 445M video card.

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Sorry but that picture is really really useless, showing only the process name and the number 15. We would have believed you without that "proof".

When I start GW2 on this old PC with a close to 10 year old Core2Duo 8500 (as the name says, 2 cores) at 3.16 GHz I get the following values:

During startup (like 2-3 seconds) up to 88, after startup when just being idle 7 -13.

In character selection around 50-55 and standing in the world 60-75.


I have no problem with this and the game seems to run well enough for me. Also I don't see the point in knowing. This is not just the launcher but the game client. When the game started it will still be the same process, so why do you care how much the process uses while not doing anything? If you want to play, start the game, if not close the "launcher" (=game). What is the point of having it sit around doing nothing?



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