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Kittymarks - The derpy girl's comprehensive benchmark

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> > > > If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?

> > >

> > > Better comparison would be brand-new wheels and wheels that have been driven 6000 miles with.

> > >

> > > E: fixed the number of miles since outside nordic countries, 3000 miles would have been very low mileage for tires.

> >

> > Sorry I don't see the analogy.

> >

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > > > > > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > > > > > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > > > > > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > > > > > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > > > > > > > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > > > > > > > See the difference?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?

> > > > >

> > > > > and yet to drive fast you need good reflexes not to kill someone, so slower but more reliable one can be better for you

> > > >

> > > > I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> > > > If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?

> > >

> > > that doesn't work here, Kitty's builds allow her to complete raids and kill bosses while you make comparison like something here is broken, it isn't

> >

> > Kitty's builds allow her to be AFK as long as the other 9 people are capable of killing the boss.

> >

> > A car with square wheels will allow you to drive, just not as effectively as a normal car.

> >

> > How about a W-A-S-D keypad instead of steering wheel? Nothing "broken" with that.


> You are entitled to your personal opinion even if it's motivated by misguided bias and factually wrong. If you don't find Kitty's work of value to you, feel free not to use her builds. Clearly you are not the target of her work.



Just as expected from you, changing the subject when presented with a question which you do not like the answer to. ;)

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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> Just as expected from you, changing the subject when presented with a question which you do not like the answer to. ;)


While we're at it, Kitty still doesn't remember seeing any answers to her question (except "those builds aren't even worth testing 'cause they are just bad") as all the criticizing peoples like to change the subject or ignore it.

And the question was: if Kitty didn't test and list her results of testing not-that-effective builds and weapon combos, then who would?

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > Just as expected from you, changing the subject when presented with a question which you do not like the answer to. ;)


> While we're at it, Kitty still doesn't remember seeing any answers to her question (except "those builds aren't even worth testing 'cause they are just bad") as all the criticizing peoples like to change the subject or ignore it.

> And the question was: if Kitty didn't test and list her results of testing not-that-effective builds and weapon combos, then who would?


I do not recall unanswered questions that were directed towards me, if I missed any I'll gladly answer, but I'm not here to answer every single question in this 7 page post.


To answer your last question: Probably no-one, maybe someone, in the end it wouldn't matter because you said it yourself, they are "not-that-effective". People tent to not test builds/rotation that are knows to be flawed to begin with unless they have a specific purpose.

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who said that the good car is faster?


in which one you and others would be safer: one with high standards with airbags and break systems incase someone runs infront of your car and all the measures which are in a modern one, or just a old one?`


if you are an exp. driver, it probably doesn't matter as much. traaaaaansition.


are all players exp? with which one they will be probably better? in a 100% optimized build on wich they perform less or with some build which is not optimized and they perform less?


also big note here: qT and SC builds are optimized on eachother. are kittys builds? just with the warrior example: right now you don't maintain 100% might, because there are other sources within the meta. therefore the warrior gets a fairly good increase which wouldn't be possible if someone else wouldn't sacrefice a bit of their own dmg. but the gain on warr is just better then the other way arround.


is kitty ontop of groupplay? is she the one with most popularity so all builds go hand in hand when you play in pugs?

i think not.



edit: to finally answer your question related to the builds which are not shown. they are tested. just not published. see the difference?

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > Just as expected from you, changing the subject when presented with a question which you do not like the answer to. ;)


> While we're at it, Kitty still doesn't remember seeing any answers to her question (except "those builds aren't even worth testing 'cause they are just bad") as all the criticizing peoples like to change the subject or ignore it.

> And the question was: if Kitty didn't test and list her results of testing not-that-effective builds and weapon combos, then who would?


The answer is: most people aren't dissatisfied with you testing not-that-effective builds and weapon combos but rather with how little effort or quality of testing went/goes in. While at the same time pushing and declaring these test as somewhat useful or representative.


The correct approach would have been:


A.) more effort in showing the off meta builds and how they can perform with ideally video evidence of them working and not getting carried. Most builds will work if the other 9 people pick up the slack. That's not new knowledge since there has been low man runs and sub gear runs for bosses.




