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If you could redesign any one class what would it be and how?


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> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @Mea.5491 said:

> > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > > Hmm lets see.... Warrior, Theif, Ele, Necro, Mesmer, Guardian, Ranger. The only one that doesn't outside of Engi is the one with no choice in Revenant.

> > >

> > > Well, I just counted 12 viable utilities on my core Engi, depending on situation and build. In other words, just because you think they suck, that doesn't mean other people think the same. :) Edit: I forgot to mention I'm not meta so I'm not narrow-minded when it comes to "viable" builds/skills.

> >

> > That's nice, but i'd suggest you look at what viability is. (1) There's 0 situation where a turret does anything better grenade kit doesn't. (2) There's 0 situation where a turret is better than bomb kit. (3) There's 0 situations where Gadgets are even remotely usable over any kit even our weakest in tool-kit. (4) Oh and lets not even remotely forget that our only capable heal completely drowns out others to the point they may as well delete every other heal with have.

> >

> > So, i'll end it like this. It's probably for the best that you take your own advice about balancing things, especially if you want to buff kits.


> You and the likes of you are the major reason for me, to stay away from the new engineer board since its launch. We do not agree on most points, if the class would be as horrible as you guys claim it to be, none of you would play it. But you keep hugging the meta as the only true way to play the class and cursing every non-meta skill to be useless. So, here we go again:


> **(1)** any sort of CC, fire fields, blastfinishers as well as ranged damage and your beleoved healing-turret. Grenade kit locks you in your directions. The turrets allow us to strike at two different locations at the same time and force our enemy to make a choice where he goes first. As we have the reputation to be quite durable, they mostly go for the turret first, which gives us extra time. And the turret does not do nothing, it keeps hitting its target the entire time. Turrets improve other skills and dps, they not replace it.

> **(2)** ranged attacks and ranged cc and your beloved healing-turret.

> **(3)** If I was lazy, I would just say read the skill-discriptions out loud and if you do not understand them call a friend to explain them to you. The ones I use most frequently among several of your buddies on the board are the Utility Goggles. A perfect stun-breaker and excellent fury source. If traits are half way efficient, we can get an 100% fury uptime with that. The battering ram is a great CC source, especially if you belong to the grenade/bomb-kit campers, you can still deal a good cc to your enemies. The rocket-boots have been boosted recently and are used even by the likes of you in PvP and PvE, mobility. Slick Shoes I do use rarely. But I use it when I camp bomb kit or the motar-kit bomb-kit ability, the superspeed and stunbreak are nice for kiting enemies which can do cc skills and and slow you.

> **(4)** I hear this lie for years now. We are engineers and you are just afraid of learning a new heal skill. The medic gyro does a great job and many of you are still skilled on scrapper. The elexir works awesome as well. The A. E. D. is the only true immortality skill in the entire game. We have several invincibility buffs in the game, which all work great, except for certain boss moves which are designed to be lethal strikes. None of them prevents you from downed. The A. E. D. does. It is limited in its uses, as the healing turret is, but there are situations it can be extremely useful. The medkit however is horrible indeed, but I have not found any engineer who likes it so far.


> I really wanted to make a new start on the new forums, that is why I did not set a toe into your beloved cry-board. Your realm, your rules. But if you step out and insult our class, the same class you play as well, sorry. I won't remain silent on this.


Oh here we have the i can make this skills work so they must be good route.

Sorry they're not. I have no problem saying that the current state of kits literally crowds out design space and makes literally everything else we have garbage and it's not a METASHEEP lulz argument. It's that kits are infinitely more versatile and allow the player if they don't pigeon hole themselves into a must fight mentality to literally escape and deal with every scenario.


You need range CC and the ability to zone and hit multiple targets mortar kit + grenade chill targets. You need even more zoning, bomb kit 5 + BoB zone just fine.

AED is only ever useful if you allow yourself to get that low to begin with, problem is if you're never going sub 50% or even 25% with the tool-belt resets it's useless. Guess what healing turret allows you to do just fine ? Stay above 50. The medic gyro is a poor mans healing turret. It heals less and requires multiple blast to even compete with heal turret.


Fun fact, you don't need utility goggles to get 100% fury uptime at all, so your reliance on it is very misplaced.



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engineer for sure, currently it is the only single profession that depends way to much on it's unique stuff but is stuck with it in a bad way.

* i would change kits, they are still as they are but ones you don't have any equipped you can switch weapons.

* i would add some weapons to fill the gap, the dagger and great sword would be perfect weapons as base weapons (so not elite spec)

* i would redesign the rifle, it will have less blunderbuss skills and more actual rifle skills, even with some tools in it they have the range a warrior rifle has. (the current one has a smaller range, really annoying)

* i would change how turrets work, they would be a link of sorts, as long as the engineer is in range it does 20% more damage and works better.

* some turrets are replaced, i would at least remove the flame thrower (still keep it in supply kit) and replace it with a fire popper (a turret that shoots balls of fire that damages enemies on impact and sets the area on fire)

* i would remove all elixer and change them in to shouts, elixers are not for engineers, it's for alchemists.


at the start i liked the engineer but eventually it became more a chore then an enjoyment, it really needs a rework.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> REMOVE CLEAVES from every class auto atack that is melee or bow ranged/pistol, BUT improve some AOE spells from other classes, mainly staff elementalist.

How many times do you have to be told that's a terrible idea before it sinks in? Being able to cleave is the only thing that makes melee viable in this game (and ranged weapons that can't pierce are almost as bad).


