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Kittymarks - The derpy girl's comprehensive benchmark

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> @Vinceman.4572 said:

> "Kitty was 4th best DPS"


> In a setup with 5 dps classes and one dying that was better than you before it means you were the worst dps. And the dps meter shows the huge difference between the carrys of the a run.


5 DPS-classes...so DPS/support build that plays PS-like role counts as DPS but cPS doesn't?





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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @Vinceman.4572 said:

> > "Kitty was 4th best DPS"

> >

> > In a setup with 5 dps classes and one dying that was better than you before it means you were the worst dps. And the dps meter shows the huge difference between the carrys of the a run.


> 5 DPS-classes...so DPS/support build that plays PS-like role counts as DPS but cPS doesn't?


> GG.




They are going to cherrypick because you challenge their status quo. As long as you manage to kill bosses and complete instances/events everything is good!

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> @zoomborg.9462 said:

What i do find disturbing though is the skillclicking....i simply dont get it.


I still do it...its a carry over from WOW and its "clickable" UI and also I'm old and wasn't born with a keyboard in my hand. Doesn't make me a bad player though. Not the greatest, but I do just fine, raids and all. :3

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> What i do find disturbing though is the skillclicking....i simply dont get it.


> I still do it...its a carry over from WOW and its "clickable" UI and also I'm old and wasn't born with a keyboard in my hand. Doesn't make me a bad player though. Not the greatest, but I do just fine, raids and all. :3


Well, in the previous game Kitty played for 4 years intensively, there was 4 rows of skills + some extras outside skillbars. So Kitty's very used to skill-clicking on the move.


And Kitty did buy a gaming mouse 3 weeks ago, but it's still in the package as Kitty's benchmarking with what a casual player has to make sure her benchmarks are easily reachable by folks without fancy keybinds or gaming mouses. Kitty's well aware that her gameplay will improve a lot when she gets to use her fancy mouse (Logitech G502 for future reference).

Why Kitty's not using it already? 'Cause having 2 mouses on the desk would be a bother, getting used to 2 different mouses would probably make her mess up (even worse) when she'll start benchmarking again and she'll move her old mouse (that has served Kitty faithfully for 4 years without issues, a 30€ mouse that has survived thru most likely millions of clicks by now) to accompany her laptop when she's done, full-stop.

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can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

you are not benchmarking at all.


benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.


the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.



optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.



you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.


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> @skarpak.8594 said:

> can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> you are not benchmarking at all.


> benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.


> the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.



> optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.



> you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.



so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"


that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

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> @skarpak.8594 said:

> can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> you are not benchmarking at all.


> benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.


Well, in like 1/3 of cases, Kitty uses priority-based rotations which could be written into a somewhat static skillrotation, but that would mean illegally high amount of steps.


> the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

Kitty doesn't press them randomly though.

> that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.


> optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.


From Oxford dictionary: "Benchmark: A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared." And Kitty's benchmarks are set so that they should be reachable even by not-so-skilled players within a few tries with the same build. Fulfills the "point of reference against which things may be compared". Skilled, experienced players should be way above this reference and a player good enough for pug raids should reach at least the same with full ascended gears within a few tries.

Meanwhile, qT and SC provide a point of reference which skilled players with completely optimized gears and rotation should compare their damage against and possibly pull the same with dozens of tries.


In other words, Kitty's, qT's and SC's stuffs all fulfill the definition of benchmark. But if you want to argue of the definition against the most used official dictionary for english, go ahead.



> you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.


Yush, Kitty does know what is required of scientific testing. Which is why Kitty tries to keep her test environment the same for every build and also does tell about the flaws in her experiments. Kitty's even addressed her inability to pull off metarotations properly (despite having practised them for hours while she gives her own rotations max. 10 minutes which should benefit metarotations) with "deeeerp-factor".

Though is it really Kitty's fault if people don't read the info-tab? (though guess Kitty better add "Read Info-tab for test setting, flaws and other factors" to the text above her benchmarks)


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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > you are not benchmarking at all.

> >

> > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> >

> > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> >

> >

> > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> >

> >

> > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> >


> so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"


> that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds


When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

See the difference?