B.) a more humble approach as far as your own performance and the significance of these benchmarks. Something along the lines of:" this is what I was able to get out of following builds. How do other people feel about them?" with the aim to get a dialoge started.


Slapping on some off meta gear/build and giving the golem 10 minutes of tries or killing a boss as last dps is NOT something worthy of getting called a benchmark.

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> @skarpak.8594 said:

> edit: to finally answer your question related to the builds which are not shown. they are tested. just not published. see the difference?


And when Kitty asked them that for ex. qT would publish them, Subi said something like publishing the test results of "trash builds" isn't worth it. But we still have lots of peoples who would actually like to see the difference between trash builds and metabuilds, for curiosity if not for anything else. Makes Kitty wonder why they don't want to publish the results of such? Because they want people to stick to metabuilds?


Tbh, if they did publish the test results for such, Kitty wouldn't need to re-invent the wheel worse by testing and posting her own. And Kitty actually even asked better people to test those builds out a bit to get some better relevant results in Reddit...but all she got was so massive wave of toxicity that GW2-sub mods had to calm it down a bit. And certain qT-members were quite vocal in that thread.

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > edit: to finally answer your question related to the builds which are not shown. they are tested. just not published. see the difference?


> And when Kitty asked them that for ex. qT would publish them, Subi said something like publishing the test results of "trash builds" isn't worth it. But we still have lots of peoples who would actually like to see the difference between trash builds and metabuilds, for curiosity if not for anything else. Makes Kitty wonder why they don't want to publish the results of such? Because they want people to stick to metabuilds?


> Tbh, if they did publish the test results for such, Kitty wouldn't need to re-invent the wheel worse by testing and posting her own. And Kitty actually even asked better people to test those builds out a bit to get some better relevant results in Reddit...but all she got was so massive wave of toxicity that GW2-sub mods had to calm it down a bit. And certain qT-members were quite vocal in that thread.


As per qT disclaimer. They only publish what they, as a speed running guild, feel is worthy of publishing. Writing and posting guides on their webpage does take time you know? But if they deem it not worth the effort. They don’t.


If I start writing a book, but halfway through decide it just reads badly, should I spend time and money on publishing it, because “some” people might like it?


It all comes down to: run whatever cele-bunker-whatever build you want. As long as you’re “contributing”, this is key, no one will care.


If someone takes your 20k dps build. Runs it to perfection and can consistently carry his weight. It’ll be their choice whether they want to stick to a safer/easier build, or buy that porshe and see if they like going a bit faster, at the risk of crashing and burning every now and then.


For example, I’m trying to improve on weaver in instanced content. I know ele quite well in general as I play and like to experiment with builds myself, however, whenever I feel like it’s better to take that hp trait, to stay alive longer, or even go tempest if I’m having a bad day or the pugs suck. I will. But only because I know the class, the traits and how I can build my ele to go full dps or play safe.


Class and encounter knowledge always comes up on top.

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I think people dont care much about off meta. I brought up condi holosmith in my last post, and I have top dps'd several w4 bosses with it including Deimos. So it's not impossible to use off meta builds and still contribute. The problem I see here is that judging by kitty's videos, it's a combination of an off meta build along with _selfish_ play that facetanks and ignores mechanics in order to reach reasonable dps numbers.


What exp raiders realise is that more you understand your class and encounters, the more room you have to experiment and run off meta builds without sacrificing overall group performance. While Kitty may be able to play these builds and clear raids, it relies on other people to run meta builds and play team oriented styles in order to compensate. If everyone in the group ran with similar builds and especially a similar mindset, then that group would not be able to complete the content. That's why even though on the surface level, Kitty does fine, that people are claiming she is getting carried.


That's why it's kind of bad to push these builds onto prospective raiders as is. At least IMO.

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > edit: to finally answer your question related to the builds which are not shown. they are tested. just not published. see the difference?


> And when Kitty asked them that for ex. qT would publish them, Subi said something like publishing the test results of "trash builds" isn't worth it. But we still have lots of peoples who would actually like to see the difference between trash builds and metabuilds, for curiosity if not for anything else. Makes Kitty wonder why they don't want to publish the results of such? Because they want people to stick to metabuilds?


