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Season 9 Queue Changes

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> @zoomborg.9462 said:

> Well done on reaching legendary. Now go play by yourself because that's so much fun! Competitive games promote teaming up, not isolating the players. This might be good for mm but in the end it will be another blow to the already struggling PvP scene.


Well there's something called Automated Tournaments

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When you say "legendary" you do mean "cheater squad" right? We didn't have many actual legendary people since we had massive match manipulation going and a illegitimate "leader board".


This wont fix things when theses "legendary cheaters" wont stop until you actually stop them by means of a actual ban and not a wrist slap. Cheaters will cheat untill you actually take a stand against the troll squad up on top. The cheat squad will find a way to team up may it be smerfing or off time play.

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Ben, what happened to the promised second poll if duo queue should stay? Its been a year since duo was introduced but it should have only lasted 1 season and then been asked to the playerbase if it should stay at all. Personally i feel the wording in the first poll was very bad. And i think it would be better to introduce a pure-solo-queue and the old team-queue were 1-5 players can queue. You know like at the start of the game ;)

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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> How is there supposed to be a competitive scene when the only chance players have to practice as a group against competent players is every 6 hours while getting steamrolled in the ATs?


scrims on private hotjoin servers. That's how the "pro" teams have been doing it for years.

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If you are gonna do it this way...This honestly should be 1650+. There is so much fluctuation in Plat 2+ and the entire leaderboard is 1650+. You want the leaderboard to have some true competition...not just "Let's duo until 1800" because that's literally no different than now.


Plus, we all know you aren't going to do changes during the season, so stop taking baby steps and making the PvP community suffer for months until the next...but then I doubt you even read down to this post anyway.

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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > Well done on reaching legendary. Now go play by yourself because that's so much fun! Competitive games promote teaming up, not isolating the players. This might be good for mm but in the end it will be another blow to the already struggling PvP scene.


> Well there's something called Automated Tournaments


Automated Tournaments havent really had much impact in PvP cause pretty much every problem comes from the very small PvP population. They also dont mean much since the gap between the good and bad players is stupidly big. The correct way to fix mm isnt to isolate a part of the playerbase as if they are a problem and no im not talking about the NA shenanigans here. At least on EU there is still some players that are legit legendary. The correct way to fix mm is to try by all means to increase overall population in PvP. Every single game with nice ranked matchmaking relies on big playerbase numbers to keep a balance between quality games and queue time. This is what anet PvP team (if such a thing exists) should strive for.


This is just a band-aid that will have bigger consequences in the future as the people who get isolated because of their rank completely drop the game. What anet is basically doing here is sacrificing the small legendary population in order to 'fix' things, which is completely wrong on principle.

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You're assuming legendary players will drop PvP from this change. And what if they don't?


I'd also like to add that many legendary players are decent players. When they duo together, they can land in a game far below their rating, and completely carry their teams. Now imagine only one legendary placed down there, the odds are more equal now. Let's go even further--let's see player A and B are legendary. Normally A and B would be on one team while the other team is all gold-plat. With this change the MMR may make it so player A is on one team and B is on the other team, forcing them against each other and making it equal.


How would this affect the majority negatively at all? This is completely the opposite in effect.

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Don't you think this is slightly ineffective? There was only 34 people who were legend in NA by the end of the season and I think we all know the number was less than 15 during the season. How can this be useful if only 15 people are effected by this anyways. Just make it Plat and Legend or make it everyone you're wasting your time doing this change unless you are changing more.

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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> You're assuming legendary players will drop PvP from this change. And what if they don't?


> I'd also like to add that many legendary players are decent players. When they duo together, they can land in a game far below their rating, and completely carry their teams. Now imagine only one legendary placed down there, the odds are more equal now. Let's go even further--let's see player A and B are legendary. Normally A and B would be on one team while the other team is all gold-plat. With this change the MMR may make it so player A is on one team and B is on the other team, forcing them against each other and making it equal.


> How would this affect the majority negatively at all? This is completely the opposite in effect.


It is actively handicapping top players in order to fix matchmaking issues. The top players arent the root of this problem, the overall low population is. It's like saying "i have a sick dog, the medication is so costly that euthanizing it is the solution". That's what is being illustrated right here. Yes mm will probably be more balanced but it is hands down a wrong way to fix it, on principle.

I never, EVER, played a competitive game where u get handicapped or isolated for playing good so from some1 with experience in competitive games this is a very cheap way to fix a problem with deeper roots. U are seeing this only in the short term, while the bigger picture is, this is anet grasping at last straws to keep ranked PvP alive.Not healthy but alive.

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> @Skittledness.5106 said:

> Make ranked q soloq

> Leave unranked to mayhem and

> leave ATs for team play

> U should also add weekly tournaments on Saturdays


+1. You can queue 5 person teams for AT and unranked. There are plenty of opportunities to play with friends. Plus the alleged wintrading issues would be resolved since people are duo queuing in plat and and plat accounts are throwing there-not legendary. Keep the monthlies but weekend tourneys would not hurt. Matchmaking needs all the help it can get.

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I remember when people actually asked to join teams in chat or LFG to PvP with. Cause now its just an empty map chat with nothing but crickets chirping cause everyone just plays alone anyways.


Screw friends right? I love playing alone. I've never seen a game in my life that literally bars you from playing with your friends. What the fuck kinda decision making is this? Who comes up with this shit?


Why not just get rid of parties altogether? Screw squads too right? Why not make WvW solo only, raid in PvE alone?


**Why is it only PvP that's being punished?**

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Solo que / leader board and a 2-5 party player que / leader board. Parties who like to cheat can then plague the team comp leader board and the real leader board will finally come to light. Just gotta make sure those who click at the same time on off and slow times don't get the same team or even same game. You could deal with the afk and bot problem while your at it. A final good note way to fix things in ranked is one phone number required for a ranked account to play ranked in season. So the alt account loser cheats can't do their thing.

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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> I remember when people actually asked to join teams in chat or LFG to PvP with. Cause now its just an empty map chat with nothing but crickets chirping cause everyone just plays alone anyways.


> Screw friends right? I love playing alone. I've never seen a game in my life that literally bars you from playing with your friends. What the kitten kinda decision making is this? Who comes up with this kitten?


> Why not just get rid of parties altogether? Screw squads too right? Why not make WvW solo only, raid in PvE alone?


> **Why is it only PvP that's being punished?**


The issue is the population is too low to separate duo/solo queue, or team/solo queues. Too much MMR variability.


Also, why not make friends with people *while* solo queuing? It's not like you're playing with 4 bots (possible but very unlikely). Or why not voice chat while solo queuing with people? Is it really that big of a detriment to lose 1 person while queuing? Or, if you're solo queuing you can stream (which a lot of people do) and feel connected with people.


I don't understand this argument.


If anything, duo queuing feels awkward sometimes because it's just you and your friend/duo, and if the duo is new or someone you just started duoing with it'll take time to break the ice, if ever.



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