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Are you happy with the current state of PvP?

Harry Foud.1935

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > 350 ppl voted, 84% of them are unsatisfied. Think about that Anet

> >

> > you might be able to get them to think about it, but buddy you're not going to get them to care

> >

> >


> Obvious truth is obvious truth!


after grouch left all is vain

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I almost am happy with it.


What's really ruining it for me is the lack of communication from pvp devs (understandable considering the environment here) and the lack of more frequent balance patches. It's depressing to think that I'm going to be stuck now with another 3 months of some classes playing with unjust nerfs/changes while others got buffed into the next year + associated bugs which could very easily have been fixed and don't really need to wait until balance patches to be addressed. Just my opinion I guess.

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I've always felt PvP had so much potential as a fair structured competitive game mode. Year 1 was so much fun. However as it is now its a mess and in serious need a of a re-haul. Anet needs to stop putting all its effort into living story and gem store for a while and hire a more dedicated pvp team to take a serious look a the state pvp is in, a team that engages with and listens to the pvp community and can come up with actual solutions instead of bandaid fixes.

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No. PvP is good for nothing but reward tracks and the occasional daily. The only reasons I bother with it at all now are the Glorious reward track (some of the skins I like), and the dungeon reward tracks (they're more efficient than trying to run the dungeons themselves.) This mode is dying and it deserves to die.

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At this point, balance in general for GW2 is his worst. I think the only thing that can save all the modes right now (PvE, PvP, WvWvW) is redo all the math behind damage from scratch, WoW have his numberscrunch, we should have too, would be a good way to revert this mess.

"But that would take so much time because gamecode/spaguetti/noLivingStory"

Well, i want a well done GAME not a cancer in format of bits and bytes, if they really have game designers (laughable), the job should be done like any other job in our planet, in a daily basis, open to our eyes, not from 3-4 months in the shadows.


Anyway, i doubt we will see anything, its the bright wizard from warhammer online all over again, and i remember well what happened there.

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Strange post. How can I be happy when I buy the game and on release there is no balance... and when you wait for a balance patch you get big fixes that supposed to be on release day or at least a few weeks after the release. And stuff like full counter visual big untouched lol...

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I like to play the game, not the system. I try to adapt to the meta and is working. It doesnt matter what anet will do, alot of people will take the hypetrain and easiest way for winning matches, its a human thing. It was chronomes in s1, auramancher cele staff s2 and so on.


I wish we had some funmaps, like in other games.

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I might be in the minority with this opinion but is it reasonable to fix something what might be a dead end? The concept of the current pvp is 5 years old and we might need to face it that there was not the spark in the fire. Yes, we had some good times, yes, we saw improvements a lot of them lately but is it really worth investing more time into it? We need a good balance in pvp without a doubt, no matter what pvp mode u play but I do not want to see any more dev time dropped into new conquest maps.

I would rather see the devs going wild than to fix the current pvp.

Map variety is good and it forces people to create a build, which is viable on the different maps.

As an example, u can build a defensive build on conquest, while u would need more cc/movement on a capture the flag map. HA from gw1 is a good example, your team setup needed to succeed on multiply modes and we had a ton of variety on game modes and team setups.

Trying to implement gvg or ha would be wild & I don’t expect them to take the risk but I think its needed and worth trying to rather than to fix the current pvp.


Expand the life pool, reduce the power creep and try internally to play on 3 different modes (tdm,conquest and ctf) and look on team builds / diversity and ofc fun


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> @kobi.5236 said:

> I might be in the minority with this opinion but is it reasonable to fix something what might be a dead end? The concept of the current pvp is 5 years old and we might need to face it that there was not the spark in the fire. Yes, we had some good times, yes, we saw improvements a lot of them lately but is it really worth investing more time into it? We need a good balance in pvp without a doubt, no matter what pvp mode u play but I do not want to see any more dev time dropped into new conquest maps.


you’re so close to being onto it with your point- but you’ve made a critical error


the ‘dead end’ you speak of is gw2 as a whole, not conquest as a gamemode


hope y’all are excited for Blade & Soul 2, because that’s going to be the next big push. this game is going to be relegated to a gem store for whales


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