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wishful changes for old utilities and what's wrong with current versions


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let's start with signet


oddly enough , mesmer has two condition damage signet which leads to a situation that all condition dps build will have two passive signet locked in .therefore we can't really use many utilities without lots of dps loss. unless we happened to get two super insane condition damage skils which given anet balance history won't happen (aoe well hype or sand through glass )


and mesmer signets passive effect comparing to any other class are too situational just like rest of our utilities .


so my wishful changes are aiming for a clear purpose for each signet . practical usage with passive + active effect .


Signet of Domination: 45s cd

Passive: Improved condition damage.

Active: Stun your foe.


change to 40s cd

passive : whenever your illusion attack , you gain 150 power for 8 second , max 3 stacks (1-3s ICD)

active : stun your foe


reason is mesmer lacks of signet for a power build .and condition damage is supposed to be slower than power . its active effect stun even tho is a generally good cc should be more towards power build. i don't really think icd for this signet is needed , but it could have 1-3 icd in case it breaks pvp with mirage HI + sword ambush + PB.

for the damage loss of condi mesmer , anet should buff mesmer damage skill instead .


Signet of Illusions: 60s cd

Passive: Grants more health to your illusions.

Active: Recharges Mind Wrack, Cry of Frustration, Diversion, and Distortion.


change to 60s cd

passive : reduce all illusion skill cd by 2s

active : Recharges Mind Wrack, Cry of Frustration, Diversion, and Distortion.


I think we all agree that with or without this signet , illusion hp need another buff cross all game mode . the passive effect is really a moot point now .

with gutted Persistence of Memory , we have less ways to reduce our long cd damage resource : illusion .(they are long cd considered we only have full sustain dps with 3 phantasmal up or full burst with 3 illusion up ). and PoM was only op with chrono .


Signet of Humility :180s cd

Passive: Reduces duration of incoming stuns, dazes, fears, and taunts.

Active: Transforms your foe into a moa bird.


change to 180s cd

passive : increase breakbar damage by 50 whenever you apply daze , stun , pull ,etc

your hard control skill now will remove one more stability stack .

active unchanged .


or simply reduce cd to 120s or 150s


rest of signets are fine.


move to clone skills

there are only 2 of them , both have long cd but server as stunbreaker . they have very nice usage for pvp builds but lack of utility value in pve (which is fine).but also with current elite spec , skills like mirror images fell behind for its very niche usage . part of their function : generating clone is not that good anymore while they will also interrupt mesmer action despite being instantly casting spell .


Mirror Images : 30s cd

Summon two clones to attack your foe.

stun breaker


change to

mirror images : 30s cd

split into two part skill : 1. blink backward by 300 range and summon a clone , also stun break 2 .replace that clone with Phantasmal Rogue(usable after 1s with 1s cast time and has 5s window to swap )


decoy : 40s cd

Gain stealth and summon an illusion to attack your foe.

Stealth (3s): Invisible to foes.

Breaks stun 40px.png Breaks Stun

Range.png Range: 1,200


change to

decoy :35s cd (might need a new name for this skill )

split into two part skill : 1. stealth (3s ) summon a clone also stun break 2. swap with that clone (usable after 1s with 0.5s cast time and has 5s window to use)





most niche skills for mesmer are from glamour . i decided to improve their niche usage and add bit more to some skills . also rework Temporal Enchanter for more general usage .


Null field : 25s cd

remove boon and condition for each pulse 5s duration 5 pulse


change to

Null field : 25s cd

remove boon and condition for each pulse 5s duration 5 pulse

in addition, when cast ,it remove protection on foes from target location

also remove one soft cc condition (chill etc ) on allies from target location



change its cd from 72s to 60s

also reveal stealth foes who go through it .



reduce cd to 40s in pve


GM trait Temporal Enchanter

Glamour skills last longer. When you cast a glamour, allies near the glamour gain resistance and superspeed.


change to

apply different effect on you and your allies around you based on glamour skill you use (360 radius) alos increase glamour skill duration by 2s

nullfield : Resistance (5s )

veil : superspeed (5s)

portal : aegis and protection (10s )

feedback : increase all boon duration by 3s


it might be a nerf to some wvw build , but generally this rework will make glamour skill more useful .the effect for feedback maybe too strong but considered how situational feedback is for its cd . i think this is justified .


if i get time i might update for other skills

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While i like our healing signet in general i Think its too much in one package , therefore holding specific options in limit.


