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Masterlist of QOL Updates and features?

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> Nevermind I thought you were asking about teh requests, but re-reading you are talking about requested and released I believe.


Yes, the ones released so far. I remember seeing a site or document that summarized the major QOL updates. It was very colorful but can't find it ATM. I think its very important to be mindful of how far we've come.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> Maybe remembering this one?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Release


> Outside of the release subforum not ringing a bell of all QoL changes released as a summary.


Seen that but I guess the thing I saw was made on some sort of spreadsheet and posted on the etherweb. Ah well. I just hope people remember some of the QOL updates we received even just this year.

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Perhaps this



Found one that is less old



The most recent update (above) is from [u/Listhenbird](https://old.reddit.com/user/Lishtenbird), who hasn't been posting much about GW2 since.

([Original post is on reddit](https://redd.it/cx0fa2), if you want to look, but no pointers to something from 2020. There is a link to poster's website, which also has nothing more recent.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Perhaps this

> ~~nojamtoday.com/upload/guild_wars_2_content_and_feature_update_chart_36.png~~


> Found one that is less old

> https://i.imgur.com/s71sJc3.png


> The most recent update (above) is from [u/Listhenbird](https://old.reddit.com/user/Lishtenbird), who hasn't been posting much about GW2 since.

> ([Original post is on reddit](https://redd.it/cx0fa2), if you want to look, but no pointers to something from 2020. There is a link to poster's website, which also has nothing more recent.)


THAT'S IT! Thankyou, its too bad its not updated recently but great find!

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