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no need to whiteknight here. different people can get to different results, but they still use the methods to do their stuff.


i know for sure, that SC and qT are using spreadsheets and many attempts to get their results. there is actually math behind it. have you ever seen that stuff?

i have...like when they testet kalla they reach out on what is better for yourself, but also on the group. they calculate if its better to sacrefice some of the own dps to up the ones of the group.

as example assassins precence in a power group (don't know rn how big it is for condi). that can be up to a 2k dps increase per group member. so a whooping 10k dps increase groupwise from a single trait.

or when condi warrs are using the new rev rune and druid uses stalker to get the might back. same shit.


you know...they actually test that stuff. and you know, the people who care about that shit test it too. there are many in the community who do these kinds of tests. its not just two guilds. and just because the majority copys it, doesn't mean it is a bad thing. do you run tests in real life on everything you do too? no, because people testet it? do you test your own car again after you where in inspection? no, you don't. but you will notice if there is a mistake, which the community will for sure also. remember f1 flurry on warrior.



but what stands in the room, most people are actually studying there (or are done). they know how to test, they know their methods and are mostly somewhat intelligent.


on the other side we have kitty, which calls her stuff "benchmarks", with totally random stuff in it.


again: this is NOT how you do a BENCHMARK.


i am not here to hate on kitty, tbh i couldn't care less. what i care about tho, is standards and meaning of words.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"


> that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds


It's not that they've stopped theorycrafting. qT just doesn't like to list the results of testing "trash builds" nor share them. Nor trash builds are viable. Kitty did confront qT-ppls about those in the Anet's yesterday's raid-stream's chat and Subi (one of their guidemakers and benchmarkers) pretty much did say those.


If rest of qT's top is anything similar, they only stand behind the first phrase of "Please understand that we are a speed clear guild, our opinions are based around achieving the highest DPS possible on every boss. It is not necessary to be a class nazi to kill any boss; DPS checks in Guild Wars 2 Raids are very lenient. You and your team can do the job with just about every team comp. Just because we say something is not recommended doesn’t mean it’s not viable." but otherwise encourage meta-only gameplay (like their narrowing their benchmarks and builds even further than pre-PoF shows). Makes Kitty wonder if qT really is that good thing for the GW2 community.


> @skarpak.8594 said:

> i know for sure, that SC and qT are using spreadsheets and many attempts to get their results. there is actually math behind it. have you ever seen that stuff?


Kitty's seen some and it's not like Kitty doesn't math. Before she tries a build, she also checks every skill, trait and does the math in her head ('cause Kitty's quite used to buildcrafting), also taking into account what she can realistically pull off without derping too much. Though Kitty does admit that she sometimes fails to optimize the cooldowns. 'Cause like you have seen, even despite having practised them for hours, Kitty still can't pull off metarotations properly and reliably at the golem, so she wouldn't stand a stance trying to do so in actual squad situations. There's a reason why Kitty tries to include both metarotation and her own, harder-to-fail rotations in her benchmarks as she's not the only person who struggles with playing metaworthy.


> i have...like when they testet kalla they reach out on what is better for yourself, but also on the group. they calculate if its better to sacrefice some of the own dps to up the ones of the group.

> as example assassins precence in a power group (don't know rn how big it is for condi). that can be up to a 2k dps increase per group member. so a whooping 10k dps increase groupwise from a single trait.

> or when condi warrs are using the new rev rune and druid uses stalker to get the might back. same kitten.


Kitty's well-aware of that and when she presented her condi mightbot herald as an alternative for cPS in non-optimized groups ('cause Assassin's Presence is stronger than Empower Allies in full raid setting ~6% vs ~4% boost) while also helping chronos keep up their quickness and perhaps changing to way more offensive setup (like full zerker's) and other squadmates keep up other boons, qT-ppls got yet another laugh/cringe. Kitty's been somewhat successful playing with her build, but she's heard that someone tried Fennec's renegade-equivalent...with not quite fantastic results.


> you know...they actually test that stuff. and you know, the people who care about that kitten test it too. there are many in the community who do these kinds of tests. its not just two guilds. just because the majority copys it, doesn't mean it is a bad thing.


But how many test the builds Kitty tests? Do they make any well-available lists of their tests?


> but what stands in the room, most people are actually studying there (or are done). they know how to test, they know their methods and are mostly somewhat intelligent.


> on the other side we have kitty, which calls her stuff "benchmarks", with totally random stuff in it.


Gosh, rly?


> again: this is NOT how you do a BENCHMARK.


> i am not here to hate on kitty, tbh i couldn't care less. what i care about tho, is standards and meaning of words.


E: Your comments below don't sound hateful at all...

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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > >

> > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > >

> > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > >

> > >

> > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > >

> > >

> > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > >

> >

> > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> >

> > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds


> When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> See the difference?


No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.

