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Best profession for WvW leveling


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Hi, I set myself a goal to make the legendary armor. I've got almost everything I need to make a full set including the three full sets of ascended but still need the 6k+ skirmish tickets. After the PoF release and the recent scourge nerf, what is better for WvW leveling roaming or zerging and which profession would you say is #1? Thanks for your input!

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Assuming you have a very large zerg that is winning its fights (like you own smc on ebg and its just running side-side):

Zerging and probably still scourge since it has the largest aoe, a high target cap, and the most aoe uptime.


If you have a large zerg and it isn't winning fights:

Then probably roaming, for which you just want to be mobile, competent, and have a ranged weapon. Thief.....mesmer....warrior....anything really will work with the right build.

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> Assuming you have a very large zerg that is winning its fights (like you own smc on ebg and its just running side-side):

> Zerging and probably still scourge since it has the largest aoe, a high target cap, and the most aoe uptime.


> If you have a large zerg and it isn't winning fights:

> Then probably roaming, for which you just want to be mobile, competent, and have a ranged weapon. Thief.....mesmer....warrior....anything really will work with the right build.


I should add: i have all professions at 80 and been playing a mix of them all since shortly after launch but mostly necro and ranger.

Is necro still as good since the recent nerfs?

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> @Prophet.1584 said:

> > @Cerby.1069 said:

> > Assuming you have a very large zerg that is winning its fights (like you own smc on ebg and its just running side-side):

> > Zerging and probably still scourge since it has the largest aoe, a high target cap, and the most aoe uptime.

> >

> > If you have a large zerg and it isn't winning fights:

> > Then probably roaming, for which you just want to be mobile, competent, and have a ranged weapon. Thief.....mesmer....warrior....anything really will work with the right build.


> I should add: i have all professions at 80 and been playing a mix of them all since shortly after launch but mostly necro and ranger.

> Is necro still as good since the recent nerfs?


It still has the boon corrupts. Focus on that and any fair fights you lose you will at least have control over on how to improve. Few classes can do that because they do not contribute as much ratio wise compared to the rest of the zerg.

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