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Trading Post Skins Unlocked Filter

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Have you ever gotten one of those weapon skin unlock gizmos from a black lion chest and when you use it, it unlocked a cheap 40 copper skin like an Iron Dagger? What a waste that is! Well that happened to me many months ago. Now, I'm trying to find new armor skins I don't have unlocked yet and trying to find some that aren't unlocked in the trade broker is a bit of a pain. Is it possible that a filter could be added to the trading post to show only items that you have not unlocked the skin for? That way whenever you get those skin unlock gizmos, you can feel confident that you have either already made or bought all the cheapo skins and have a good chance of getting a higher priced skin. What do you guys think? Apologies if something like this already exists.

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Yes, that would certainly be ideal. But since it was never implemented, at least this is a work-around. You can put in a price filter, so I started out "show me everything under 1g" and bought all that up, then worked my way up over the years.


This will show you everything, which is nice. Dyes, minis, skins, etc.

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