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Thank you Anet for nerfing Palawa Joko :)


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For weeks we have been under his mercy, choked by his sand magic and tormented with his corruption.


But now ... HE CAN BLEED, He can be killed, The Scourge of Vabbi is mortal.


But we were mistaken, That was not the king, That was just an Avatar which embodied the soul of the hailed King Joko the Inevitable, But apparently the royal soul has abandoned this avatar, that is why we were able to kill him.


Rejoice for our suffering has ended, I wonder if the Mad King has a hand in the matter ....


Jokes Aside :) , WvW is now yet again enjoyable, This reset was the best in weeks since the release of PoF, We can go melee now instead of the horrible Pirate ship play style without the fear of dying in just 4 seconds :)


Thank you Anet.

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I liked last week better....lol. But whatever. The Meta will never be where I want it to be. I just take pleasure in the diversity we get from the standard guardian bunker spammage of old and of new....just back and forth from guardian to something else....back to guardian....back to something else. Safe to say Guardians got their feet firmly stuck in the door till the house falls down.

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> @Juba.8406 said:

> Jokes Aside :) , WvW is now yet again enjoyable, This reset was the best in weeks since the release of PoF, We can go melee now instead of the horrible Pirate ship play style without the fear of dying in just 4 seconds :)


How exactly are you going melee with all the spellbreaker bubbles that mean sure death by CC if you are inside them? Am I missing somenthing?



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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Juba.8406 said:

> > Jokes Aside :) , WvW is now yet again enjoyable, This reset was the best in weeks since the release of PoF, We can go melee now instead of the horrible Pirate ship play style without the fear of dying in just 4 seconds :)


> How exactly are you going melee with all the spellbreaker bubbles that mean sure death by CC if you are inside them? Am I missing somenthing?


Its not Full Boons Corruption, Getting boons ripped is not the end of life.


And actually Boons gets reapplied faster than ripped, SB bubble is on 90s cooldown and lasts for 10s , now compare that with pre nerfed Scourge.



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> @Juba.8406 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @Juba.8406 said:

> > > Jokes Aside :) , WvW is now yet again enjoyable, This reset was the best in weeks since the release of PoF, We can go melee now instead of the horrible Pirate ship play style without the fear of dying in just 4 seconds :)

> >

> > How exactly are you going melee with all the spellbreaker bubbles that mean sure death by CC if you are inside them? Am I missing somenthing?


> Its not Full Boons Corruption, Getting boons ripped is not the end of life.


> And actually Boons gets reapplied faster than ripped, SB bubble is on 90s cooldown and lasts for 10s , now compare that with pre nerfed Scourge.




If it's one spellbreaker you're 100 percent correct but most of the guilds I see on a regular basis are running 5-10 spellbreakers so there's almost no downtime on Winds being up at some position in the fight. This becomes particularly difficult to deal with in any sort of narrow terrain where it's virtually impossible to move out of Winds once it goes up. The thing about Winds is not just that it rips your boons it's that it also prevents reapplication while inside the bubble. 10s of no stab or resi is more than enough to get anyone killed but it usually only takes 2 or 3s to start generating singles. I'm not saying that scourge wasn't overtuned. It was. I'm just saying that SBs are still going to make pushing rough.

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As a necro main, it was painfull situation when you saw in group 40% of players play scourge just shade spam, it was too strong, now dps is normal, but barries as support must be better, its crap now. But worst thing on that situation, they killed pve scourge, dunno what exactly balance team doing...

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> @intox.6347 said:

> As a necro main, it was painfull situation when you saw in group 40% of players play scourge just shade spam, it was too strong, now dps is normal, but barries as support must be better, its crap now. But worst thing on that situation, they killed pve scourge, dunno what exactly balance team doing...


The scourge nerf was for their ability to lockdown a point in sPvP, nothing more. The collateral damage was that Necro is once again trash tier in PvE and is back to the "focus the Necro" meta in sPvP. Necros only home is WvW.

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