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returning player havent played in years


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> @"ghostface.1279" said:

> hello guys, im just returning to gw2, boosted my warrior to lvl 80 and wondering what is the best way to get geared for WvW fast and without too much pve content ? thanks alot

Depends on what you consider geared. Exotics will do you okay until you get Ascended, but that will take a while if you don't have a lot of gold or mats lying around. I'd say your first should be either using the trading post or karma (look up which temples in Orr sell the exotics with stats you want for starters if you want something cheap) to get the exotics you want. From that point, there's multiple ways to work up towards Ascended, including playing WvW (though getting grandmaster marks purely through WvW gameplay will take a while). If you want Ascended fast, you want to craft or grind gold to buy the mats you want. If you can stomach it, Fractals are also an option, though that's more PvE content than you probably care for.


Use sources like the wiki and GW2efficiency to plan out what ascended set you want to go for, and work your way up from there. Overall, I'd say be patient, and just focus on getting it piece by piece. Also take advantage of the fact that Ascended trinkets, which are a substantial amount of your stats, can be bought purely through tickets and Memories of Battle via the Skirmish Supervisor. Good luck.

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Best way to gear for WvW is probably to just play WvW and do the armor/weapon reward track to earn the exotics you want. Buy the trinkets from the Trading Post then get ascended over time.


It won’t be the last gear you earn but is enough to get started. Everything else is build and skill.

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a) Buy exotic gear/weapon/rings/accesories from Trading post


b) Do 3x daily fractals (low lvs) , for 2 days for the Pristine Fractal Relics . Then buy 2x Ascended Rings from the Fractal Vendor (be careful , they shouldn't have the same name - they don't stack)


You can change their stats , in the Mystic Toilet:)



c) Each time you login you get a chest , keep the ''Laurel'' and don't try to spent them . At the end of the month you could buy 1x Ascended Accesory as long as you have 50x Ectoplasm ( 22silver x 50 ecto = 11 gold) + 40 Laurel from the WvWvW vendor (be careful , they shouldn't have the same name) .


If you want to speed it up and get the second Accesory in the same month , do 2-3 Ranked matches (when the Leaderboard is ON) in PvP every day


d) Try to lvl up Blacksmithing and craft an Ascended Weapon (300-400 gold total cost)

Or theres a questline ? An achivement from a a story where you could get a free weapon ? Try to ask around


Tip: you can skip the last step (d) and ask around what is the best /affordable ''food/buffs'' for WvWvW is





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