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Kittymarks - The derpy girl's comprehensive benchmark

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Why do you talk about yourself in third person?

As for the kitty marks, I'm not really sure what to say or think about them. Most seem to be less than great execution of existing meta-builds, which doesnt really do much more than show that raids can be completed with them(but do people really think you need 99% benchmark dps in a 10 man group?). A more interesting/useful approach for beginners would be variations of builds that take experience into account, e.g. by using other runes(mainly power), traits or rotations. It might be that there are such on your website, but it kinda gets lost in the 5 billion benchmarks

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> By the way, that was still a relatively fast run compared to many pug runs Kitty's been in. Many squads wipe at least once at Ensolyss \o/ ('cause though half of T4-pug squads are quite decent, the other half...not so much). And...Kitty's seen tons of people who dish out decent damage. And die at 50% on Siax, leading to failure 'cause lack of CC.


Doubt that. Most groups I ran with before going straight meta were better than what I've seen in the video.



> And here Kitty wanted to test how fully-ranged power mesmer would do 'cause such could be useful for greens at VG. While burst is horrible, Kitty does like how stable DPS it does at such ease. And note: the only support Kitty had was spotter 'cause that druid... anyway, Kitty does dare claim that this GS-build ish good enough for the easier raid bosses, like VG, Cairn, Sam and maybe updrafts-Gors. And it would be quite decent for Deimos.


Doesn't matter you will be kicked out of over 90% of the pug groups in the lfg for running such "weird stuff". Another big percentage of the rest will carry players with those builds because they can and don't care (marked as "free xxx boss" or something like this) and a very tiny minority would accept you like you are but the probability of being successful in those groups is very little compared to the usual raid community and if so those runs need many many many pulls which is inacceptable for getting done a fullclear within a week.


**As a raider who brings new people into raids very frequently I can only disadvise and warn people for taking this as a stepping stone into raiding!**

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> What Kitty finds quite flawed is how people think "DPS first, survivability then" while squad actually first needs to survive thru stuff to dish out that DPS. Also, it might be good to remind that dead DPS/support=heavy nerf to DPS.


And you're now highlighting another fallacy - you can't even stick to your own mantra, you are constantly going into downstate in your videos and having to be picked back up either by completely ignoring mechanics or because "I was being lazy".

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > What Kitty finds quite flawed is how people think "DPS first, survivability then" while squad actually first needs to survive thru stuff to dish out that DPS. Also, it might be good to remind that dead DPS/support=heavy nerf to DPS.



I find it funny when people say this, because my condi daredevil is always top dps in most things i run even when im constantly downstate. Simple due to the fact that when i am up, my DPS is just so much better than what most people are running.


Dead DPS is caused by bad DPS, in fractals especially. Failing mechanics, not dodging, and extending the fight longer than you need to will get you killed. I don't care how much healing power or vitality you have. The boss will eventually kill you if you fail to do the mechanics.


Why do you think there are so many Nightmare CM solos? In full dps gear. And this DPS is low for even a fractal pug. Average most of my groups hit is 10-13k per dps, and 2-5k for a support.


8k dps is what classes generally do when they have zero buffs and ok rotations.

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i just found this thread and glanced over these benchmarks pretty quickly. after seeing more dps on power reaper than condi reaper i think its safe to say this entire project is just some casual thing and shouldn't be looked on as some kind of guideline, since the data shown is unreliable or lies far from the truth.


ok as im writing this i took the time to look at some videos and i cringed hard. this certainly wont help people who want to get good.

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I'm going to try...one last time.


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> Kitty doesn't even... first of all. Kitty rarely plays with competent players 'cause she's not part of any static and her guildies aren't ready for raiding yet. Kitty always pugs, both for T4 and raids and sadly, average pug skill level isn't quite what you'd call competent.