> Tbh, if they did publish the test results for such, Kitty wouldn't need to re-invent the wheel worse by testing and posting her own. And Kitty actually even asked better people to test those builds out a bit to get some better relevant results in Reddit...but all she got was so massive wave of toxicity that GW2-sub mods had to calm it down a bit. And certain qT-members were quite vocal in that thread.


Why would anyone bother with builds that are trash?

The difference between qT member that are benchmarking and you is simple: even if it's a trash build, they would still theorycraft it. I mean legit. Not just 8 trys and yadda yadda. I'm not sure but we waited 5 or more days to see the BM for post PoF.

Also you use the same gear for every class w/o checking if something overcaps, like CDur. I mean if you would use a better excuse than "poor kitty can't affort" I'd let life.


Another point is, at least for me, the big theory crafters play this game for years, probably since beta. You on the other hand play since a little over a year.


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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> If you hint at the 6 guides Kitty's written on her site, 4/6 of them are outdated. If you point at videos, they only show what rotation and stuff Kitty used for her benchmarks. If she intended to make them into guide vids, she'd have included written rotation and stuff.


You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.


If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

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> @CrustyBot.3564 said:

> I think people dont care much about off meta. I brought up condi holosmith in my last post, and I have top dps'd several w4 bosses with it including Deimos. So it's not impossible to use off meta builds and still contribute. The problem I see here is that judging by kitty's videos, it's a combination of an off meta build along with _selfish_ play that facetanks and ignores mechanics in order to reach reasonable dps numbers.


> What exp raiders realise is that more you understand your class and encounters, the more room you have to experiment and run off meta builds without sacrificing overall group performance. While Kitty may be able to play these builds and clear raids, it relies on other people to run meta builds and play team oriented styles in order to compensate. If everyone in the group ran with similar builds and especially a similar mindset, then that group would not be able to complete the content. That's why even though on the surface level, Kitty does fine, that people are claiming she is getting carried.


> That's why it's kind of bad to push these builds onto prospective raiders as is. At least IMO.


All of her dps builds require 6/10 ppl to run optimised meta builds and running them at a high proficiency level. 2 competent ps wars, 2 chronos and 2 druids can easily carry 4 wannabe dps players.

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> @CrustyBot.3564 said:

> I think people dont care much about off meta. I brought up condi holosmith in my last post, and I have top dps'd several w4 bosses with it including Deimos. So it's not impossible to use off meta builds and still contribute. The problem I see here is that judging by kitty's videos, it's a combination of an off meta build along with _selfish_ play that facetanks and ignores mechanics in order to reach reasonable dps numbers.


> What exp raiders realise is that more you understand your class and encounters, the more room you have to experiment and run off meta builds without sacrificing overall group performance. While Kitty may be able to play these builds and clear raids, it relies on other people to run meta builds and play team oriented styles in order to compensate. If everyone in the group ran with similar builds and especially a similar mindset, then that group would not be able to complete the content. That's why even though on the surface level, Kitty does fine, that people are claiming she is getting carried.


> That's why it's kind of bad to push these builds onto prospective raiders as is. At least IMO.


To be accurate: people here seem to judge by Kitty's worst videos as she's not sure if anyone has mentioned or linked any of Kitty's better videos. Kitty does have such. By the way, Kitty would gladly accept some alternative team comps if people ran them and bosses still would get killed, though perhaps a bit slower. Kitty has done such before. And what do we have left of meta-DPSers without that same meta-support? Perhaps even less as while they are more effective in squad, qT does mention in more than couple of their guides that they are reliant on alacrity. Most likely even more so than Kitty's since they're calculated to accurately have as little transitions between skills as possible. More simplified rotations don't suffer from that as much as they have less to re-organize, at least according to Kitty's experience. And actually, at some bosses having some of Kitty's builds instead of meta might be helpful (like needing to range, most of metabuilds not being optimal for that).


It's also quite usual that squads do way more damage than what a boss actually requires to get the kill and have minutes left in timer. Which essentially means that the boss could be killed with less. And no, time is not as much an issue at easier bosses than people think it is. For example, everyone's favourite VG. If mechanics are properly played against, they should pose no issue even for DPS-wise weaker squad.

