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[Elite Suggestion] Resurrector

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Quick description of the elite: Well, necromancer fantasy-wise is something which walks between life and death and manipulates both of these aspects. Reapers should be representation of death, Scourge should be representation of thin line between life and death, so this elite would represent life. It would be played as pure support and maximize its healing on others rather than itself, so, unlike others supports who are themselves nearly immortal, this Elite wouldn't bee too great at healing itself, but it would be wonderful at healing others.


> **Adept Minor Trait**

> You now can use **Shield** in your off-hand and allow you to use **Spirit Weapon** abilities.

> Replace your **Death Shroud** with **Life Shroud**. This new shroud does not reduce damage you take, but instead increase all healing you take by 33%.


> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1**

> Whenever you grant regeneration you also grant 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds.

> **Major Trait 2**

> Increase your healing power by 40 for every unique boon on you.

> **Major Trait 3**

> Scoring a critical hit on an enemy will inflict them with 1 stack of poison for 5 seconds.




> **Master Minor Trait**

> Entering Shroud will grant you Regeneration for 3 seconds and cause your next attack to inflict 5 sec of weakness.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4**

> Gain 75 power and 150 condition damage while you have regeneration on yourself. Reduce condition duration on yourself by 20% while wearing shield.

> **Major Trait 5**

> Increase direct healing you do by 25% on allies (except yourself) who are at or bellow 50% of their maximum health. This effect is doubled when healing your own minions.

> **Major Trait 6**

> Increase your critical strike chance against weakened enemies by 15%.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait**

> Increase duration and power of Regeneration you apply by 33%.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7**

> Fully reviving an ally will grant them Regeneration for 10 seconds. Also, Regeneration on you can not be removed or corrupted.

> **Major Trait 8**

> Increase your direct healing done on anyone but yourself by 25%.

> **Major Trait 9**

> Inflicting 5 stacks of poison or more on an enemy will inflict them with weakness for 5 seconds (cooldown: 5 sec). Siphon 40 (scales with power) health from nearby weakened enemies every second (radius: 240).







> **Shield 4**

> Rush forward knocking enemies to your sides while blocking all attacks. Also, cleanse all movement impairing conditions from yourself and grant life force for every enemy hit.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Range: 450

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Damage: 600 (scales with power)

> * Life Force per enemy hit: 3%




> **Shield 5**

> Knockback and knockdown nearby enemies and grant regeneration to nearby allies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Radius: 240

> * Cooldown: 25 sec

> * Enemies hit: up to 5

> * Damage: 300 (scale with power)

> * Knockback: 450

> * Knockdown: 1 sec

> * Regeneration: 6 sec






> **Healing Spirit Weapon**

> Summon Staff Of Mercy in targeted area. It increase all healing you take and grant regeneration to nearby allies with every pulse.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Healing increase on you radius: 450

> * Healing on you increase: 50%

> * Duration: 6 sec

> * Pulses: 6

> * Regeneration radius: 240

> * Regeneration: 2 sec




> **Utility Spirit Weapon 1**

> Summon Scepter Of Souls in targeted area. It cleanses conditions from allies and corrupt boons on enemies with every pulse.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Pulses: 3

> * Radius: 240

> * Condition removed per pulse: 1

> * Boons corrupted per pulse: 1




> **Utility Spirit Weapon 2**

> Summon Hallowed Axe in targeted area. It will spin around dealing damage to enemies and remove movement impairing conditions from allies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Radius: 180

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Damage (6x): 1200 (scale with power)

> * Perform whirl combo finisher when it appears




> **Utility Spirit Weapon 3**

> Summon Candlestick Of Hope in targeted area. It will grant protection and regeneration to nearby allies with every pulse.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 50 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Duration: 8 sec

> * Pulses: 8

> * Radius: 240

> * Protection: 1 sec

> * Regeneration: 1 sec




> **Utility Spirit Weapon 4**

> Summon Dagger Of The Deceiver in targeted area. It will strike all nearby enemies and inflict poison on them.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Recharge rate of one charge: 15 sec

> * Charges: 4

> * Range: 1200

> * Radius: 180

> * Enemies hit: up to 3

> * Damage: 350 (scales with power)

> * Poison: 2 stacks for 8 sec




> **Elite Spirit Weapon**

> Summon Greatsword Of The Underworld in targeted location and blink to it to performing a powerful attack. Also stunbreak yourself. This spirit weapon will linger for a few seconds following you and attacking nearby enemies who come too close.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 150 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Radius: 240

> * Damage: 900 (scales with power)

> * Duration: 6 sec

> * Attack range: 240

> * Attack speed: 1 sec

> * Attack damage: 250 (scales with power)