This is something you have at least some control over though, you can choose to make your own party with above average requirements. Make your own squad with above average requirements. Kill proof such as titles for certain fractals (The Unclean for 99...The Archdesigner/Leaves no Hero Behind for 100). For raids there is ofcourse Legendary Insight amount of 100/150/200 or more....or if you're not fond on LI because it could be faked with chat codes, there are also titles for raids (Demon's Demise/The Eternal). You can ask for weapon skins/armor skins/mini's. This can all be done to at least slightly guarantee that you get competent players.


If by any chance you have no desire to do any of this to ensure the quality of your party goes up then you have no right to complain, settling for mediocrity or worse because you don't want to do some quality control is no excuse to complain about the quality of your team members because you're allowing this situation to happen. Plus, seeing your videos, i don't know how to bring it to you...but your tries are RIFE with errors and yourself straight up ignoring mechanics. I'm not quite sure how you're faring any better then other members in your party/squad.


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> By the way, you said that Kitty's played metabuilds in 90% of her vids. Guess what? You're correct! To be frank, Kitty's even spent a couple hours on each of the metabuilds trying to hone the rotation but she always forgets some step and messes it up if the rotations get any complicated. Like, Kitty tried condireaper rotation for hours. She got it pulled off without mistakes 3 times in like 20 full runs (and Kitty didn't even count how many times she straight up killed golem and retried before halfway).


Only a couple of hours for each metabuild is way too little. You shouldn't even be surprised at this, even if you did do more then just a few hours if you really want to get something remembered all the way down to muscle memory you can, no...should, expect to put in at least a few days per rotation to get the feeling in your fingers. Learning to play the piano for instance is the same, there are extremely simplified melodies that are specifically made for teaching. But even those need to be practiced daily in the beginning if you want to be able to do them on sheer muscle memory and then continue on to the more difficult/lengthier melodies. It's the same with sports, high level tennis players for example have practiced each and every motion of their play at least 10.000 times over the course of weeks/months.


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> And then, Kitty's benchmarked many, many non-meta weapon combos she's never even tried before and tries them a couple times for benchmark. Meanwhile, Kitty has given most of the metabuilds full 8 tries. The difference here? When Kitty tries non-meta builds, she usually forms simple yet rather effective rotation (usually priority-based) 'cause if we can be honest here, less complication usually means lower chance to mess it badly. And also, gives the people (like Kitty) more time to focus on mechanics (unless they've trained it to muscle-memory and know how to continue after possible interrupts, neither of which not-so-competent players do) to avoid them. In other words, we could use some idiot-proof rotations that even lazy pugs could be effective with.


Non-meta builds...like the power berserker one where you do not even take Blood reckoning, and instead use Wild Blow to recharge your adrenaline for the F1 burst? Which accomplishes nothing except put a useful cc skill on rotation during a raid fight and artificially inflates your dps on the golem because in a real raid you would never do this? And you could easily, EASILY avoid this by taking Blood Reckoning which is actually even a dps increase because you remove the cool down on your F1 burst so you can instantly use it again? And did i already mention it's easier/quicker to use and also heals you? This is just one of the many examples of your so called "less complex rotations". They are littered with just bad choices in regards to utility choice and choice of which weapon skills/utility skills to use often leading to straight up damage loss. This is not even non-meta anymore, this is just plain bad and helps nobody. I'm sorry but i cannot stay friendly about this topic forever when you have yet to engage me in discussion on this, meaning you're either actively ignoring the issue out of shame or because you realize you cannot win the argument here because there is nothing positive that you did.


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

>Just if you saw how much average pugs get ported at Cairn and VG.


Just like you got ported every single time in that video you showed us? Yes yes, we know you've told us you have trouble seeing those circles at Cairn...maybe other pugs have trouble seeing them too? If they only get ported at Cairn because of the exact same reason as you, does that make you an average pug? Or does that makes them above average pugs that simply have just a bit of trouble at Cairn due to the skill spam blocking the teleport circles like you?


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> Oh, and Kitty has indeed watched some qT vids, but while they are good for learning how to speedclear, they are plain horrible for trying to learn the mechanics 'cause speedrunners avoid lots of mechanics that usual pug squads need to face. Kitty has seen pugs try to do that many times but failing to distort/bypass the mechanics. And failing even harder if they try to do the normal mechanics 'cause they never bothered to learn them.