Greens are spawning at old area? Either chrono's moving too slow or squad fails horribly at CC-phases. Kitty hasn't had that issue after learning 20/15 sec sector timer. Metronome also helps. (write "metronome" in google and it will give you one)

Greens spawning at correct area but still get blown up? Greeners aren't doing their job properly.

Greeners got ported? Easily avoidable by off-chrono distorting or guard sharing aegis.

You don't have someone to do that? Well, it would have been safer choice to bring someone to do that. Like power or condi scepter+torch guard/DH/FB.

Breakbar attack kills people? Either use your CCs better, people bring more CC or get a CC-specialist at some expense to DPS.

Seekers kill peoples? Don't stand in the seekers and if you think they'd come into green circles, you better bring some knockbacks.

People get ported to dangerous areas? Evade/sidestep better. Those are even way easier to see than Cairn's.

People were at wrong areas during split? Pay more attention to boss HP %. If you can't see it, change it on in the settings.


Any of those were related to lack of DPS? Kitty doesn't think so.


On a random thought, Kitty noticed that people are very used to "stack in melee-range". Yush, works at some bosses, but at some it might actually be safer to have 2nd sub fighting from range at the cost of some DPS but avoiding lots of nasty melee-range mechanics. It's doesn't even affect buffing much. And no, Kitty's not speaking of just Deimos here.


**Don't mind what's below this text in this post. Kitty posted wrong video in her tiredness after pulling an all-nighter x.x' Correct video is later on this page.**


And since Kitty's known for posting bad videos, guess she could post a video of where she was doing rather well (at least in her own opinion). In the video below, Kitty's doing very well statistics-wise, though her DPS could've still been 1,5k better if she didn't do a couple bad mistakes. In last 33%, Kitty pulled 16405 cleave/13647 boss DPS (though cleave-DPS is quite irrelevant here). And note: Kitty was playing a PS-role, not DPS.




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> @Raguel.9402 said:

> You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.


> If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...


Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?


If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)


And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> >

> > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...


> Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?


> If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)


> And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.


I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.


Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.


So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.


If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

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> @Raguel.9402 said:

> > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> > >

> > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

> >

> > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

> >

> > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

> >

> > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.


> I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.


> Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.


> So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.


> If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.


I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.

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> @Raguel.9402 said:

> I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.


> Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.


> So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.


> If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.


Like Kitty mentioned in previous comment, she will write guides later. Until the, she's given a rough draft for peoples who are interested in various builds and understand the basis of the builds Kitty's videos show just by watching. So until then, the videos are indeed quite useless for newbies trying to learn the rotations. And even Kitty, despite how stubborn she is, doesn't want to give the new players keys to weaker builds without giving the information needed to understand why they work like they do and how they work and how they won't. They must be given at the same time to avoid the horror scenario and sadly that time doesn't happen before Kitty's done with 90% of her benchmarking. (which at the current rate will take a month or 2 after balance patch)

Luckily this time Kitty's farmed majority of the gears she needs for the tests so it will go a bit faster. And it prolly helps that Kitty's benchmarked 80% of them before so she doesn't need to start from 0 again to create the rotations and stuff. But even then, don't expect Kitty to pump out guides fast. It takes 2-3 hours per guide for simple build and something like condi tempest...hurr.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> > > >

> > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

> > >

> > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

> > >

> > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

> > >

> > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

> >

> > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

> >

> > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

> >

> > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

> >

> > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.


> I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.


If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)

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> @Raguel.9402 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

> > > >

> > > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

> > > >

> > > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> > > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

> > > >

> > > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

> > >

> > > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

> > >

> > > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

> > >

> > > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

> > >

> > > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

> >

> > I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.


> If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)


exactly, she progresses through raids with her builds which is the only justification ever needed

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

> > > > >

> > > > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

> > > > >

> > > > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> > > > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

> > > > >

> > > > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

> > > >

> > > > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

> > > >

> > > > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

> > > >

> > > > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

> > > >

> > > > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

> > >

> > > I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.

> >

> > If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)


> exactly, she progresses through raids with her builds which is the only justification ever needed


Correct :)

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @CrustyBot.3564 said:

> > People were at wrong areas during split? Pay more attention to boss HP %. If you can't see it, change it on in the settings.


