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New god of war?

Torn Fierceslash.6375

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> @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> small note that maybe an idea for the discussion here. What did Balthazar use to ignite sohothin, if he was stripped of his power like kormir said., she first tells stripped of godhood, but later on tells about stripped of power.


> Did sohothin ignite because it was firegodmagic from balthazar, or was it just magic and sohothin ignited because it transformed that any magic into fire.

Balthazar probably wasn't entirely powerless. He was weakened enough that he no longer had power on the level of the other gods, but he still had some power. If he didn't, how would he possibly kill all those White Mantle while in Lazarus's disguise? However, he didn't have enough power to free himself from the chains, but enough to reignite the sword and he probably opened the portal Rytlock used to leave the Mists himself. One thing that kind of confuses me is why that portal would release Rytlock out into the jungle, and why if Balthazar left afterwards, he didn't emerge in the same place.

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> @Rognik.2579 said:

> If he didn't, how would he possibly kill all those White Mantle while in Lazarus's disguise?

That was after he munched an entire bloodstone, though. That alone would presumably make him one of the most magically powerful beings on Tyria, independent of whatever he had before.


> @Rognik.2579 said:

> One thing that kind of confuses me is why that portal would release Rytlock out into the jungle, and why if Balthazar left afterwards, he didn't emerge in the same place.

If he can freely open portals, and was able to send Rytlock exactly where he needed to be, then it stands to reason both that he can control the portal's destination and that he could reroute it to where he wanted to go once Rytlock was through. (Or open a second portal for himself; if memory serves, we never actually see him follow Rytlock through, just stand in front of the portal while his armor reformed.)


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WE ARE THE NEW GODS. The massive power creep we now have access to after paying $$ for it, has us more power ful than anything anet can throw at us. 1) All of our skills are AoE (piercing, melee, fields). 2) One skill does 50,000 different things + 1 shot ability + instant cast. 3) Anet helps us focus on our true incarnations while only allowing certain weapons, traits, and skills to be much much much much more powerful than most of our abilities. Heck, we are so powerful that the hardest PvE content is a breeze and PvP is basicly God vs God, cause definitely GvG cannot stand for Guild vs Guild (LIKE IN GUILD WARS). I mean our armor stats havn't caught up yet, since we are still very squishy to our god like damage, but im sure before Guild Wars 2 implodes, we will reach an equilibrium between our survivability and damage (doubt it actually LUL)

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