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[Guilds] New Decoration Jormag Rising

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2 new decorations for guildhalls.

You can get them at the vendors on the map after unlocking "shards of jormag" achievement and "spiritual renewal"


- Frost Legion Machine (Needs Shards of Jormag)

- Owl Spirit Statue (Spiritual Renewal)




The frost Legion machine is pretty big. which fits nice in snow oriented themes (finally a reason to get snow deco's outside of winter season)


Edit: Weird markdown stuff, can't get the image in the post..


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The owl decoration is comically uninteresting for the amount of work you have to do to unlock it, but it’s part of a set so there isn’t much you can do about it.


Was hoping they’d add some more useful decorations like the trees for more war supplies sinks but I guess not.


They could have added some snowy/frozen assets like the icy spikes, some more trees, at tengu tent, some frost citadel structures, etc.


Oh well. Always next time I guess.

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