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Hello friends.

Thank you for reading this post, I will be simple and objective in what I intend to discover.


How can we move the character by clicking on the right side of the mouse.


Since I can move the camera with the left side of the mouse and I already have the target by the right click, if I click on the floor in a certain area, I would like my character to walk. Is there that in guildwars 2?



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While GW1 had this feature (walking towards the point where you clicked), GW2 does not. You can move by holding both the right and left mouse button, but that will only make your character move forwards.


I recommend moving with the WASD keys since this allows you to press a lot of other useful buttons with your left hand without moving the hand.

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You have the option of using your mouse buttons to pan the screen (with your character following the direction of the camera), which is my preferred style of movement (WASD doesn't cut it for me, it feels so clunky and walking backwards has a movement penalty!). You can also keybind autorun, although I suggest keeping walk forward, strafe right/left for jumping puzzles and the like.


But, no, this game does not have a click to move feature like Runescape or Gw1.

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