The passive healing is worse then warriors, but we actually got a better healing. We gain our phantasm cooldowns reseted, but need to wait Another 35(28 traited) to get the passive healing back.


Warrior has a low active heal on a lower cooldown. Using the Warrior heal is in most cases for Resistance.


My suggestion would be lowering the active heal and the cooldown to Raise the passive heal with illusions. Maybe too strong , maybe not fitting the class, but i'd really like to see some more sustain from this. In a pvp or wvw Situation once u used the active of the skill u are never going to get the passive again, cause the active heal is not high enough for a 35 cooldown, because of phantasm Reset.


I dont want to delete the phantasm Reset (even if it would be better/easier for Balance) since mesmer can get some Great use of it ( especially chrono Shield 4 , or raid/frac mesmer - to lower the ramp up time)


Maybe push the phantasm reload mechanic to signet of illusions or something else. Many possibiltys.


In general when talking about signets , i dislike passives going on cooldown with the active. I know there is a skill - factor arround, but most signets feel like u actually never want to cast the active Effect.


Maybe if balancing was done , all signets ( including other classes ) could have there passive Effect ongoin. (traits Related to this would need changes too)


Now moving on to your changes.


Signet of humility would make thr mirage think twice if he would tale jaunt ( sword ambush + IH removin 8 stab ) , on the other Side reducing stuns etc is quite powerfull too, but cant be seen a lot in the heat of a fight.


Love glamour changes, finally a good source of Resistance. Probably too strong though - 10 sec aoe resistance on 100% boon Duration is insane.

Would be nerfed down to 2 seconds probably.


Decoy seems cool. Fits a deception - Themed playstyle. Cool change.


Mirror images seems to be weired. Why dont spawn the Rogue from the very begining?


Flat cooldown reduction on illusion Skills with illusions signet would be broken for some Skills.


- illusion traitline + traited scepter = 2,75 CD on scepter 2 :s

Probably no further cooldown reduction needed, but rather tweak some illusion skills (torch 5 as biggest example on a 30 sec CD)


If u want the reduction to stay make it percentage - 10% probably. ( thats 50% reduction for traited weapons + illusion Traitline) alacrity is a Thing here. - probably still too strong.


Condi mesmer would still take domination signet probably, cause in raids and other high end pve content u would have no better options.


In wvw and PvP those condi signets arent a Problem ; we Take sustain utilitys There ; blink, Portal, veil, cleanse mantra ...etc.


Overall ; i always love changes

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> While i like our healing signet in general i Think its too much in one package , therefore holding specific options in limit.


> The passive healing is worse then warriors, but we actually got a better healing. We gain our phantasm cooldowns reseted, but need to wait Another 35(28 traited) to get the passive healing back.


> Warrior has a low active heal on a lower cooldown. Using the Warrior heal is in most cases for Resistance.


> My suggestion would be lowering the active heal and the cooldown to Raise the passive heal with illusions. Maybe too strong , maybe not fitting the class, but i'd really like to see some more sustain from this. In a pvp or wvw Situation once u used the active of the skill u are never going to get the passive again, cause the active heal is not high enough for a 35 cooldown, because of phantasm Reset.


> I dont want to delete the phantasm Reset (even if it would be better/easier for Balance) since mesmer can get some Great use of it ( especially chrono Shield 4 , or raid/frac mesmer - to lower the ramp up time)


> Maybe push the phantasm reload mechanic to signet of illusions or something else. Many possibiltys.


> In general when talking about signets , i dislike passives going on cooldown with the active. I know there is a skill - factor arround, but most signets feel like u actually never want to cast the active Effect.


> Maybe if balancing was done , all signets ( including other classes ) could have there passive Effect ongoin. (traits Related to this would need changes too)


> Now moving on to your changes.


> Signet of humility would make thr mirage think twice if he would tale jaunt ( sword ambush + IH removin 8 stab ) , on the other Side reducing stuns etc is quite powerfull too, but cant be seen a lot in the heat of a fight.


> Love glamour changes, finally a good source of Resistance. Probably too strong though - 10 sec aoe resistance on 100% boon Duration is insane.