> Any of those were related to lack of DPS? Kitty doesn't think so.


> On a random thought, Kitty noticed that people are very used to "stack in melee-range". Yush, works at some bosses, but at some it might actually be safer to have 2nd sub fighting from range at the cost of some DPS but avoiding lots of nasty melee-range mechanics. It's doesn't even affect buffing much. And no, Kitty's not speaking of just Deimos here.


> And since Kitty's known for posting bad videos, guess she could post a video of where she was doing rather well (at least in her own opinion). In the video below, Kitty's doing very well statistics-wise, though her DPS could've still been 1,5k better if she didn't do a couple bad mistakes. In last 33%, Kitty pulled 16405 cleave/13647 boss DPS (though cleave-DPS is quite irrelevant here). And note: Kitty was playing a PS-role, not DPS.





What PS role...you were Mesmer? And I know everyone enjoys a good car wreck but so....just no. I mean at times our own static raids can become a clusker f* but not at this level......hurts my eyes.

And yes, the Boss is dying and blah blah blah......but, ah, I give up. :s


(7 pages in and points still aren't seen. Kitty gonna do what a Kitty gonna do, she has 9 lives does she not?) ;)

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> And since Kitty's known for posting bad videos, guess she could post a video of where she was doing rather well (at least in her own opinion). In the video below, Kitty's doing very well statistics-wise, though her DPS could've still been 1,5k better if she didn't do a couple bad mistakes. In last 33%, Kitty pulled 16405 cleave/13647 boss DPS (though cleave-DPS is quite irrelevant here). And note: Kitty was playing a PS-role, not DPS.




The thing is why would we ever recommend running cMes like we can see in this video if we can choose from different sources with better gameplay and **useful and meaningful** skil utilization since it is the easiest class to play at VG. You don't even have to play piano or having any part of gaming hardware. I mean, you can literally click skills for cMes because you have no task (maybe "walking into greens) and stilll...there are so many mistakes in the advertised video. I was almost speechless when I took a look at it.

This video is a good example of "How to not raid if knowing the encounter and your class."!


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I think that > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > >

> > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > >

> > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > >

> > >

> > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > >

> > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> >

> > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > See the difference?


> No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.


Well the thing kinda is, no one wants lower skilled players to see a benchmarker (in this case kitty) "brute forcing" or failing mechanics and playing selfishly and thinking its ok/ that's how they should play.


I'm glad kitty is attempting to test non-meta builds to try to open the community to more than just qt's builds for viability.


But by playing like she does...idk. it might just do the opposite tbh.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

> > > > >

> > > > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

> > > > >

> > > > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> > > > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

> > > > >

> > > > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

> > > >

> > > > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

> > > >

> > > > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

> > > >

> > > > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

> > > >

> > > > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

> > >

> > > I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.

> >

> > If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)


> exactly, she progresses through raids with her builds which is the only justification ever needed


Not really, not when getting carried this obviously.


It's fine to get carried through raids and/or not bring top tier performance. Not every person will play with 1,000 apm on a perfect rotation. The difficulty is low enough to allow for errors and mediocre gameplay.


What is not fine though, is getting carried and telling others it's okay to play this way. If every person in her raid group were to adapt this mentality, they would not succeed.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

> > > > > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

> > > > > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

> > > > >

> > > > > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

> > > > >

> > > > > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

> > > >

> > > > I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.

> > >

> > > If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)

> >

> > exactly, she progresses through raids with her builds which is the only justification ever needed


> Not really, not when getting carried this obviously.


> It's fine to get carried through raids and/or not bring top tier performance. Not every person will play with 1,000 apm on a perfect rotation. The difficulty is low enough to allow for errors and mediocre gameplay.


> What is not fine though, is getting carried and telling others it's okay to play this way. If every person in her raid group were to adapt this mentality, they would not succeed.


Difficulty is subjective. You are not a target for Kitty's thread. She wants to share her way of raiding and is very welcome to do so. Noone in this game is supposed to share your way of playing. And I am pretty sure Kitty doesn't want to play with you as much as you don't want to play with her.

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