Also, I'd go through every ranger pet and give them a rework of their skill bars so they function on the same level as the smokescale and bristleback (read: are actual threats). They also "dodge" when you do (they gain evade frames but keep doing whatever they were doing).

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I want casting spells with arms and legs, no weapons. Breathe fire blast ice from your arms or hover using air from your feet. For the most part what I want is essentially bending. Melee using element Infused fists and such and ranged beams and projectiles. Aoe releasing of elements, etc. it would be ok as a spec though

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Ranger, its horrible as it is (soulbeast skills are nice tho) but i would change the long/short Bow skills, all of them.

Get angry every time i use Rapid shot, pewpewpewpewpewpew.. great you just removed 10% health of the thing you shot, pointless.

Could for instance make it a 3 shot with 15% chance to blind, 15% chance to Stun (2s) or 15% chance to Knock back.. something like that.

Give ranger 8 different kind of shots at the least, with some real cool effects, 6 for DPS and 2 for utility / support like the Renegade has his summons.


I am using a Axe and torch now, just becouse the longbow skills are so boring and ugly, skill 1 is like throwing darts.. Oooone huuundred and eeeightyyyyy.


Ranger should be 70% ranged and 30% pet management/skills.. the only time ranger should go melee if he has to.. with some life steal and *last stand survival* skills - jump back and leave 2 clones for example, or drop a smoke bomb ninja style and teleport like the Jackal mount.


It made me laugh at first when using a GS on the ranger.. not that the skills are bad but its kinda weird.. the axe throwing could use some nice animation also.. the character making jumps or turns while throwing for example.


Thats my 2 cents.


![](https://imgur.com/Qomo0pg.jpg "")


Now make it happen or this guy will shoot you in the knee.. twice =)





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> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> Revenant

> - Renegade elite causes a pact airship to fly across the battlefield, it throws out a searing-cauldron granting a large blast aoe with good damage and a pulsing fire-field (range 1200) for 10 seconds - if upkeep is at 100%. Again elite-elite, so you won't be able to use the legendary for 2 minutes. If upkeep is lower, for every 10% of upkeep, you spawn a charr engineer with a different attack:

> 10% - charr with a motar, shooting a motar shell that causes a pulsing fire field

> 20% - charr with charrzooka, rapid firing rockets at the target

> 30% - charr engineer throwing a barrage of grenades at the target

> 40% - charr-tank rolls over the enemy

> 50% - charr-tank shoots a motar shell on the enemy

> 60% - charr-engineer opens a ghost-trap (see AC P2), releasing an ascalonian wizard to cast an AoE (blue fire) on the enemy

> 70% - charr-engineer opens a ghost-trap, releasing an ascalonian commander with a trebuchet

> 80% - charr-engineer opens a ghost-trap, giant graveling appears, engineer runs away, graveling digs and spawns below the enemy, causing a large aoe knockdown

> 90% - charr-kid spawns with a slingshot, projectile bounces between all enemies 10 times, causing one stack of confusion on each impact and causes a blast-finisher on the last strike


a 300 year old charr summons a 3(?) year old creation of people said legend never met?


> I have to admit, it looks very very werid. But this would be at least unique and createive instead of the giant copy-cat we received. In its current state it is a mess and if it wasn't for the facet of nature and this ridiculous ferocity ... complete this sentence on your own, the result is always horrible.


most if not all classes have copy cat aspects to them, many an mmo "template" around a formula for people to use to rek or be rekt(im lookin at you bad browser mmos... and chinese mmos :# ). and i just so happen to like my ferocity/healing build :p , and i rarely if not never use facet of nature :p


i skimmed back and forth above the ren elite bit... you could just delete the rev if you want something "that" different from whats available. and skill 1 on weapons is meant to be auto for laziness, so isnt your rifle idea a copy paste of deadeyes.

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TLDR before posting. Just saw that some people have very bad ideas about design. I'm voting engineer and that's the only class I play. If I was okay with its current design I wouldn't have voted.


The fact that our «profession mechanic» is toolbelt and not kits ruins everything. Now that we have all our F1-F5 keys used by our core profession. There's no room for improvement concerning elite specs. Also when an Elementalist can have a whole load of skills like us, he can still choose and equip whichever utility he wants. Each time an engineer wants more skills to do damage, he needs to sacrifice one slot for it, I think Engineers' utilities are too big, and they should allow more space for our weapons.

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I would redesign Monk and Dervish to be back in the game...


Original excuse for no Monk: "we have no trinity, healer classes have no place in GW2..." followed with "we're turning the 'casual low skill-floor' class into a 'medium skill-floor' healing elite", Druid... And hey, Monk even had a DPS skill line back in the day... Monk had better DPS in GW1 than Druid does in GW2, and Druid has better healing, if played well enough, in GW2 than Monk did in GW1 (except Monk in GW1 was low skill-floor)...


Original excuse for no Dervish: "We tossed Elona..." Now I'm playing in Elona... PoF should have included the Dervish.


Otherwise... I'd redesign Necromancer to have a condition damage melee weapon. Either make Torch mainhand melee and keep it's offhand as well... or re-design axe. Or... when I added Dervish... give Necromancer Scythe, as a Condition melee option. But that would feel 'wierd' given it should be called Reaper and we already have Reaper (but with the wrong weapon because they don't want to add new weapons it seems).



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Necromancer. Coming from GW1 where I didn't even main it, the lack of actual corpse rising is a massive letdown. GW2's interpretation doesn't feel like a minion master, more like a travelling freak show. I'd bring back corpses and have necromancers raise legions of disposable lowly undead to blow up.

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