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Season 9 Queue Changes

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They keep using the same tight lipped policy for all their game modes and it doesn't work for pvp and wvw. In those modes, the silence just fuels rampant speculation and massive cinicism on the part of the playerbase. Not to mention pvp game modes need regular balance updates and should not be treated the same way as pve.

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> Why don't you just have two ranked queues? One for solo players and one for teams. I don't understand why the need for this kinda stuff when the solution is simple.


We had that years ago. Initially solo queue was popular and team queue was slow. Then people realized how awful and toxic solo queue was - full of "solo queue heroes" where winning or losing was based on getting the not-terrible player. Over the course of a month or so, most people migrated to team queue (team being groups of 1-5). Solo queue participation got so bad that ANet eventually killed it, leaving only team queue. No clue why ANet or the community feel the need to repeat the experiment...

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@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" why not go a step further and remove Duo completely, I bet so many players will be confused on why they suddenly can’t play with their friends anymore if one of them hits 1600. why Reward the lower tiers with being able to select 2/5 of their team to their advantage? Especially with how large the Queue can reach for Players where Plat/Legend players get Queues with/against Bronze/Silver and Gold Players who get to Duo Queue.


Just go all or nothing with this, kill playing with friends at all levels of Ranked.

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> @Lyger.5429 said:

> > @Trigr.6481 said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > We've talked about weekend tournaments several times. We don't want to do this for now, as it would possibly interfere with some other plans. I can't say more, as those plans aren't 100% and are several months out minimum.

> >

> > I know this question is probably going to be taken the wrong way, but what harm would it do if you guys were just more open about your ideas on what's coming down the road? A road map, a to do list, a brainstorming list, anything. If the goal is to keep the Spvp playerbase populated, fun, and balanced then why not include those players in the process when it comes to your own internal brainstorming instead of kipping everything so close to the chest? Stronghold is the biggest example offender of things that the community as a whole didn't really enjoy, and simply could have been avoided if you guys were more open as to what possibly might be, saving yourselves the time and effort and perhaps making something else that could have jump started the scene. Just some food for thought.

> >

> > Countless


> Remember their policy is we don't talk about it until it's ready to ship. As you can see this comes with a whole lot of problems. At least the queue changes are good.


Its a great policy. It means that when they release something that the community doesn't like, they just wasted all of their time. You know, rather than being transparent about what they are working on and potentially taking community feedback so they can work on something that everyone would enjoy.


Oh wait, but that would be the _smart_ thing to do.

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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> > @Lyger.5429 said:

> > > @Trigr.6481 said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > We've talked about weekend tournaments several times. We don't want to do this for now, as it would possibly interfere with some other plans. I can't say more, as those plans aren't 100% and are several months out minimum.

> > >

> > > I know this question is probably going to be taken the wrong way, but what harm would it do if you guys were just more open about your ideas on what's coming down the road? A road map, a to do list, a brainstorming list, anything. If the goal is to keep the Spvp playerbase populated, fun, and balanced then why not include those players in the process when it comes to your own internal brainstorming instead of kipping everything so close to the chest? Stronghold is the biggest example offender of things that the community as a whole didn't really enjoy, and simply could have been avoided if you guys were more open as to what possibly might be, saving yourselves the time and effort and perhaps making something else that could have jump started the scene. Just some food for thought.

> > >

> > > Countless

> >

> > Remember their policy is we don't talk about it until it's ready to ship. As you can see this comes with a whole lot of problems. At least the queue changes are good.


> Its a great policy. It means that when they release something that the community doesn't like, they just wasted all of their time. You know, rather than being transparent about what they are working on and potentially taking community feedback so they can work on something that everyone would enjoy.


> Oh wait, but that would be the _smart_ thing to do.


Just restating their stance, not agreeing with it in anyway. Looking at more successful games, interacting with the community is key. At this point they might as well bring back Ready Up.

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> Anet why not just reintroduce 5 man ques in PvP? I really don't understand why you are discouraging teams in a gamemode that is supposed to be played in teams.


> You essentially don't allow friends to play with each other.


> The whole thing about how 5 mans have an advantage over solo que players applies in every other competitive game as well. Look at Smite for example. 5 man teams will always have an advantage if they are fighting groups that aren't as uncoordinated. The hopes being that those solo players will form groups as well is what helps improve the gamemode as a whole.


> Friends keep people coming back. If you continue to make it so that people can only play on their own, they are going to get bored and leave.


This is what I have been requesting and pleading for a long time. Anet please think, can u make solo or duoQ for Raids? Nope! It needs a team to overcome a Boss challenge. Same goes for PvP.


PvP is a team game!! It is crazy to do Solo or DuoQ, where luck prevails more over skills. You can be a great 1v1 player and win a node as a Warrior or camp it as a Druid but you can't control the other four or three who would just play as they want and not care about the team as a whole!


Our question is simple, why can't we have two different Qs, one Solo and/Duo/TrioQ and other full team 5 player Q? People can choose and play as per their wish and comfort. Once you do, you will only see an increase in interest of players and much more interesting competition. Even if the PvP player base is low, making two different Qs and leaderboard is only going to help the cause..


