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PvP dueling


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around the time anet introduced the 2v2 map, they came out and said they don't intend to support any additional gamemodes


it's a silly idea I know. the 2v2 tournaments were always hype, and the scene really needs a new gamemode. but hey, anet don't care. 2v2 will never be a thing, even though it should have had a queue from launch

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> around the time anet introduced the 2v2 map, they came out and said they don't intend to support any additional gamemodes


> it's a silly idea I know. the 2v2 tournaments were always hype, and the scene really needs a new gamemode. but hey, anet don't care. 2v2 will never be a thing, even though it should have had a queue from launch


I did not know that arenanet made 2v2. I do wish you can do an open world 2v2. And it could actually be a ranked match.

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YES! to this >>PvP 1v1. 2v2 and 3v3 in any map. ( I'd like to add also allow Conq or TDM mode choices. )


But.. my heart goes to > Different approach. Have different types of PvP matches. Like capture the flag. Or just one area to capture for king of the hill. (I'm so sick of circle dancing conquest mode zzz ZZZ zzz ZZZ)


^ Praise the flying spaghetti monster this please ^


Need options other then dance around the circles, dance in circles, dance around the circles, or also then dance in the circles some more. Hey 1 person go home everyone else zerg mid!

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I'm against 1v1 because it will always favor classes such as Meaner and Thief that can build around staying out of danger long enough to bait defensive tools before going in for the kill. Even if you win vs them, the fight is likely to be boring. There are also plenty of builds that do similar things and will never kill each other unless someone screws up badly. You would also have to disable some amulets as well. I would be ok with a 3v3 mode of some kind however.


My "different approach" would be to rework how conquest works. Bigger points, no 5 second decaps, team with the most players on point behind to cap so bunkers aren't as powerful.

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> @Derps.7421 said:

> TBH i would rather have proper balance and less hardcounters in this game.


> This game has the possibility to be a really fun skill based pvp game the ground work is their just their have been some really really kitten gameplay decisions and balance patches


Honestly. I think balance is an excuse for people to think they need other classes down, when they don't need to be.


Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Which is like most things. Rock, paper and scissors for example. You can win at the end but nerfing down one of them because rock can't be paper is stupid. What's the point of having 9 different classes then? For all of them to do the same damage? Same healing? Same defense? That isn't how classes work. It's not a big deal. It doesn't make me stop playing their PvP. Their PvP is still by far the best to any MMO. The fast paced gameplay is still heartache and mind blowing, and I love it.


People just complain. People need Look up right builds. Get your right runes and sigils and practice to how YOU play. Not by how the guides play. People are just over their heads complaining about balance when classes are NOT suppose to be the same. That's why we have DIFFERENT classes. Balancing should be at the end.


I find it funny that everyone in gw2 forums complain about balancing. However the actual competitors of gw2 who do tournaments and win first place don't. I never hear the champs say it needs to be nerfed. People just.... Suck.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @Derps.7421 said:

> > TBH i would rather have proper balance and less hardcounters in this game.

> >

> > This game has the possibility to be a really fun skill based pvp game the ground work is their just their have been some really really kitten gameplay decisions and balance patches


> Honestly. I think balance is an excuse for people to think they need other classes down, when they don't need to be.


> Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Which is like most things. Rock, paper and scissors for example. You can win at the end but nerfing down one of them because rock can't be paper is stupid. What's the point of having 9 different classes then? For all of them to do the same damage? Same healing? Same defense? That isn't how classes work. It's not a big deal. It doesn't make me stop playing their PvP. Their PvP is still by far the best to any MMO. The fast paced gameplay is still heartache and mind blowing, and I love it.


> People just complain. People need Look up right builds. Get your right runes and sigils and practice to how YOU play. Not by how the guides play. People are just over their heads complaining about balance when classes are NOT suppose to be the same. That's why we have DIFFERENT classes. Balancing should be at the end.


> I find it funny that everyone in gw2 forums complain about balancing. However the actual competitors of gw2 who do tournaments and win first place don't. I never hear the champs say it needs to be nerfed. People just.... Suck.


Must suck to suck at one of the most casual, skill-less, pseudo-competitive games on the market then. GW2 is nothing but a Social Welfare game. For players who pretty much fail, or can't be bother to succeed at other skilled based multi-player games.


Anyone who even think to say GW2 is or has a competitive scene. Is either a troll or just too innocent to know and understand what competitive PvP gaming is. Other than leaderboards that are nonsensical at best.. GW2 offers none of the qualities that makes a PvP game competitive. Instead you have the opposite.


- Very low interest from the devs to maintain GW2's PvP game modes.

- Cheaters run free without fear of reprisal.

- Match Manipulation META

- Unbreakable hard counters, that you can't change to adapt to mid match.

- Brokenly OP skills and classes, that are allowed to fester for months at a time.

- No PvP balance team

- Highly PvE oriented based game damage and gear. That don't compensate for this in it's PvP modes.

- RNG queues are forced

- Teams are not allowed to be made in a team based environment game mode.

- Punishments for players who are infamous and acute trolls and griefers, are not meaningful, or don't even happen at all.

- What I like to call, long term "YOLO" balance patches. That purposely introduce highly broken builds.


GW2 is almost as far away from competitive PvP. As a P2W PvX game is, maybe even farther. Which is why you have people leaving GW2 for other PvP or RvR based games. This is why GW2's PvP and WvW modes are nearly devoid of players, most of the day. The game is only fun and competitive, to casual gamers who get rekted in other games. There are no actual competitors in GW2, just players abusing whatever, non competitive mechanics the devs allow them to abuse.(Compared to competitive PvP games standards.) GW2 is more likely to get a F as a grade then anything.

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