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your interpretation of benchmark is wrong. please read some papers on it, so you actually understand, then we can continue this discussion.

just reading up the definition is not enough on that topic.


else it will just stand where it is right now: your stuff is made up bullshit without any real testing behind it.


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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > >

> > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > >

> > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > >

> > >

> > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > >

> > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> >

> > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > See the difference?


> No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.


If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?


Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?

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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > > >

> > > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > > >

> > > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > > >

> > > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> > >

> > > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > > See the difference?

> >

> > No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.


> If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?


> Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?


and yet to drive fast you need good reflexes not to kill someone, so slower but more reliable one can be better for you

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > > > >

> > > > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> > > >

> > > > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > > > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > > > See the difference?

> > >

> > > No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.

> >

> > If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?

> >

> > Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?


> and yet to drive fast you need good reflexes not to kill someone, so slower but more reliable one can be better for you


I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?

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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?


Better comparison would be brand-new wheels and wheels that have been driven 6000 miles with.


E: fixed the number of miles since outside nordic countries, 3000 miles would have been very low mileage for tires.

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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > > > > >

> > > > > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> > > > >

> > > > > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > > > > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > > > > See the difference?

> > > >

> > > > No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.

> > >

> > > If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?

> > >

> > > Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?

> >

> > and yet to drive fast you need good reflexes not to kill someone, so slower but more reliable one can be better for you


> I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?


that doesn't work here, Kitty's builds allow her to complete raids and kill bosses while you make comparison like something here is broken, it isn't

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> > If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?


> Better comparison would be brand-new wheels and wheels that have been driven 6000 miles with.


> E: fixed the number of miles since outside nordic countries, 3000 miles would have been very low mileage for tires.


Sorry I don't see the analogy.


> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > > > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > > > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > > > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > > > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> > > > > >

> > > > > > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > > > > > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > > > > > See the difference?

> > > > >

> > > > > No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.

> > > >

> > > > If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?

> > > >

> > > > Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?

> > >

> > > and yet to drive fast you need good reflexes not to kill someone, so slower but more reliable one can be better for you

> >

> > I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> > If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?


> that doesn't work here, Kitty's builds allow her to complete raids and kill bosses while you make comparison like something here is broken, it isn't


Kitty's builds allow her to be AFK as long as the other 9 people are capable of killing the boss.


A car with square wheels will allow you to drive, just not as effectively as a normal car.


How about a W-A-S-D keypad instead of steering wheel? Nothing "broken" with that.

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A benchmark is a point of comparison, nothing more, nothing less. It is not always the highest point, or a high point. You could argue that if you aim for the highest, then you can only improve and get the best out of yourself, but it's simply false, some people function differently and will get demoralized if you set the bar too high. It's not about raiding at this point, it's just human psychology.


What baffles me is the number of people attacking Kitty for showing off and daring compare herself to "real" benchmarks when she never ever said she had the same goals and admit making a lot of mistakes. Yeah, Kitty, how dare you raid? You're not good enough, clearly. Shame! Shame! Shame!

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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> > > If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?

> >

> > Better comparison would be brand-new wheels and wheels that have been driven 6000 miles with.

> >

> > E: fixed the number of miles since outside nordic countries, 3000 miles would have been very low mileage for tires.


> Sorry I don't see the analogy.


> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > @Coconut.7082 said:

> > > > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > > > @skarpak.8594 said:

> > > > > > > > > can you please stop calling your videos "benchmarks"?

> > > > > > > > > you are not benchmarking at all.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > benchmarking includes testing & >optimizing< results while having a certain test enviroment...which includes certain parameters like a static skillrotation.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > the only thing you do is throw a build together which sounds good in your head and press some skills randomly at the golem.

> > > > > > > > > that is not what you can call a benchmark. its simply just a test and thats it.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > optimising (gear & rotation) is a MUST HAVE if you want to call your stuff "benchmarking".

> > > > > > > > > yes, you can benchmark builds which are not meta. simply if all the testing & optimization is done, you see what this build can do.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > you wouldn't go out in the real world and call some text you wrote a study either if it is not done by the rules & right enviroment.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > so why qt call their stuff benchmarks when day after their posts goku from SC can get better results? her stuff is as good as their, she aims for different people and shows builds none of you would ever use because you already stopped theorycrafting after HoT and whole community is like "duh, wait for qt builds and just copypaste them"

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > that's how low this community reached; it's also pretty amazing how defending people are for current status quo, like you are afraid someone can suceed in raiding and farm their stuff without using current flavour of the month builds

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > When qT posted whatever benchmark you are talking about it was the "best" benchmark of the time, then Goku improved it/made a better one.