They don't avoid lots of mechanics, this is a straight up lie. They ("speedrunners") only have to deal with less mechanics, or a lesser amount of the mechanics because their dps is good allowing them to kill bosses quicker. They don't ignore the green at VG, they have a chrono actively paying attention to it and distorting it on time. (You're actually complaining about distort and how it functions. allowing them to ignore the mechanic, not the mechanic itself. You should take this up with Arenanet.) They still have to kill the smaller guardians during split phase too. They don't ignore the 4 ghost adds during Gorsevals world eater event, they just kill them very quickly because, again, good dps. They don't ignore the mushrooms during the Slothasor fight, because even "speedrunners" cannot kill him quick enough to ensure they don't get caught by the poison fields. They don't ignore the adds during Trio, otherwise the cage gets blown up. They don't ignore Matthias his sacrifice mechanic because that would mean losing a party member, or his hadoken. They simply have to deal less with his mechanics because he just dies so fast, again, due to good dps. Escort...not worth mentioning. Keep Construct...ignoring any mechanic there results in party wipe...i fail to see how they can ignore anything there. Xera...perhaps the ONLY boss, where if you have enough dps, you can ignore mechanics. And that's the laser...and that's even just one mechanic out of the myriad she has. I'm not even going to bother explaining the Wing 4 bosses.


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> And since you apparently don't read Kitty's posts, time to say it again: Kitty couldn't care less about clear times as long as she gets the kill. She's not playing this game to see some nice number on timer but for fun, which can be same as playing optimally but also sometimes isn't (Kitty personally finds playing the same build/class for longer than 1 week in a row extremely boring). Also, Kitty's not alone with that attitude. We have tons of casual players who are interested in raiding but find them too stressful and scary 'cause they are taught that you need to learn a complex rotation and play it without mistakes or kick. Play simple, play safe 'cause while killing boss faster does help facing less mechanics, how about squads where people fail to survive through the mechanics while having excessive DPS? Kitty could argue that having a prot/block-bot could be useful in such, even if with a cost of a off-supporter.


I cannot argue against you finding something boring, that is a personal preference...but simply inventing a lot of sub optimal builds just to use them so you don't get bored but otherwise contributing nothing to parties/squads is certainly not helping. You can even take a single different class every week...there are 9, that's 9 weeks playing something different every time. And those 9 classes have multiple effective builds too, increasing the number of different things to play even more. If people are interested in raiding there are tons of meta builds with very simple rotations, increasing their chances of being effective and contributing to the party, and helping them keep an eye on mechanics while not worrying to much about their actions. What instantly comes to mind: Condi or PowerStaff Daredevil/Condi Tempest/Condi Renegade/Power Dragonhunter/Condi DPS Berserker and there are others. Arguing about using prot/block bots only encourages people to ignore mechanics because it promotes lazy play: "Hey, i might get that Aegis soon anyway, don't even need to dodge this next attack."


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> What Kitty finds quite flawed is how people think "DPS first, survivability then" while squad actually first needs to survive thru stuff to dish out that DPS. Also, it might be good to remind that dead DPS/support=heavy nerf to DPS.


The only thing to say about this is that squads with such a mentality often have the mechanics under such control that they can dish out that dps. That's my experience at least. And since you're often arguing from the perspective of your experience, this argument should be a valid one as well.


Well this turned out to be a retardedly long post.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Everyone here can only talk about their own experiences with groups. Since Kitty is able to kill bosses with her stuff there is nothing wrong to share some options to currently forced meta in groups. Likeminded people should play together.


Nicely summed up. There is nothing else to say, really (well, there should be, if we were having an actual discussion, but alas...)

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I do not think that a healthy raiding community can be built when the main input is from the speed raiding community.


I have nothing against QT, I use there site regularly and I am part of a static group that tries to improve our times.


I do however think that there is a void between the average pug and QT’s capabilities.


