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Why do they not fix engi?


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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> Well, Anet made the statement that they even liked the grenade holo build that has emerged, so I shamelessly picked that build up myself and I have to say that I have a blast playing with and against it.


> That so many people are complaining about holo is beyond me while I am facing daredevils which are literally evading for 10 seconds without any downtime while applying conditions on you constantly.


Yes, a lot of things are non-interactive. It's why this game isn't a good PvP game.

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Nothing like fighting a holo, doing well, and having them elixir stealth, invuln, and superspeed away only to come back and turret stun bomb you while repeatedly nuking you with grenades or knocking you back and stunning you with shield and nuking you with the other 20 high damaging attacks.


Yes, grenade spam is a definite problem and applies to far more than just holo. I don't see them making any adjustments to the holo traitline and imagine it will always be a jack of all trades with everything in its toolkit, but it would be nice if they didn't have the option to just spam high damage aoe attacks (that also apply a fairly high amount of conditions). And to the people saying the conditions are negligible because they're not running a condi-focused build, they still matter. There's no reason someone should have to face that kind of damage ontop of multiple stacks of bleed that trickle down health, blind that reduces your offensive abilities, chill, and poison that reduces your healing. Not just poison but 9 stacks of poison.


But there's really no point in complaining about it. They clearly have no interest in ever touching this class or seemingly any interest in addressing balance concerns.


If you have one on the other team, my advice is just to play something that completely counters them like condi mirage (assuming they're just nade spamming monkeys relying on build carry and get confused by too many clones), or some kind of necro build. Unfortunately a top level player playing this build will likely win no matter what, but if they're just playing fotm then you have a decent chance to beat them with counter-cheese and make them rage quit.

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90% of "top players" are all just holo/decap scrapper abusers. that should give some indictation that there's something wrong with the spec.

Everyone is just another grenade spammer, sorry to crush the ego of high rated pvpers.


Grenade kit #2 paired with explosive entrance can easily hit up to 10k which is just ridiculous given its single digit CD. Grenade barrage can do up to 10k on its own WITHOUT explosive entrance. Ya very nice.

Explosive entrance in general is busted, the fact it hits like a truck (free 3-4k damage) and blinds, and can daze, with no cd, and can be pre charged.

Corona burst still crits up to 5k btw, very balanced.

Photon Forge should have a longer cd than 5 sec given they nerfed druid's CA cd and several other transform timers.


And now the stupid decap scrapper crap.

Throw mine is the most obnoxious skill ever, stripping stab and pushing people off the point every 15sec. Ya thats REALLY fun to fight. Especially paired with flamethrower #3 and shield 4. Balance team must have had 15 fireballs the day they balanced engi last time.



Nerf explosive entrance

Nerf grenade 2 and grenade barrage

Nerf Corona Burst

Nerf throw mine

buff prime light beam to do dmg again tho tyvm


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