> Would be nerfed down to 2 seconds probably.


> Decoy seems cool. Fits a deception - Themed playstyle. Cool change.


> Mirror images seems to be weired. Why dont spawn the Rogue from the very begining?


> Flat cooldown reduction on illusion Skills with illusions signet would be broken for some Skills.


> - illusion traitline + traited scepter = 2,75 CD on scepter 2 :s

> Probably no further cooldown reduction needed, but rather tweak some illusion skills (torch 5 as biggest example on a 30 sec CD)


> If u want the reduction to stay make it percentage - 10% probably. ( thats 50% reduction for traited weapons + illusion Traitline) alacrity is a Thing here. - probably still too strong.


> Condi mesmer would still take domination signet probably, cause in raids and other high end pve content u would have no better options.


> In wvw and PvP those condi signets arent a Problem ; we Take sustain utilitys There ; blink, Portal, veil, cleanse mantra ...etc.


> Overall ; i always love changes


I think problem for healing signet to work , if mesmer has 3 illusion , the healing is actually pretty good . but outside pve boss . that hardly happen . and for boss fight , we often use signet to reset our cd anyway . this made the healing from it into a weird position .

better adjust heal for 1 and 2 illusion . less heal increase for 3 illusions .


tbh the cc duration reduce itself either be not noticeable or op . i prefer something less passive when its related to cc .we already have so many auto proc to pretend cc now .

for nullfield traited effect , right now you can do that with two skills + GM + 100% boon duration for 8s aoe resistance and superspeed . resistance duration can be reduced to 3-4s if its too strong . but i feel given nullfield itself isnt that strong even with my buff , its justified for a clear purpose - anti boon and condi . also it applies around mesmer not nullfield . we its strong we could limited radius too unlike current version we can't do that .


for mirror images ,it is stunbreak i want to keep that instant active effect but we can't have phant on instant for balance reasons especially its iRogue which is highest burst dmg phant we have .


> Flat cooldown reduction on illusion Skills with illusions signet would be broken for some Skills.


> - illusion traitline + traited scepter = 2,75 CD on scepter 2 :s

with that heavy invest i really won't consider scepter op in any game mode .

but yeah this one has most potential to be op .

if that's a problem . i guess it can be just 2s cd reduce for phant skills .i personally feel percentage reduction is stronger for anything that has more than 10s cd .

10% cd reduction is ok too .


signet of domination problem i figure that maybe make the buff only affect mesmer itself , the power gain doesn't transport to iduelists . so for condi mesmer , you can stil use this but the damage gain isn't that much . so anet could balance around mesmer weapon abilities and traits without worrying about that free 180 condition damage .

and also , with this change , signet of domination may see use in pvp. it would work like a minor moa gank with 450 power 3s stun.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> You should be careful crafting very OP stuff because people might not read on and see any good ideas.


generally number can be changed for more balanced version . like signet of domination changes seems to be too much power .

two things i posted that i considered to be op are signet of illusion changes and mirror images changes.


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I will go for the minor and few major tweaks of the following:

CD's and other effects are same if not specified.


Signet of Domination

Increase condition or power damage by 180, whichever is higher.


Signet of Midnight

Increase condition duration, grants a 25% chance to blind attacker when stuck.


Signet of Illusion

Next attack on you after dodge is transfered to your illusion. ICD of 10.


Signet of Ether

Heal by percent of your health based on number of active clones you have every second.

0 illusions - 1.5%

1 illusion - 2%

2 illusion - 2.5%

3 illusions - 3%

( with assumption of 22000 health you will be healed by 330, 440, 550, 660 HPS, in addition it's not affected by healing power)


Signet of humilation

Reduce duration of incoming stuns,dazes, fears ,taunts and increase duration of stuns, dazes, fears, taunts you apply.



Passive - When stuck by ability, copy that ability for personal use.

Active - Use copyed ability on your enemy.

CD 25s


Arcane Thievery

Send three conditions you have to your foe, steal three of their boons and one. Steal three additional boons if target is inactive when used.


Illusion of Life

Cast Illusion of life on yourself and closest allies around you, while under effect your health cant get lower then 1 for next 15 seconds.

CD of 60.


Sword 3

Swap your position with your foe, immobilizing them and spawning a clone at the starting location.





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