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Blood bank ; a suggestion.


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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> Merely a suggestion, humour me.


> Change it so that it grants barrier equal to 10% of all healing received, replace "Mark of evasion" with this new version.

> And bring back Vampiric Rituals.




10% of all healing as barrier sounds potentially a bit too powerful to make that an adept minor trait.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"killfil.3472" said:

> > Merely a suggestion, humour me.

> >

> > Change it so that it grants barrier equal to 10% of all healing received, replace "Mark of evasion" with this new version.

> > And bring back Vampiric Rituals.

> >

> >


> 10% of all healing as barrier sounds potentially a bit too powerful to make that an adept minor trait.


How about 5% or 7% ?

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I'd rather not lose _mark of evasion_ (granting support, self sustain and damage) for a bit of self sustain.


_Blood bank_ as it is, is bound to stay in this form and shape for a few years, or at least until someone make it broken in sPvP/WvW. The main issue with this trait is that you need to change the way you think when you use it. You have to believe that barrier is part of your health pool when you slot the skill and thus try to actively keep up this barrier while in combat. You have to think along the line that when you're not at full barrier you are not at full health (which is a mental state that need some time to be used to).


This trait have to be looked at in the same way that one look at guardian's _force of will_ (which is in the same tier and do something more intuitive yet equivalent). You have to look at it like having 10k (up to 20k) extra health points to maintain in combat (if you're willing to invest everything into vitality putting you at roughly 40k health + 20k barrier + 27k shroud for core and reaper. It's hard to reach full capacity but it's also hard to make you fall once there).

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> I like Blood Bank for the same reason I like Aegis: avoiding health damage in PvE solo roaming.

> Vampiric Rituals removal was a huge hit but permanent group protection uptime was a bit too strong in sPvP.


Are you perhaps believing that the protection was given per pulse? It wasn't the case. It was protection on cast and the idea of reaching perma group prot from this trait in sPvP is/was simply ridiculous.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> Yep it was ridiculous to equip three wells and spectral armor and spam protection plus life syphoning non-stop.

> Nobody was ever dying unless they strayed away from point.

> It wasn't exactly permanent but it lasted for the full duration of point fight, and when next wave was coming it was up again.


Take a guardian, give him a hammer and your team already have perma prot. Slot _corruptor's fervor_ on your necromancer and he potentially have perma prot. Engineer's shield trait probably give your team more prot than _vampiric ritual_ used to do. Elementalist's _earth shielding_ trait giving prot when you apply an aura also probably grant more prot than _vampiric ritual_ used to do. Take a renegade and slot the trait _all for one_ for more aoe prot than _vampiric ritual_ could.


I doubt highly that _vampiric ritual_ ever made a big difference in the survivability of your group on point. Like I said, guardian hammer can do the job more reliably yet it's deemed as a trash and useless weapon. Elementalists have more reliable source of protection than this trait yet again no one want to touch them. Maybe only engineer make use of it's own.


So if it's a matter of support, other professions did it better, if it's a matter of personal survivability, there is/was better option than _vampiric ritual_. Heck, even a proper use of _spectral ring_ was probably more efficient than _vampiric ritual_ when it come to be a source of protection.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> it's deemed as a trash and useless

By certain breed of extremely rude players who are molding the arena to their shape to not face something they can be beaten by.

I tried hammer guard, it was hard countered by my teammates running away from me.

While with wells I was able to follow them and place these on them wherever they were driven to.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> Yep it was ridiculous to equip three wells and spectral armor and spam protection plus life syphoning non-stop.

> Nobody was ever dying unless they strayed away from point.

Not above silver division.


Because above silver, you do this one time and then the opposing team just hardfocusses your trash build everytime you show up (sounds harsh, but that's what it is: a trash build).


You can't even deal with a 1v1 focus against any competitive build no matter which class you face.


The wells trait was good in pvp before the first expac was released and as long as soldier amulet existed. I played soldier wells core necro quite often and with success, but GW2 was a different game back then.