Kittys solutions are not perfect but atleast she is working towards something unlike most of us. Ofcourse it isnt perfect she just started.


If you feel like her work requires something and your intention is truly to help to general raiding community offer to help her. Become part of her project and make something great that can help raiders on there way to QT levels.


In our daily grind for better loot we can easily fall into the thinking that we need to hold on to rules to make sure that the boss we killed 100 times isnt a drag. This however is pug thinking we substitute learning players propper mechanics by asking them to get high dps.


Most players I know that are also in static groups are happy to play around with builds and comps because where not just doing our weekly grind. We are playing and enjoying the game.


What I’m trying to say is dont be a dick and laugh at initiative. See how you can actualy help shape it into something beneficial. And maybe question what motivates your reaction towards kitty, and wether that motivation is a solution or a product of bad experiences.

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Sometimes wonder where this idea comes from that there are only two big groups in the raiding community. Basically, the speedclear guilds and very casual players either running with inexperienced guild squads or pugging. The majority of us who have been talking here are actually under that third group and most likely not even part of any speedclears or interested in those.

I have my own static for a quick clear on saturdays and also frequently join up with multiple groups I know through some of our members when I can not make the schedule of my static. About a handful in total. Some share members but all of these are as different from each other in strategies and builds as they are in their schedules. And there are thousands of raiding groups like these. None of them are interested in true speedclears nor do people strictly stick to the META. Some groups are heavy on one class, others prefer power or condi, some go heavy on minstrel support.

Yet, all of them still do quick and easy clears because they agree on one thing: **Synergy and efficiency are the keys to a functional squad and easy raids.**


People do not bring up things they disagree with because they are mean elitists or because they always shit on anything that is not part of the speedclear META, they do so because those lacking the experience and knowledge quite often state information that is just not true and sometimes even harmful to those taking it seriously.

There are non-META builds and there are non-META builds. Denying any criticism, even the most constructive one, simply shows how close minded you are. Yes, it actually does go both ways. You can not keep mentioning how terribly closeminded the raiding community as a whole is when you refuse to understand why there is a META, what it actually means and why certain things would never work the way you so.

We do not waste our own precious time to comment on topics such as time one because we are assholes, we do so because we actually give a shit about the raiding community we are part of and do care about those wanting to come in. Trying to at least give them the right information rather than something clearly made by someone in the need of a few lessons of her own before she should ever start teaching others.


> @Static.9841 said:

> > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > What Kitty finds quite flawed is how people think "DPS first, survivability then" while squad actually first needs to survive thru stuff to dish out that DPS. Also, it might be good to remind that dead DPS/support=heavy nerf to DPS.


> And you're now highlighting another fallacy - you can't even stick to your own mantra, you are constantly going into downstate in your videos and having to be picked back up either by completely ignoring mechanics or because "I was being lazy".


Maxed personal survivability (of most classes at least) can not reach the level a druid/chronomancer support duo provides you with. That is if you actually stand in range and don't go off dying somewhere by yourself. Nor will any amount of personal or team survivability and support protect you from dying if you can not do mechanics and fail to avoid almost everything there is. The supports are the ones to swap to more healing and defenses for everyone if those are required for your squad rather than any DPS build which provides little and less apart from a selfish tanky build if they go for survivability.


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People aren't upset about kitty using off meta builds...


People are upset because she is claiming to be knowledgeable about something she clearly is not. Trying to make standards for things she had demonstrated that she does not understand.


Benchmarking off meta builds, or even just making a "this is around what you should be able to do as a normal person" guide is great! Please do that!


But you can't do that when you do things like overwrite boon stacks and use the wrong weapons on a build because it sets a very bad example and gives dis-information, which ultimately means people who use these guides don't improve or worse, play worse than before.


Please just understand the builds you use before doing these guides.


Please don't give people more reason to confirm their stigmas against off meta builds.

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> @Ertrak.9506 said:

> People aren't upset about kitty using off meta builds...


> People are upset because she is claiming to be knowledgeable about something she clearly is not. Trying to make standards for things she had demonstrated that she does not understand.