> > > > > > > Now we already have "good" benchmarks but Kitty posts "benchmarks" a couple levels below.

> > > > > > > See the difference?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No difference here. qt would never test these builds. You are not the target of Kitty's videos.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you had 2 cars, one of which is clearly worse in every signle way, why would you "test" the worst one?

> > > > >

> > > > > Who is the target? The so called "bad players"? Should "bad players" only learn "bad builds"?

> > > >

> > > > and yet to drive fast you need good reflexes not to kill someone, so slower but more reliable one can be better for you

> > >

> > > I never said you are going to drive fast though, you are just going to drive as you normally do.

> > > If one of the cars had square wheels, would you pick that one?

> >

> > that doesn't work here, Kitty's builds allow her to complete raids and kill bosses while you make comparison like something here is broken, it isn't


> Kitty's builds allow her to be AFK as long as the other 9 people are capable of killing the boss.


> A car with square wheels will allow you to drive, just not as effectively as a normal car.


> How about a W-A-S-D keypad instead of steering wheel? Nothing "broken" with that.


You are entitled to your personal opinion even if it's motivated by misguided bias and factually wrong. If you don't find Kitty's work of value to you, feel free not to use her builds. Clearly you are not the target of her work.


> @Myhr.9108 said:

> A benchmark is a point of comparison, nothing more, nothing less. It is not always the highest point, or a high point. You could argue that if you aim for the highest, then you can only improve and get the best out of yourself, but it's simply false, some people function differently and will get demoralized if you set the bar too high. It's not about raiding at this point, it's just human psychology.


> What baffles me is the number of people attacking Kitty for showing off and daring compare herself to "real" benchmarks when she never ever said she had the same goals and admit making a lot of mistakes. Yeah, Kitty, how dare you raid? You're not good enough, clearly. Shame! Shame! Shame!


Yeah it's kinda amazing, though not unpredictable, how this minority of our community attacks Kitty for no reason just because she doesn't want to participate in their artificial world of numbers. Kitty proved she can progress through raids with her builds, it's enough of a justification.

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Honestly, her only valuable point is that her builds are working for her in her personal raiding environment.


But, and that's the thing that matters: You can't use those builds reliably for raiding in a pug or without having people that are heavily better than her because in all of those videos there were people that actually carry a big chunk of her weight which almost nobody will allow you when you are starting with raiding. I mean, we can clearly see that in those videos, it's obvious for everyone with healthy eyes.

Her builds are by no means good recommendations for people wanting to get into raids and that's the most important thing for me. I criticise such a publication in the forums pretending it would work for others as well because it just won't!

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Yeah it's kinda amazing, though not unpredictable, how this minority of our community attacks Kitty for no reason just because she doesn't want to participate in their artificial world of numbers. Kitty proved she can progress through raids with her builds, it's enough of a justification.


While I dislike shunning people for playing off meta builds, all Kitty has shown so far is: she can get carried through raids.


The performance is abysmal in her videos. Now that also does not phase me.


What does concern me though is:

Why someone would take such a bad performance to show in the first place does make me wonder though why so little effort is made in promoting off meta play. The only conclusion I've come to so far (paired with how little effort went into getting basic rotations down) is that Kitty doesn't care enough to provide better demonstration.


I'm not sure how valuable some persons benchmarks are when the minimum standard of performance is based on: I simply don't care enough to give it some proper tries.


**All most of these builds and accomplanied playstyle show is**: raids are not that hard in the first place if **this kind of player can get carried by randoms** and the entire **fuss about people getting kicked from groups for bad performance is exagerated**.

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The videos so far I suppose are a benchmark on the **lowest potential synergy and skill you can be at to get the raids done**. I would recommend them to new raiders as a reminder that Wings 1-4 are quite capable to be killed and beaten even by the weakest of comps, and what may matter is perseverance.


For anyone wanting to go the extra mile and learn the encounters through and through, having a smoother and quicker experience? I would _not recommend_ taking Kitty's advice and instead getting some appropriate raiding gear, properly stated Exotic Armor and Ascended Weapons/Trinkets for starters, and practice practice practice.


And it'll never hurt to watch a video or talk about mechanics, as I assume everyone can agree that bringing a Corrupt Boon to a boss that doesn't have boons to corrupt is pointless.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> What does concern me though is:

> Why someone would take such a bad performance to show in the first place does make me wonder though why so little effort is made in promoting off meta play.


Teapot is probably one of the best at if not promoting but at least showing that it is possible to play meme/non meta builds and still be good.

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