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Replay Personal Story.


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My question is... why dont we still have ability to replay our personal story? Im really dissapointed with Priory theme and plot - unfortunetly i have them chosen on my main character. Why it's an issue? Cause game remind me of that choice with every expansion. It would not be an issue if it wasn't affecting my current experience. I know maybe somone will say: just delete this character, and make a new one, with story you like... yea, that would be solution if my character was not almost 5 years old, and was not with me since the beginning of the game. Also doing the maps all over again just because I can't change story... It's just pointless.


Can anyone could answer this definitely? Will it be ever an option, or are there some technical issues that make this impossible?


P.S. Sorry for my English! Im still practicing.

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From what the devs have mentioned before, they've said it's too much work to go in and make them replayable, the coding for the personal story wasn't built to be made replayable and the amount of work that would go in there could easily be spent on doing a significant amount of work towards an expansion. It's not a great situation, I wish I could replay the personal story myself, but I don't think that we'll ever get a replayable personal story, considering they won't even make season 1 playable as well.


Even if the personal story could be replayed, I doubt we'd have the ability to so drastically change the decisions we made early on for our characters (especially one as significant and story impacting as which order we went with), but at least that choice is having less and less effect on the stories we've encountered recently, so hopefully you won't be constantly reminded of your choice in the near future (though i'm not sure where each expansion has heavily reminded players about their order choice, aside from hearts and minds for HoT and the departing for PoF).


Also you've done pretty well with your English, don't worry about it!

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