> Benchmarking off meta builds, or even just making a "this is around what you should be able to do as a normal person" guide is great! Please do that!


> But you can't do that when you do things like overwrite boon stacks and use the wrong weapons on a build because it sets a very bad example and gives dis-information, which ultimately means people who use these guides don't improve or worse, play worse than before.


> Please just understand the builds you use before doing these guides.


> Please don't give people more reason to confirm their stigmas against off meta builds.


That should have been said on page one and saved us 5 pages of "will she get the point?"

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Kitty's been theorizing a bit now. Normal condi-geared herald that gives 33% boon duration, 225 ferocity and 25 might to surrounding peoples (65,06% boon duration on itself).




Ofc Kitty derped the execution a bit, but she does find this build quite promising. Math-wise it can upkeep 25 might on allies if properly played.


Btw, this would replace a PS warrior, allow the other PS warrior to use less might-duration gears and allows off-support chrono go full zerker's with leadership runes and sigil of concentration catering for quickness-duration (96% boon duration for said chrono). And said chrono would actually do some decent damage with 2 alacrity phantams and 1 sword phantasm.

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> @vicious.5683 said:

> Another benchmark necromancers are excluded from!!! Great job Anet, your balance team is crap.


Will be benchmarked later, after the more potential DPS builds have been benchmarked first. (Kitty does have a good amount of builds thought of to test when the more popular ones are done.)

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> Kitty's been theorizing a bit now. Normal condi-geared herald that gives 33% boon duration, 225 ferocity and 25 might to surrounding peoples (65,06% boon duration on itself).


> https://youtu.be/h_xVnbWMJA4


> Ofc Kitty derped the execution a bit, but she does find this build quite promising. Math-wise it can upkeep 25 might on allies if properly played.


> Btw, this would replace a PS warrior, allow the other PS warrior to use less might-duration gears and allows off-support chrono go full zerker's with leadership runes and sigil of concentration catering for quickness-duration (96% boon duration for said chrono). And said chrono would actually do some decent damage with 2 alacrity phantams and 1 sword phantasm.


You derped the execution because this build is literally a copy of a might stacking build Boots came out with earlier this year. And full zerk and leaership runes is NOT 96% boon duration! It's like 76%.


Have you even bothered to do ANY, i mean ANY research on boon duration?


Leadership is 30%, Sigil is 33%, food is 6%, you can add cant you? Even if it was still 20% boon duration food you would still be wrong. And don't even get me started on the fact bountifuls no longer give 10%.


For reference for people who are unaware. @32 mins 51 seconds.

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> @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > Kitty's been theorizing a bit now. Normal condi-geared herald that gives 33% boon duration, 225 ferocity and 25 might to surrounding peoples (65,06% boon duration on itself).

> >

> > https://youtu.be/h_xVnbWMJA4

> >

> > Ofc Kitty derped the execution a bit, but she does find this build quite promising. Math-wise it can upkeep 25 might on allies if properly played.

> >

> > Btw, this would replace a PS warrior, allow the other PS warrior to use less might-duration gears and allows off-support chrono go full zerker's with leadership runes and sigil of concentration catering for quickness-duration (96% boon duration for said chrono). And said chrono would actually do some decent damage with 2 alacrity phantams and 1 sword phantasm.


> You derped the execution because this build is literally a copy of a might stacking build Boots came out with earlier this year. And full zerk and leaership runes is NOT 96% boon duration! It's like 76%.


> Have you even bothered to do ANY, i mean ANY research on boon duration?


> Leadership is 30%, Sigil is 33%, food is 6%, you can add cant you? Even if it was still 20% boon duration food you would still be wrong. And don't even get me started on the fact bountifuls no longer give 10%.




Can you add?

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> @Card.9704 said:

> > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > Kitty's been theorizing a bit now. Normal condi-geared herald that gives 33% boon duration, 225 ferocity and 25 might to surrounding peoples (65,06% boon duration on itself).

