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Mystic Clovers bugged?

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I know, sometimes you just get unlucky, but I've tried to make 44 clovers over the last week and I've successfully made TWO. THIS IS NOT FUN. THIS IS ABOUT TO MAKE ME QUIT.


To clarify, only 30 attempts were bundled as the 10x recipe. Which none produced clovers. Which means I've received two from 14 separate 1x recipe attempts. Did the odds change? Because the wiki says it's around a 68% chance for the 1x recipe but this is becoming an insurmountable step to making a legendary and it's incredibly demoralizing.


I'm almost done with EVERYTHING ELSE, and I've been trying to make clovers throughout the entire process. This just feels like I'm being held upside down and having my lunch-gold shaken out of my pockets.

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