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Getting on mounts completely freezes the character in place

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I'm playing on the EU region and have been experiencing issues when getting on (all) mounts near other players or after teleporting to a waypoint, my character appears in the mount position but half on it's body gets underground, when moving, the character does the moving animation (jump up and down a bit, just like if it's actually on a mount) but it stays still in the same location and there is no mount to be seen. while the mini map that the character is moving, but it the mini map itself doesn't move with the character (which is supposed to keep the character icon in the center while the map itself moves). In this state, the character moves in the mini map but the mini map itself doesn't. this lasts for about ~25 seconds usually but can get to 40+ seconds sometimes stuck in a single place, afterwards the character teleports to the place corresponding to what it should have gone to while it was stuck (according to my WASD input). When dismounting while being stuck, the character appears in the original place as if I didn't press any movement keys while "mounted". This happens in every map, but it's much less likely to happen in core Tyria maps (main cities not included), it's most prevalent in places near a lot of people or mobs (or where many things are happening).

A place where it's guaranteed to occur is in Drizzlewood Coast when teleporting to a camp and getting on a griffon or skyscale mid air, in this scenario, the character appears in the mounted position but no mount is to be seen, and since it's mid air, the character doesn't "sink" it's lower half into the ground.


I'm not a game dev, and this is only speculation on why this happens, but I think the root cause of this issue is that the game waits confirmation from the server to get on the mount (and also which mount skin to use), which sometimes takes many seconds to happen. So because of the fact that the animation of getting on a mount, and the positioning of the character icon the mini map are client sided stuff, they happen instantly. but since allowing the client to show the mount and move it takes a lot of time, for the server to respond, only some of the mounting process completes (the part that's client sided), and the character freezes in place (by freeze, I mean unable to move using the movement keys). so my suggestion is to make the entire mounting process client sided and not making any part of it **depend** on the server to confirm. in other words, telling the server that the character has mounted an X mount, but not **waiting** till the server issues a confirmation that that's okay to happen. I can see already how this can be exploited, by figuring out a script, a cheater can activate a mount that they haven't unlocked yet, but remember, once the server receives and processes this info it can immediately dismount the player (or take other necessary action). I can also see that it will be needed to integrate whatever the active mount skins is, to the client side. And in case this some causes desync issues, excluding WvW would be a good idea, so the Warclaw in WvW can still remain use the normal way.

I have seen many reports from many other players about this exact issue, and from my experience, it almost is making the game unplayable, imagine having to wait 20 seconds every time you get on a mount, every single time. it's frustrating.

I'd be happy to provide additional details if needed, thank you :blush:

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> This has been an ongoing bug since mounts started. Using a mount skin instead of the original skin tends to fix that. I'm not sure if that is why they haven't fixed this bug...


Hmm??? Maybe they are taking their time while people buy mounts with gems? Seems like a conflict of interest or a Catch 22 on their part.

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