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Season 9 Queue Changes

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi folks!


Starting with Season 9, legendary players will no longer be able to duo queue. Because we have so few legendary players, it’s very difficult to get legendary players into an appropriate match. When legendary players duo queue, it greatly compounds this difficulty. Our goal with this is to improve matchmaking at higher skill levels.


Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base.


We’ll be keeping a sharp eye on how this affects Season 9. This will be a fairly easy thing for us to adjust if we feel it necessary in the future.


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"Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base."


i dont understand this part. are you saying that people duo queuing is tiny fraction of the player base or is the solo players?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Milan.9035 said:

> "Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base."


> i dont understand this part. are you saying that people duo queuing is tiny fraction of the player base or is the solo players?


The tiny fraction we're referring to here are the legendary players.

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> @steelrage.2904 said:



Sarcasm or serious?


Anet why not just reintroduce 5 man ques in PvP? I really don't understand why you are discouraging teams in a gamemode that is supposed to be played in teams.


You essentially don't allow friends to play with each other.


The whole thing about how 5 mans have an advantage over solo que players applies in every other competitive game as well. Look at Smite for example. 5 man teams will always have an advantage if they are fighting groups that aren't as uncoordinated. The hopes being that those solo players will form groups as well is what helps improve the gamemode as a whole.


Friends keep people coming back. If you continue to make it so that people can only play on their own, they are going to get bored and leave.

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Of course, this is the best idea to improve the system of matchmaking.

After all, the easiest way is just to make sure that the remnants of top tier players just leave the game or at least play AT once a day.


What do you want to achieve this? to eradicate wintrading?

To force players to look for new ways of cheating the system?


Maybe you will still be engaged in revising the system of rewards and returning at least some competitive part in PvP like it was before?


I do not understand you, developers, with each season we are waiting for something new, which would make us play more and better.

Instead, are you going to break the duoq, which is completely absurd, only for players from the legend? 10/10 anet. Good job.


I still believe that you can abandon this idea of ​​dividing groups into divisions or at least just return Soloq.



by the way, you risk entering such a system to get situations in which the legendary players will receive not even gold, but silver ones with an interval in the rating of about 400-500. Do you want this? Do whatever you want then.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hi folks!


> Starting with Season 9, legendary players will no longer be able to duo queue. Because we have so few legendary players, it’s very difficult to get legendary players into an appropriate match. When legendary players duo queue, it greatly compounds this difficulty. Our goal with this is to improve matchmaking at higher skill levels.


> Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base.


> We’ll be keeping a sharp eye on how this affects Season 9. This will be a fairly easy thing for us to adjust if we feel it necessary in the future.



I like the direction this is heading, but legend is really small in NA. To me it should be extended into platinum. Also, I'd love to see tighter mmr ranges on teams. that may be harder for the plat+ since they have a small population, but I'd gladly add some queue time over alternating matches between having the god of PvP on my team, and the mouth breather of PvP on my team.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> ah, rewarding skilled players by not allowing them to queue with their friends


> good move. can't see that driving anyone away lol


Honestly? Most of the top NA players leaving would probably be an improvement. It would leave space for new top players to develop, hopefully players who will be good exemplars and actually seek to build a better and less toxic NA competitive community.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > ah, rewarding skilled players by not allowing them to queue with their friends

> >

> > good move. can't see that driving anyone away lol


> Honestly? Most of the top NA players leaving would probably be an improvement. It would leave space for new top players to develop, hopefully players who will be good exemplars and actually seek to build a better and less toxic NA competitive community.


I'm EU so I don't have to deal w such a toxic scene, but regardless- changing your game to drive away the top of the playerbase is a pretty stupid idea. the next top players need to fight top players to reach their level. you don't get to be an Olympic swimmer by racing at the old peoples home.


as far as skill in NA goes, I've seen the UGOs and oh man the skill issue isn't going to be solved by removing Naru and co. y'all just need to learn to play as a team my goodness. honestly some of those games are embarrassing. I mean driving away the best players in NA will make the scene look competitive, but it will be like four year olds with foam bats. looks competitive until you realise the sport was supposed to be fencing.


as far as EU goes, man I bet all those legend players- especially those who do duo queue streams will be pleased lol. all this change does for them is ruin their fun as soon as they get past plat. 10/10 great move

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