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Latency Has Rendered the Game Unplayable

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Has anyone found a way around the latency issues? After all my years of playing GW2 it's never been this bad.


Immediately after logging in I get multiple pop-ups of the "Log in server" error, and then the game just inevitably loses connection; it either crashes to character select or the world "freezes" in perpetual motion forever. I gave up trying to pvp because I keep losing connection in the map and getting flagged as a deserter, and any PvE just leaves you dead. So... I'm going to have to shelve the game for a while until this gets addressed. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I'm going to add in to a literal example : For months now, the Desert Highland map is absolutely GHASTLY latency wise. Every 3 seconds, you lag for 5 seconds. It makes any fight completely unfair. All you see on the map chat on that map is "lag" "Is the lag only me or global ?" "Damn lag" "Uber lag". At that point, what do you need to take action ? Something is -broken- on that map.

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The issue isn’t affecting all players or at least on the NA side. Your best course of action is to find the server IP’s that are causing issues, run a traceroute or use pingplotter, and share that data with Anet.


Another option you could do in the meantime is put all of your graphics settings to the lowest value and especially the character model limit. See if that helps in case the issue isn’t network related.


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