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Are you happy with the current state of WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> 1. show little concern abt population balance

They show so little concern that they implemented an entire system for balancing server populations in matchups. Players actively don't want any stronger measures like megaservers or permanent merges to be taken, and the playerbase has proven to not be capable of balancing themselves out either. Anet could force people to move, but you can imagine how well the overstacked servers would like _that_.


A lot of WvW's issues are things that are actively player-caused or player-driven, and Anet can't stop them without imposing draconian restrictions on how people play.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > 1. show little concern abt population balance

> They show so little concern that they implemented an entire system for balancing server populations in matchups. Players actively don't want any stronger measures like megaservers or permanent merges to be taken, and the playerbase has proven to not be capable of balancing themselves out either. Anet could force people to move, but you can imagine how well the overstacked servers would like _that_.


> A lot of WvW's issues are things that are actively player-caused or player-driven, and Anet can't stop them without imposing draconian restrictions on how people play.


anet does not know how many people are actually opposing drastic change

the fear of backlash is why we have what we have today


also, that system you imply which is link is simply an alternative to hard merger, a soft merger.

soft merger doesn't work, hard merger definitely won't work

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I'm editing my original comment .. my opinion on wvw is tht I think dev done a very good job on the game play and current reward system is good.. those who cant be bothered to get into pve raids will jump in and grind wvw leg armor instead of trying to get into pve Raids. I kind of feel that many people in wvw are either negative or very dramatic .. I can stand toxic but I cant stand people that makes drama all the time.. i also cant stand drunk raid.. unfortunately wvw is not something I would fit in much.. but I like to see future improvements of wvw as well as the game progress forward.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> The current system promotes avoiding war, meaning the servers just circle around each other.

> I wanted big wars in wvw, not 'let's wait out the timer and cap this tower, then the next'


It also promotes blobs and @ roaming/smallscale issues somehow toxic playstyles (1v1 or equal numers fights dying out bcs of getting interrupted by other players / players rather fleeing fights than giving away points


Some Days ago someone said : " why not adding a "debuff" .. like .. one fraction keep avoiding fights the ppt generated by them will start to decrease and why not scaling the ppk by some sort of calculation regarding how many players participated in range x

example: in a range of maybe 4000 a pvp interaction going on.. 40 green wipe 20 blue but the ppk given to green is modified to 0,5 bcs of number imbalance .. couldn´t that help somehow ? Just thinking ...

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3 yrs ago, u can hold t3 hills with 7~10 skilled players against noob zerg, but nowadays u just more supply and man power to win everything in wvw.

the moment anet removed relic system (power core) from wvw, siege become a meaning less battle of zerg v zerg, u dont need tactics, just build 10 cata and down that wall fast enough and kill the lord with 40+ players. no guards will report to ur guild or anyone in wvw. and scouting a t3 keep has no rewards..... so whats the point to def a t3 keep if i could get more from pvd?


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> @Shadowzerk.4715 said:

> 3 yrs ago, u can hold t3 hills with 7~10 skilled players against noob zerg, but nowadays u just more supply and man power to win everything in wvw.

> the moment anet removed relic system (power core) from wvw, siege become a meaning less battle of zerg v zerg, u dont need tactics, just build 10 cata and down that wall fast enough and kill the lord with 40+ players. no guards will report to ur guild or anyone in wvw. and scouting a t3 keep has no rewards..... so whats the point to def a t3 keep if i could get more from pvd?



um no. siege bunkering is worse than ever. i take more damage from ac's than players these days


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Server lags, massive class imbalance, no future plans for WvW, very little incentive for new players to join the mode, server stacking, there's still servers below T4 this day and age, people still have to grind points for basic WvW skills, etc.


There's a lot wrong with this game mode and there's barely any talk from Anet. I have yet to buy PoF and I probably won't unless I see some WvW changes.


Just as an anecdote: I logged in this week after some months as I was craving for some WvW. I was in a guild that had huge rallies before PoF, some months ago, and last night they couldn't get 15 people online. Sad times for us all below T1.

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Delightful! 5 years as a deja vu! 5 years the same bugs and problems!

Queue in prime time - a genial design, over which they laugh!

Fantastic operation on implantation of the system of rewards into the current despondency! Now www is the body of a bull with a rabbit's head!

Very beautiful legendary armor without a skin! HAHAHA

Guild Wars 2 without guild wars - primitive deception to attract the audience and money!


why voted for the option "yes"?

just this poll is as useless as www

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> @JustDemons.4358 said:

> <3 Yes!

> Why? Cuz i think u should always just **like a game for what it IS** and not hoping for smth that u want it to be. i wish some down tuning of the new specs to match core specs and some more ways to deal with condi (food, utility food maybe?). But i still can enjoy this game and this mode!


For those of us who played since day one it's not something 'we hope' it could be, it's something it used to be.

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- class balance is a joke

- to many conditions flying around since this expansion

- The Pips system is a nice idea, but poorly implemented ... again we in wvw get the worst rewards

- the tower upgrade system ... let us pick what to upgrade it is stupid that we first get cannons then walls / gate

- Redesign Anza and Durios they are pretty much worthless, nobody cares about them as they get flipped so fast due to their poor location and bad defense options.

- Siege weapons .. some of they are useless

- the skirmish system is missing one thing ... skirmishes .... now I have seen more zergs run away from each other then actually fight.



- Promote big battles by creating clash events on the map. creating swords (orange) that area gives x% increased badges, wvw xp and per kill more lootbags and karma per kill (since we all love karma) xD

- Sieges that get orange swords increase the bonus for both sides as well.

- the longer a tower is held the more rewards you get --> Increased point count for the tower + increased overal wvw xp and badges + karma (yes I love karma)

- Work with tiers 3-4 tiers for this system.

- add a store item for those who want gliding just for wvw - 800 gems


might not be what everyone likes but these are just a few idea's






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i've seen WvW evolve and get downgraded for all that matter, The first big issue was the change to stability. instead of duration it changed to stacks.

The pirate shit meta came.. ranged and range battles over the melee train clashing.. all about who had the bigger preasure...


After they redid stab, where 0.75 seconds is needed to remove stack after stack, the melee was back, i was thrilled!

but then the corrupt meta came. Cele necro's shouting boons away like you swat a fly with bare hands, revenants that corrupt anything in front of you... it became dificult to survive while servers where lacking the will to fight, more and more lag got involved and conditions kept taking away your health second after second while no other skill would work.


Trailblazer gear, condition damage and by all means the highly overpowered way where you loose boons about 1000 times faster then you can apply them, makes that situation quite unbearable...

now spell breakers and scourges are in the game, great... massive AoE and pulsing boon corrupt/remove fields everywhere. NO meleetrain can fight up to that.... back to the fucking pirateship... Yaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh m8yyyyy, Load your cannons and fire away!


Guilds after guild leaving, disbanding, insanly high recruitment criteria and so many newbies who don't even know the can dodge incoming damage... WvW is dieing since the start, we all knew this, but the current state is just the worst... big group of ppl circling around each other waiting for "the perfect" moment of pushing... national servers that rather run away from fights building 10 ac's in a tower, unless they outman you 5-1 and ofc the gvg scene ded, no guild that still raids and everyone is disbanding left, right and center

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