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Could we get estimated wait times on tickets?

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Anet, could we have an estimated wait time on tickets please? How long do we have to wait? Why do we have to wait that long? What's going on at all?

I have a ticket opened a week ago, and still no reply. Here in the forums and on Reddit as well I saw mentioning of 4 weeks of wait times. This shuns a very bad light on Support... I willing to believe that they are working day and night on tickets as fast as possible, but the only thing that I know for sure, that mine haven't been checked yet. Nothing more. I wouldn't mind if I would know, that my ticket will be reviewed like 2 weeks from now, because I would know something. But for now I just hope everyday, and no luck so far. (And my problem isn't even a serious issue, so if someone would just say "sorry, we can't help you" would be okay, and I'd be done with it.)


Could you please send email notification or something when someone opens a ticket an estimation on wait time?


Or could you just say something about it? The last thing I know about this that RB2 said on twitter that ticket resolve time increased


and this topic:



but these were long ago.





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Patience is key. Large player base, new expansion. Going to be very high volume of support tickets. Was the same with HoT. Realistically, they know this is coming, would be nice if they had the foresight to hire some additional service desk staff for a couple months after the release, but oh well.

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I agree, this is pretty ridiculous. My wife tried to come back to play the expansion with me, but she can't access her account because she doesn't remember the password. Should be simple right? Even with the original product key the automated system won't work with an error indicating an incorrect field but not indicating the field, and still no response on her ticket. I'm super glad I hadn't bought the expansion yet :\

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As far as I can recall it has been over a month since they bothered to make a statement on the issue (via Twitter). That's too bad and I even though it doesn't involve me I find it disrespectful. Seems to be the elephant in the room.


Heck, as much as they seem to love sticky threads in other forums it seems they could at least make one here saying they are running behind on tickets. That would be better than having forum members relay that information for them. I feel it is not cool to expect forum regulars (customers) to explain why tickets are running behind in thread after thread, but it seems that is what is happening. :disappointed:

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Yuup this is ridiculous at the moment... Going on 11 days to fix my problem. And Im one of the fortunate ones whos problem doesnt affect my ability to access the game. I've heard of stories of ppl waiting 3 weeks + with account issues not allowing them to login. I think the player base would be less upset if Anet just came out and gave an announcement on the situation tho. Waiting 3 weeks to play a game you anxiously want to play immediately is 1 thing if you are prepared for it, but its torture to be kept in the dark.


On the other hand, sure is nice to have first world problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I eagerly came back to GW2 after a month playing at launch a week ago...love all the new changes...took 24h to resolve my password reset and thought, not bad...Bought HOF & HOT and spent a good £40 on some gems and in game 'new stuff'. Made a small error in the wrong gem bundle purchase, as 'eager newbie' not knowing all the options...raised a 'gem purchase issue' ticket a day ago, thinking 24h again for a reply 'should be normal'...nothing in my email this morning so thought let me get on the forum see what's happening...reading the posts above my eagerness to continue again fading away...3 to 4 weeks...really...please Anet no, no....please no....

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I checked in with Customer Support, and after the initial surge of tickets with the launch of Path of Fire, things have settled down to normal and most tickets will be responded to within 24 hours. Keep in mind that individual situations vary, and some of the more complex issues will take longer. But for the most part, most tickets can be resolved by the next day.


If you're experiencing a long delay, you should get a response to keep you informed of the situation. For instance, perhaps your ticket needs to be escalated to a senior agent, maybe it's coming in through an incorrect reason and needs to be rerouted, or it may be that you've submitted more than one ticket and the multiples need to be identified and merged (which is why you never should submit more than one ticket, but update your *existing ticket* if you have additional info to share or if you want to ask for an update). If you've been waiting more than 3 full days without a response of any kind, post your 7-digit ticket number below and I'll track a few of those to see if there are any issues in the system.


Thank you for your patience, and here's wishing you a fast turn-around for any of your support needs!

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Don't find how to edit a post or send a private message, so sorry for the double post ...

@"Gaile Gray.6029" as i asked before we need some help for the 6688035 ticket which was created a little more than 3 days, it's just for dissociate an authenticator because of lost phone, please, can you help us with that ?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I checked in with Customer Support, and after the initial surge of tickets with the launch of Path of Fire, things have settled down to normal and most tickets will be responded to within 24 hours. Keep in mind that individual situations vary, and some of the more complex issues will take longer. But for the most part, most tickets can be resolved by the next day.


> If you're experiencing a long delay, you should get a response to keep you informed of the situation. For instance, perhaps your ticket needs to be escalated to a senior agent, maybe it's coming in through an incorrect reason and needs to be rerouted, or it may be that you've submitted more than one ticket and the multiples need to be identified and merged (which is why you never should submit more than one ticket, but update your *existing ticket* if you have additional info to share or if you want to ask for an update). If you've been waiting more than 3 full days without a response of any kind, post your 7-digit ticket number below and I'll track a few of those to see if there are any issues in the system.


> Thank you for your patience, and here's wishing you a fast turn-around for any of your support needs!


I have a ticket opened on the 16th of october and i'm still waiting an update. 6661319

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Linkazzatore -- 6661319 is a duplicate of 6648432 in which you were reporting someone. You were thanked for your report and there is no additional information that the team needs. That is all the answer that they would give in a situation such a yours.


Mona - thank you, glad you're set.


Episilon -- you were answered fully after two hours ago and you also should be good to go.


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  • 4 months later...

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> things have settled down to normal and most tickets will be responded to within 24 hours.


Sounds good, but is it as good for all supported languages? E.g. should we germans better write english tickts to not wait much longer?



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