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Fractal experience

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The other day I went and did some fractal dungeons cause I was bored.


There are a few i did was the one with snow, campfires, and ice elemental. The other one i did was when i had to jump onto geometric shaped while dodging harpies. I also did the nightmare fractal and somehow survived without agnory resistance (dont mind my spelling).


I had issues with the one that I had to jump up the geometric shapes to get to the boss room because there was this one shape that was slightly smaller than the other. That kind of made me a bit frustrated.


The nightmare fractal was okay though evenknow I'm only fractal level 4 with no resistance to those orbs that look like melted glowing caramel and the fractal difficulty scale is level 23. I found a way to survive the end boss was by dodging the smaller orbs it released.


Fractals are fun.

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