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WvW Veteran & Guilds : Tell us your story.


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Thema for lulz :

"You are a veteran player and you dislike a particular wvw server. Tell your story to fill Anet's Legendary Vial of Powerfull Rage & Tears. Explain us why and what happened. Finally show us on the doll where did they touch you."



WvW Veteran Players and Guilds : Tell us your story. (PS Match up thread are not allowed - Naming & Shaming are not allowed either)

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I am rank 7,000 and I end up hating every server I get matched up with. At first I pointed my finger at them specifically then I just realized no matter who I am pitted up against I am going to hate them eventually. It’s been cathartic to come to this perspective. I no longer even consider the names of the servers and I am not as mean to the dead enemy. I just refer to them as green, red, or blue as I turned off name plates too.

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Um.. hello... um.. my name is Ted...

The server I'm on is very religious, and also, very mean.

They don't like it when I show up with my bear who's name is Baloo.

They won't invite me to a squad.

When I sneak into a squad they tend to give me the boot without warning or excuse.

When I follow them around without the squad then tend to port somewhere else which I find out later to be another borderland without warning.

Did I really offend them that much that they ran to another map?

We have a guy who criticizes everyone and everything.

And yet he will not lead by example.

How are the rest of us suppose to learn then?

It is very stressful playing on this server.

I feel better for getting this all off my chest.

Thank you for listening to my thoughts.


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