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Next expansion ideas and things to add.

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I'm not good at giving ideas but I will try :p


1) give us free gold pls or I will...(no I'm kidding only pls don't ban me bcos of this)


2) new maps in the cantha world -- 3 or more classical dungeons with new dungeon armours weapons and dungeon legendary trinkets.


3) Upgrade of pvp to include 3 v 3 or 2 v 2 maps and new achievement points. Make awesome to pvp leg armour (they really need some work on it)


4) update of wvw with more rewarding mini wvw games .. wvw have common market place and etc that all 3 world can enter but no fights allowed in the town.. people can do special wvw weapon and materials auction etc. Mini fighting arena ppl can put bets on and or participate on fight.


5) new class eg tengu. New profession eg return of ritualist.


6) world meta dragon battle (similar to hot DS is super awesome or teq ) idk seeing and fighting dragon feel pretty awesome lol defeating it feel accomplish :p .


7) last but not least lots lots lots of easy ap farm pls






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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> > thing is no one gets is anet will never do these things at all . they not done them in 5 years pretty safe bet they will not do them at all in the next maybe new pack at all with this 5 year old game . if they really was going to do this they would done some of this stuff the player base been asking for long time . with pof :# :# :#


> You mean like add Mounts? Expand Material Storage? Give Shared Inventory Slots? Take us to Elona? Added new content to Halloween? Etc., etc.


good joke !! thanks for the laugh seriously tho please do tell us all how long it took for them things to come into the game tho ??? and what new Halloween stuff the 2000 gems for the mount skins joke ?????????????????

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I just wanna add First Person support.


> Can't go first person mode on mounts, also would like to see my Pistols when running pistol/pistol thief. Make this a hybrid game.


that would be nice got to think how them poor Vegas56 and Vegas64 video card owners feel that they can not use them video cards in the game at all with out a lot of problems . but the same can be said for the 1080TI and some of the 980TI and so forth video card given the posts i read on the so called tech support part of this forum .


you think anet would want to be a step ahead of these things but nope . hell lucky the new Ryzen cpu,s work with the game .

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I understand lots of people want Cantha, but I have little enthusiasm for the idea of another expansion completely focused on humans.

Not very interested in more frozen north maps, either. Only so much you can do with white mountains and frozen lakes, seriously.

Underground has possibilities, but it seem like it would be dark and gloomy...and probably twisty and turny like Tangled Depths (which I have grown to like, but lots of people hate.)


Yeah, yeah, I'm being a curmudgeon and shooting down your ideas without offering any of my own. The truth is, I want Anet to dazzle me with something amazing and unexpected and unprecedented. If that's not going to happen, my vote is on Waterworld.


Here's an idea I will float (no pun intended.) Kingdom of the sky. Floating castles and islands. Cloud landscapes. Flying/floating masteries. No ground--if you fall too far, you transport to the central Tyrian map below your sky map.

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Add updrafts for the griffons and even more flying abilities, but at the same time add in new hidden monster/npcs called mount sniper/poacher that can potentially 1 shot you off your mount. I for one would love to se a player high in the sky getting shot down down and falling a great length to their death. The player will be unable to deploy glider if dismounted in this fashion.

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  • 6 months later...

Probs not a popular idea for many for good reason and maybe I'm asking for the game to be something that its not meant to be, but I personally would be really interested in an oriental based expansion. A Chinese dragon mount would be plausible but then again with the griffon I can see why there wouldn't be much point besides it being a new skin. But what would really interest me more than just an extra mount would be new, unique weapons which would fit the theme like chain whips and tekko-kagi claws.

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