> * Initial hit cause blast combo finisher






> **Shroud 1**

> Release surge of energy in front of you dealing damage and poisoning enemies. Also, heal allies.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 240

> * Enemies hit: up to 3

> * Damage: 250 (scales with power)

> * Poison: 1 stack for 3 sec

> * Healing: 180 (scale with healing power)




> **Shroud 2**

> Transform into noxious cloud as you rush forward. Evade all attacks while rushing and poison all enemies you come into contact with.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Evasion: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 10 sec

> * Range: 600

> * Poison: 1 stack for 6 sec




> **Shroud 3**

> Cause a cocoon of life to form around your targeted ally (or yourself) granting them barrier. If this barrier is broken before it expires, then inflict fear and weakness on nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 18 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Barrier: 2400 (scale with healing power)

> * Duration: 4 sec

> * Fear: 1 and 1/2 sec

> * Weakness: 5 sec

> * Radius: 240




> **Shroud 4**

> Heal nearby allies and poison nearby enemies enemies with every pulse while channeling.

> * Channel duration: 9 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Radius: 300

> * Pulses: 9

> * Heal: 300 (scale with healing power)

> * Poison: 1 stack for 10 sec




> **Shroud 5**

> Cause Candlestick Of Hope, Hallowed Axe and Scepter Of Souls to be summed around your target for 3 seconds.

> * Casting time: 1 and 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 50 sec

> * Range: 1200


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While I like many of the skills and traits finding a place for a specialization like this that does not overlap too much with other professions' specializations is a problem. Imagine Ranger and Elementalist mains' reaction. Competition for a heal support slot is already tough because group dps is so important that healer slots are minimized. Healers are necessary "overhead" but they cost dps unless they also bring needed buffs.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> While I like many of the skills and traits finding a place for a specialization like this that does not overlap too much with other professions' specializations is a problem.


Are you sure?


> **Major Trait 1**

> Whenever you grant regeneration you also grant 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds.


This elite would pump out as much healing as any other support class, especially when combined with Blood Magic traits.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> Quick description of the elite: Well, necromancer fantasy-wise is something which walks between life and death and manipulates both of these aspects. Reapers should be representation of death, Scourge should be representation of thin line between life and death, so this elite would represent life. It would be played as pure support and maximize its healing on others rather than itself, so, unlike others supports who are themselves nearly immortal, this Elite wouldn't bee too great at healing itself, but it would be wonderful at healing others.


> > **Adept Minor Trait**

> > You now can use **Shield** in your off-hand and allow you to use **Spirit Weapon** abilities.

> > Replace your **Death Shroud** with **Life Shroud**. This new shroud does not reduce damage you take, but instead increase all healing you take by 33%.

> >

> > _Adept Major Trait Line_

> > **Major Trait 1**

> > Whenever you grant regeneration you also grant 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds.

> > **Major Trait 2**

> > Increase your healing power by 40 for every unique boon on you.

> > **Major Trait 3**

> > Scoring a critical hit on an enemy will inflict them with 1 stack of poison for 5 seconds.


> -


> > **Master Minor Trait**

> > Entering Shroud will grant you Regeneration for 3 seconds and cause your next attack to inflict 5 sec of weakness.

> >

> > _Master Major Trait Line_

> > **Major Trait 4**

> > Gain 75 power and 150 condition damage while you have regeneration on yourself. Reduce condition duration on yourself by 20% while wearing shield.

> > **Major Trait 5**

> > Increase direct healing you do by 25% on allies (except yourself) who are at or bellow 50% of their maximum health. This effect is doubled when healing your own minions.

> > **Major Trait 6**

> > Increase your critical strike chance against weakened enemies by 15%.


> -


> > **Grandmaster Minor Trait**

> > Increase duration and power of Regeneration you apply by 33%.

> >

> > _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> > **Major Trait 7**

> > Fully reviving an ally will grant them Regeneration for 10 seconds. Also, Regeneration on you can not be removed or corrupted.

> > **Major Trait 8**

> > Increase your direct healing done on anyone but yourself by 25%.

> > **Major Trait 9**

> > Inflicting 5 stacks of poison or more on an enemy will inflict them with weakness for 5 seconds (cooldown: 5 sec). Siphon 40 (scales with power) health from nearby weakened enemies every second (radius: 240).



> ---------


> ---------


> > **Shield 4**

> > Rush forward knocking enemies to your sides while blocking all attacks. Also, cleanse all movement impairing conditions from yourself and grant life force for every enemy hit.

> > * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> > * Range: 450

> > * Cooldown: 20 sec

> > * Damage: 600 (scales with power)

> > * Life Force per enemy hit: 3%


> -


> > **Shield 5**

> > Knockback and knockdown nearby enemies and grant regeneration to nearby allies.

> > * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> > * Radius: 240

> > * Cooldown: 25 sec

> > * Enemies hit: up to 5

> > * Damage: 300 (scale with power)

> > * Knockback: 450

> > * Knockdown: 1 sec

> > * Regeneration: 6 sec


> ----------


> ----------


> > **Healing Spirit Weapon**

> > Summon Staff Of Mercy in targeted area. It increase all healing you take and grant regeneration to nearby allies with every pulse.

> > * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> > * Cooldown: 30 sec

> > * Range: 1200

> > * Healing increase on you radius: 450

> > * Healing on you increase: 50%

> > * Duration: 6 sec

> > * Pulses: 6

> > * Regeneration radius: 240

> > * Regeneration: 2 sec


> -


> > **Utility Spirit Weapon 1**

> > Summon Scepter Of Souls in targeted area. It cleanses conditions from allies and corrupt boons on enemies with every pulse.

> > * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> > * Cooldown: 30 sec

> > * Range: 1200

> > * Duration: 3 sec

> > * Pulses: 3

> > * Radius: 240

> > * Condition removed per pulse: 1

> > * Boons corrupted per pulse: 1


> -


> > **Utility Spirit Weapon 2**

> > Summon Hallowed Axe in targeted area. It will spin around dealing damage to enemies and remove movement impairing conditions from allies.

> > * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> > * Cooldown: 30 sec

> > * Range: 1200

> > * Radius: 180

> > * Duration: 3 sec

> > * Damage (6x): 1200 (scale with power)

> > * Perform whirl combo finisher when it appears


> -


> > **Utility Spirit Weapon 3**

> > Summon Candlestick Of Hope in targeted area. It will grant protection and regeneration to nearby allies with every pulse.

> > * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> > * Cooldown: 50 sec

> > * Range: 1200

> > * Duration: 8 sec

> > * Pulses: 8

> > * Radius: 240

> > * Protection: 1 sec

> > * Regeneration: 1 sec


> -


> > **Utility Spirit Weapon 4**

> > Summon Dagger Of The Deceiver in targeted area. It will strike all nearby enemies and inflict poison on them.

> > * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> > * Recharge rate of one charge: 15 sec

> > * Charges: 4

> > * Range: 1200

> > * Radius: 180

> > * Enemies hit: up to 3

> > * Damage: 350 (scales with power)

> > * Poison: 2 stacks for 8 sec


> -


> > **Elite Spirit Weapon**

> > Summon Greatsword Of The Underworld in targeted location and blink to it to performing a powerful attack. Also stunbreak yourself. This spirit weapon will linger for a few seconds following you and attacking nearby enemies who come too close.

> > * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> > * Cooldown: 150 sec

> > * Range: 1200

> > * Radius: 240

> > * Damage: 900 (scales with power)

> > * Duration: 6 sec

> > * Attack range: 240

> > * Attack speed: 1 sec

> > * Attack damage: 250 (scales with power)

> > * Initial hit cause blast combo finisher


> ----------


> ----------


> > **Shroud 1**

> > Release surge of energy in front of you dealing damage and poisoning enemies. Also, heal allies.

> > * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> > * Range: 240

> > * Enemies hit: up to 3

> > * Damage: 250 (scales with power)

> > * Poison: 1 stack for 3 sec

> > * Healing: 180 (scale with healing power)


> -


> > **Shroud 2**

> > Transform into noxious cloud as you rush forward. Evade all attacks while rushing and poison all enemies you come into contact with.

> > * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> > * Evasion: 3/4 sec

> > * Cooldown: 10 sec

> > * Range: 600

> > * Poison: 1 stack for 6 sec


> -


> > **Shroud 3**

> > Cause a cocoon of life to form around your targeted ally (or yourself) granting them barrier. If this barrier is broken before it expires, then inflict fear and weakness on nearby enemies.

> > * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> > * Cooldown: 18 sec

> > * Range: 900

> > * Barrier: 2400 (scale with healing power)

> > * Duration: 4 sec

> > * Fear: 1 and 1/2 sec

> > * Weakness: 5 sec

> > * Radius: 240


> -


> > **Shroud 4**

> > Heal nearby allies and poison nearby enemies enemies with every pulse while channeling.

> > * Channel duration: 9 sec

> > * Cooldown: 30 sec

> > * Radius: 300

> > * Pulses: 9

> > * Heal: 300 (scale with healing power)

> > * Poison: 1 stack for 10 sec


> -


> > **Shroud 5**

> > Cause Candlestick Of Hope, Hallowed Axe and Scepter Of Souls to be summed around your target for 3 seconds.

> > * Casting time: 1 and 1/2 sec

> > * Cooldown: 50 sec

> > * Range: 1200



Yes please. ?

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