> > >

> > > https://youtu.be/h_xVnbWMJA4

> > >

> > > Ofc Kitty derped the execution a bit, but she does find this build quite promising. Math-wise it can upkeep 25 might on allies if properly played.

> > >

> > > Btw, this would replace a PS warrior, allow the other PS warrior to use less might-duration gears and allows off-support chrono go full zerker's with leadership runes and sigil of concentration catering for quickness-duration (96% boon duration for said chrono). And said chrono would actually do some decent damage with 2 alacrity phantams and 1 sword phantasm.

> >

> > You derped the execution because this build is literally a copy of a might stacking build Boots came out with earlier this year. And full zerk and leaership runes is NOT 96% boon duration! It's like 76%.

> >

> > Have you even bothered to do ANY, i mean ANY research on boon duration?

> >

> > Leadership is 30%, Sigil is 33%, food is 6%, you can add cant you? Even if it was still 20% boon duration food you would still be wrong. And don't even get me started on the fact bountifuls no longer give 10%.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Nature


> Can you add?


Her statement was in reference to mesmer. Which was what i was saying. if it includes facet of nature then yes you can reach 100%.


However this still wouldn't replace a PS warrior because of empower allies. Crit damage is a shitty buff, and rev does way less damage without renegade.


And Facet of nature is 5 targets....not 10.

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> @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > @Card.9704 said:

> > > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > > > Kitty's been theorizing a bit now. Normal condi-geared herald that gives 33% boon duration, 225 ferocity and 25 might to surrounding peoples (65,06% boon duration on itself).

> > > >

> > > > https://youtu.be/h_xVnbWMJA4

> > > >

> > > > Ofc Kitty derped the execution a bit, but she does find this build quite promising. Math-wise it can upkeep 25 might on allies if properly played.

> > > >

> > > > Btw, this would replace a PS warrior, allow the other PS warrior to use less might-duration gears and allows off-support chrono go full zerker's with leadership runes and sigil of concentration catering for quickness-duration (96% boon duration for said chrono). And said chrono would actually do some decent damage with 2 alacrity phantams and 1 sword phantasm.

> > >

> > > You derped the execution because this build is literally a copy of a might stacking build Boots came out with earlier this year. And full zerk and leaership runes is NOT 96% boon duration! It's like 76%.

> > >

> > > Have you even bothered to do ANY, i mean ANY research on boon duration?

> > >

> > > Leadership is 30%, Sigil is 33%, food is 6%, you can add cant you? Even if it was still 20% boon duration food you would still be wrong. And don't even get me started on the fact bountifuls no longer give 10%.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Nature

> >

> > Can you add?


> Her statement was in reference to mesmer. Which was what i was saying. if it includes facet of nature then yes you can reach 100%.


> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> 33% (Facet of Nature) + 33% (Sigil of Concentration) + 30% (Leadership Runes) = 96%.


> So, what was that about adding?


> By the way, Kitty was indeed unaware of that video. But Kitty's build seems to be noticeably different as she doesn't use shield but axe, for example.


You forget food >.> 102%. And it isn't different because the sheild is never actually used. He simply blast might with the mace. As clearly shown.

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> @LadyKitty.6120 said:

> > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > You forget food >.> 102%.


> And that Kitty left ambiguous on purpose for the build leaves the chrono a choice between food and utility to get dat last 4%.


You don't want to be using anything other than boon duration food, because the utility would be wasting stats.


Also, the whole entire build assumes that the chrono in question is running a meta set up for chrono, and its a minmax. Which is the opposite of what you say you want this thread to be.


It's entirely hypocritical to assume someone else is running meta, in order for you to play a suboptimal build, especially in a pug.


It's also kinda of shitty to expect a chrono to build around having a revenant, when you could just not bring the revenant because the facet is gonna be wasted in the average pug, because they are running a meta set up.


And if that is the case, said person would just run warrior, because its more optimal. Which entirely defeats the purpose of the build.....Im having a hard time even seeing the point of doing this outside of "ACCEPT ANYONE INTO RAIDS WITH ANY BUILD". Because the rev build requires an optimal comp just to be slotted in.

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