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removing consumables from fotms dump? - [Merged]


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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> I bet the majority never even used that things in dungeons or fractals and don't care. Even didn't think about that they could use that there...


The majority didn't. The few people who actually play the more difficult endgame content did. It They were used by people soloing hard content ever since it's release and they only really gained popularity with the release of the fractal 100CM where having said consumables made the difference between wiping for a long time or killing the boss first try.

Anet created a problem by introducing completely unbalanced breakbars and instead of addressing the real problem which indeed was bad balance they put their effort into destroying content for people who actually want to go the extra mile to clear hard content on their own.

Anet hasn't been in touch with it's community at the very least since the great exodus happened and possibly before that and they're just gonna kill off this game because they don't care or listen to their community.

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Seriously. You barely can find any ppl who know about shovels in regular T4 pugs. Consumables only emerge in CMs.

Why bothering about feature that has been here for so long, and only used by a bunch of hardcore veterans?

Why did they feel the urge to upset those **loyal veterans**? Noone except veterans got hurt by this change in any way.

This only means more time for clearing instances. And more frustration

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Heck I played Fractals for a good year or two before I finally realized these consumables were a thing! I could see the usefullness, breakbar in the new 100 cm is pretty hard to break. Couldn’t they just allow you to bind a consumable to the novelty item slot? Then you could hit “u” to use the item or click the icon in the skill bar. WHY CAN’T THEY DO THAT instead of just removing them?

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