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Will we ever see a Client upgrade? Like, native DX12 with multicore support?

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> @"Zephire.8049" said:

> There's no doubt that a new engine would be a huge undertaking, but GW2's engine is a _heavily_ modified GW1 engine making it 16+ years old now.

And how new engine can improve gamepley ? It can't. People absolutely don't worry what engine used.. Millions people still play lineage2 C4 lauched in October 2005, millions still play Ragnarok Online, relized in August **2002**

It require Intel Pentium 500 MHz. CPU, 128MB RAM, 8MB video, and DirectX 8.0 .. and people happy and don't what any changes in these success projects.

So in mmo worlg game engine change can only kill game, but not do better

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Ever? Possibly. Depends on when it becomes a viable amount of work for the cost vs benefit.

Right now or soon? Probably not. As of right now, redoing the base code is a massive undertaking, and the benefits of slightly better performance in high-end machines is simply not worth that.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I don't think it will come GW3

it not solid with expansion thread line .. It the same as say WoW2 will come .. They will broke appen conception and lose base player base .. For example I not will play gw3, but nut see problem buy gems for gw2 or buy expansions is also solid accepted

.. many players think also tha same .. Marketologs own the world, and they understand this.


> But there is the question of cost and how long will the game be around in the future ?

depend that you mean. Many mmo games is exists, is population can be decreased ? - ofc. But if someone think that on new engine version will get some hype - this is mistake. As I write I still also play few projects, one of them from 2002, other 2005. GW2 is newest ..

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