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There are no activities to do with Guilds.

blade eyes.2034

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> This might sound like a stupid question but what's the alternative?


> I've never played a game which handled guilds differently, unless you count GW1. I'm aware that game had guild battles but I never participated and I don't think any of my guilds did either, so functionally they were pretty much the same as GW2 guilds,


Runes of Magic had (strictly speaking "has", but it's a mostly dead game) a functional equivalent of GW1 Guild-v-Guild battles. It wasn't very good, by all accounts, but it existed.

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> @"blade eyes.2034" said:

> Just rant, but seriously, what is there to do with guilds? You don't need guilds to do fractals, world bosses, PvP, strike mission, or even raids. Whenever I log on, I wonder if there is anything to do with my guildies, and the answer is nope. Everyone is working on their own thing, farming for gold, farming for AP, getting new legendary, maybe co-op with another guild member in PvP, fractal or other game modes. I don't know, and I feel like there isn't anything active to do with your guilds. There are only the same guild missions from 2013, but that's about it. Perhaps your guild makes up their events, like fashion wars and other ideas. My main guild used to do that, but these things consume a lot of time out of the guild leader and officers. Besides, the rewards have to be provided by them as well.


If your guild isn't sufficiently "together" to do those things *as a guild*, perhaps it might be an idea to look for a guild that *is*. Dismiss them all you like, but those guild missions are infinitely more for-guilds activities than you find in, say, SWTOR.

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Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions. It seems that everyone has a different idea of where the problem is and how it can be fixed. I can't speak for everyone, but I think that Guild Mission is an important content to give purpose to Guilds. In another post of mine called "Repurposing Old Content Into Guild Mission," I talk about the lack of Guild content and the abandonment of Guild Missions. Knowing that Arenanet has other priorities, I suggested that they repurpose existing content that hardly anyone does into Guild Missions with rewards that are excluded to Guilds.


Examples, "Activities" like Southsun Survival can easily be repurposed into Guild Missions, and so many other activities given by Crab Toss in LA, and the ones in other maps. Also, Mount racing, Bounties in PoF, champions, or events that aren't being done anymore; I also think they should add more world bosses for Guilds to do, existing Jumping Puzzles, etc. Officially repurposing those contact and adding new Rewards under the banner of Guild Missions, would benefit the game as a whole.

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