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The fear of losing traits and skills I love

Black Storm.6974

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ArenaNet, by removing skills and traits, make me feel in fear of losing what I love about my profession.


Years ago they removed the elite skill “Plague”, I loved it and its uses. Now I can no longer use it and instead I have Plaguelands, a skill that I hate almost to the point I can’t use it.


Recently Vampiric Rituals (trait) was removed too, and I’m really in fear for my current favourite trait: Signets of Suffering.


Please ArenaNet, stop removing traits and skills, eventually change them a bit instead (let them be similar in what they provide, at least), and if you want to develop new things, add them instead of replacing the old ones.

There are missing skills for several types of skills, traits can be added with Elite Specializations.


I’d really appreciate that. Thank you.

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Sometime removing a skill/trait is good for the profession, it's just that what replace them isn't always a good for the profession. Technically replacing the elite transformations is a good move just like replacing _vampiric ritual_ was a good move. The fact that what replaced them was disapointing is what feed your fear, not the removal.


Personally, if they just make signet passive while in shroud baseline, I'll be more than happy to see the trait being removed. After all, I don't think that the trait focussing on improving the passive effects of the signet is an intelligent design (the previous version of the trait that allowed signet's active to corrupt boon on use was a lot more dynamic design), just like I hate how all 4 minions traits are focused on buffing their passive effect. From my point of view, this is bad design.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Sometime removing a skill/trait is good for the profession, it's just that what replace them isn't always a good for the profession. Technically replacing the elite transformations is a good move just like replacing _vampiric ritual_ was a good move. The fact that what replaced them was disapointing is what feed your fear, not the removal.


> Personally, if they just make signet passive while in shroud baseline, I'll be more than happy to see the trait being removed. After all, I don't think that the trait focussing on improving the passive effects of the signet is an intelligent design (the previous version of the trait that allowed signet's active to corrupt boon on use was a lot more dynamic design), just like I hate how all 4 minions traits are focused on buffing their passive effect. From my point of view, this is bad design.


About the Signet trait. Personally I find really fun how the cooldown reduction works. If ArenaNet will remove it, I doubt the active effects of Signets will ever be as effective, even if they would buff them a bit.


Anyway, even after years, I’m finding very hard to adapt to how the control is so centred on the developer side, in MMORPGs (GW2 is the only one I play).

Sometimes I need to come back to Skyrim, where I can have almost total control over skills, perks and balance, and none can take away what I find fun to play. Here, at any time the developers could take away things I enjoy, giving things I can’t play in return.


I’m glad they are generally light on balancing PvE, otherwise I don’t think I could play it (and than GW2), just like I’m staying away from PvP and WvW now.

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The won't remove the signet trait. They have put too much effort into reworking it recently and this rework was on their list for years. A few years ago they said they plan to move it to master tier. Nobody would have thought it would take this long.


In addition removing it would cause a huge mess for no reason, because it would require huge buffs or even reworks of the signet skills. Untraited not a single one of them is viable currently.


But in general it is always a good idea to have a backup build ready for unforeseen balance trash. That's how I handle it. I play signet reaper most of the time but I have an alternative blood magic (instead of spite) based build, that's less fun and has a few more counters, but I could switch to it and just move on, when they decide to finally kill the signet mechanic with further nerfs.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose”.


Thank you. I’m doing that already and I find it to be a generally good advise, but in the meantime (that could last forever) these fears affect my life.


I think a bit more stability of the environment could help (not only myself) . It is something ArenaNet could easily provide here.


I think many people stopped playing (it could not be a problem, surely not for everyone) cause of how ArenaNet took away things they enjoyed. Anyway, as someone else said answering to me, ArenaNet also added things many people are enjoying, by reworking Specializations, but I think they are also replacing things that could be fine with small adjustments (if any at all).

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