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Does anyone feel like there was a missed opportunity for a huge desert map?


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> @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> Before the expansion, and while playing it, I always imagined what lay beyond the mountains to the south of ebonhawk, and what the crystal desert looked like. Mainly in my mind was the open sandunes of large deserts. I know that guild wars maps, and open world maps in general, are meant to be more or less abstract representations of a larger world, but that being said I still feel as though we never got that open dune field all good deserts have.


the biggest desert on earth (that is bigger than the next 3 together) is the antarctic.

so the typical desert is actually snowy planes and icy mountains, not sand.


even for the rest of the 5 biggest deserts sand is rather uncommon, the more common version is rubble/rock. so i do think that elonian maps do represent hot deserts quite well, kourna has a bigger portion of sand dunes, the crystal oasis as well, while other maps feature more rocky parts. icy deserts look a lot like places in the shiverpeaks.


the most common desert this game actually lacks is probably salt lakes.

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