Please understand and implement this...

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Anet PvP team please understand that your aim should be to increase the PvP player base and add to the company's effort to increase game purchase. Like the PvE team did with an interesting release of new story and mounts, there should be concrete steps from your end as well. In my opinion, you may go ahead with the following steps:


1. Make two separate Qs one for Solo, Duo and Trio Q and another with full team 5 player Q. Both should have separate leaderboards

2. Make rewards like PvP Armor or Weapon Skins where only winning games and reaching rating will give you the rewards (a player dont need PvE crafting etc for the rewards), titles etc. for both the leaderboards

3. Make Guild titles for teams having all members from specific guild reaching particular team rating, or specific number of individuals from a guild reaching particular rating during the season. This can generate enormous interest and actually bring into existence PvP guilds, even PvX guilds will encourage players/teams to go for the same

4. May be implement that a player can't change class once entering the game so that they can't abuse the current class matching game system as such


This approach will only benefit in increasing your player base and overall revenue. Of course PvP will become more competitive and interesting

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> @"Crystal Black.8190" said:

> Ben, what happened to the promised second poll if duo queue should stay? Its been a year since duo was introduced but it should have only lasted 1 season and then been asked to the playerbase if it should stay at all. Personally i feel the wording in the first poll was very bad. And i think it would be better to introduce a pure-solo-queue and the old team-queue were 1-5 players can queue. You know like at the start of the game ;)


^this. I've barely played ranked at all since season 5 because I've been pissed off that they never reopened the vote like they said they would. Pretty much my entire team stopped playing and we were pretty active back in season 1-4....shame

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> @witcher.3197 said:

> Yes, I too think we should tear apart what little community PvP has left by banning even duo Q. kitten friends and guilds and all that. /s


> So instead of banning wintraders you'll punish everyone else with this bandaid fix? Good job...


> Way to ruin what's left of PvP.


Maybe the wintraders spend hundreds of USDs monthly, to buy multiple HoT and PoF accounts and stuff. Maybe the wintraders support the game financially more than the legit players. That equivalent to killing your prized horse, that wins you massive amounts of money.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @witcher.3197 said:

> > Yes, I too think we should tear apart what little community PvP has left by banning even duo Q. kitten friends and guilds and all that. /s

> >

> > So instead of banning wintraders you'll punish everyone else with this bandaid fix? Good job...

> >

> > Way to ruin what's left of PvP.


> Maybe the wintraders spend hundreds of USDs monthly, to buy multiple HoT and PoF accounts and stuff. Maybe the wintraders support the game financially more than the legit players. That equivalent to killing your prized horse, that wins you massive amounts of money.


Maybe, it's still very cart before the horse type stuff. Cash shop sales must be a big part of the business model with everything else being a loss leader in essence. Pve too but it at least generates desire to buy kitten in the cash shop and f2p keeps a feeling of a busy playerbase. But the pvp (WvW & sPvP) business model is failing. Possibly to the point that not investing resources into it has a greater negative impact, certainly in growth and retention of potential customers/revenue.

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Instead of making changes to the direction of making league climbing easier (PvP is something competitive and no , not everyone should be in legendary division , that is what competition means) to keep every casual person who pve's 90% pvp's 10% and still complains why he is silver happy , do you concider to give to PvP community more competitive events than auto tournaments soon?

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> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> Playing against premade five man teams isn't fun when you're soloqueuing. Additionally, it would only make the win trading situation we saw last season even worse, as it would be even easier to do.


Some people just dont read or understand the written facts. I never said mix solo and teamQ but requested two different Qs. Please read my post above.


Anet can you please share your views if you can even think of two different Qs for Solo, Duo and Trio and a different for premade team Q.

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> @LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

> ^this. I've barely played ranked at all since season 5 because I've been pissed off that they never reopened the vote like they said they would. Pretty much my entire team stopped playing and we were pretty active back in season 1-4....shame


Me too! How could we dare to play with a team in a team based game mode in a mmo?

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1. This game is designed to be played socially.

2. ATs are way too infrequent for the average person to play even one a day consistently.

3. Scrims are great, for like the 20 people left in the game doing them.

4. If I can't play with friends, I'll go play something designed to be single player that is much more engaging. And find a new game to play with my friends.

5. "Hold your breath for months while we work on an unconfirmed project that may or may not happen and may or may not be an answer to these concerns" Haha okay yep sounds about right

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> @Thane.9421 said:

> 1. This game is designed to be played socially.

> 2. ATs are way too infrequent for the average person to play even one a day consistently.

> 3. Scrims are great, for like the 20 people left in the game doing them.

> 4. If I can't play with friends, I'll go play something designed to be single player that is much more engaging. And find a new game to play with my friends.

> 5. "Hold your breath for months while we work on an unconfirmed project that may or may not happen and may or may not be an answer to these concerns" Haha okay yep sounds about right


This music video pretty much sums it up



I laughs soo hard.

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