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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Not above silver division.

> Actually it was in unranked. Btw do you realize that platinums are albeit vocal, but a minority?

> And Anet haves to please the majority to keep up their income rates.

Balancing is done according to things that are broken and not to lack of player knowledge. How do you plan to balance according to lack of knowledge? Where do you draw the line? You will always find someone that lacks knowledge in one or another way.


If your opponent can't deal with a wells build in pvp, then this is a player issue and not a game issue.


GW2 is a game that favors dynamic gameplay. Wells are only working in static environments (pve) or in fights with a huge target area (zerging in wvw).

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> then the opposing team just hardfocusses

That's what the Spectral Armor is for. They beat the shroud, they charge it again by beating health, they beat the second shroud - thats a lot of beating to do and meanwhile rest of my teammates beats 'them'.

But surely someone as experienced as you had this figured out and are just trashtalking me down?


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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > then the opposing team just hardfocusses

> That's what the Spectral Armor is for. They beat the shroud, they charge it again by beating health, they beat the second shroud - thats a lot of beating to do and meanwhile rest of my teammates beats 'them'.

> But surely someone as experienced as you had this figured out and are just trashtalking me down?

No I am preventing you from wasting your time trying useless builds in actually competitive environments and not some noob fiestas.


And I am telling you some necro basics as a player that is usually the one who carries teams to platinum.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > it's deemed as a trash and useless

> By certain breed of extremely rude players who are molding the arena to their shape to not face something they can be beaten by.

> I tried hammer guard, it was hard countered by my teammates running away from me.

> While with wells I was able to follow them and place these on them wherever they were driven to.


Well, not really ... more like by players who know what they are talking about to succeed. You think people crap on hammer guards in hope to shame them and shape the meta because they can't beat them? Um ... sure. Let's put it this way ... If hammer guardian was so awesome ... you would see LOTS more of them. It's fun, but it's not that great.


> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> You are vastly overestimating my skill because my highest rank ever is Gold and I play mainly unranked, so it is you who is wasting your time.


let's put it this way ... it's just as bad to justify a game change (or not) based on your LOW level of skill as it is for someone to do the same based on their HIGH level of skill.


As for the topic, Conceptually, I think Blood Bank should continue to bring a barrier to the player, but not ONLY when they are full HP. I think it should ALSO convert the lost portion of healing if poisoned to a barrier instead.


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Personally I am worried that we are going to see more Ability-related traits disapear.


First I believe it was Spectral's trait, the one that reduced their cooldowns and increased their duration that got deleted.

Greatsword's being reworked into not being greatsword related.

Now Wells's trait has been removed.


Am worried.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> I like Blood Bank for the same reason I like Aegis: avoiding health damage in PvE solo roaming.

> Vampiric Rituals removal was a huge hit but permanent group protection uptime was a bit too strong in sPvP.


PvE solo roaming does not need any help. There are always minions to fall back on for sustain, if needed. This is the problem with Blood Bank: It is abusively OP when not needed and turns off like a switch when it is needed. Whatever idiot invented it should at least explain why it was introduced.


Vampiric Rituals was not strong, though it had niche uses, was balanced and survived almost 8 years. I do not mind losing it to make reduced CD baseline. Inserting a total trash trait as a replacement is still inexcusable.


Good God, it is like BB was designed solely for WvW to make Necro and its elites completely immune to damage as long as heal support exceeds imcoming damage pressure. Once incoming damage scratches off barrier, the Necro will be exposed. How balanced is that?

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> Personally I am worried that we are going to see more Ability-related traits disapear.


> First I believe it was Spectral's trait, the one that reduced their cooldowns and increased their duration that got deleted.

> Greatsword's being reworked into not being greatsword related.

> Now Wells's trait has been removed.


> Am worried.


I would say the opposite, I think it's a good thing that ability-related traits disapear. It broaden the use of the traits instead of pigeonholing you into taking specific abilities. That said, it would be even better if these kind of change were affecting all professions.

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