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So, about Hardened Leather....

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As a shady merchant i don't mind it. I rarely craft with leather and its a source of revenue for me. I don't believe its right the way it is now, but Abaddon have me I won't exploit the leather drought until anet adds a better source of leather.

I've suggested once to create a fourth gathering tool: scalping blade. Lets you collect hude scraps which in turn can be made into raw leather.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Every player would have taken the medium one through achies, and craft the other 2 set apart.


> Assuming that prices were high due to leather craft is like saying that many players are totally kitten.


Not really. Most of the leather used to craft armor is used in the gossamer patches needed for gossamer insignias. Because gossamer insignias are required for all three armor weights and each needs 10 hardened leather squares, the actual different in leather costs between each armor weight is actually not as big as people might expect. Emblazoned shoulders (exotic medium shoulders) require 12 hardened leather squares to craft in total, while Draconic Pauldrons by comparison, require 10 in total. So even if everyone went for medium armor for the achievement rewards, the overall cost of leather for crafting the other two full sets would not be much lower than it would have been otherwise.


While I don't disagree that the Halloween event may have caused a spike in the price and that spike is now normalizing, it doesn't change that hardened leather is still a lot more expensive than similar mats like gossamer, and has been for quite some time now, even before Halloween started. Keep in mind we're still comparing a price of 49 silvers for a hardened leather square, to 95 coppers for a gossamer patch, or 2.14 silvers for an orichalcum ingot, etc. Maybe it will continue to drop to normalcy, who knows? But it may be a case where it will simply rise and fall like a tide as new gear comes and goes. Either way, I still think its a bit too high right now and needs either an adjustment to supply or demand.

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  • 2 months later...

it cost 5g for 5 gossamer patches on the TP.


it cost 4g 16s to buy 10 cured hardened leather squares off the TP.

it cost 1s 52c to buy 4 bolt of gossamer off the TP.. (same tier mat)

(plus your spools of gossamer thread is like 13s for 25)

so its like 60s cheaper to craft than to buy the patches.


it cost 1g 31s to buy 5 Vicious Fangs off the TP

it cost 1g 6s for 5 globs of ecto

So thats 12g 17s to craft 1 "Valkyrie" intricate gossamer insignia if you bought all mats on the TP..


Or you can just buy insignia off the TP for 8g14s which is a 4g savings... (or if youre lucky enough you can put in an order for 6g30s and save a few more gold)

Funny that Berserkers is 7g94s. on the TP. like 20s cheaper than a valk.. Uses the same mats just swap the fangs for blood, the blood is actually 27s more expensive to buy than fangs. Which is irrelevant because mats of the same tier should all be equally dispersed and valued. And with zerk being more in demand, there is probably more supply, giving the lower price. But still. Crafting in this game has been bad from the beginning. Its as bad as any other korean grind fest mmo. I've been playing since beta, minus a few long breaks, and I still havent crafted myself an ascended set or a legendary weapon. I would rather neglect myself the opportunity to see endgame content by selling what mats I do have or can craft for ridiculous prices. Trade the gold for gems and buy me an outfit, extra character slot, or something else useful.

ps. I miss GW1 armor vendors. I had several sets of armor and other random pieces for all of my characters. With the farming builds is was easy to save stacks and stacks of mats. Until they nerfed the shit out of that too.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> Are there any plans to re-balance the value of this particular mat? Because right now, Hardened Leather is many times more expensive than other similar mats of the same tier (such as Ancient Wood, Gossamer or Orichalcum). It's gotten to the point where crafting anything that uses Hardened Leather ends up being overly expensive, especially when leveling crafts like Tailor, where you can't even sell the end results for half the cost involved in crafting them.


> I'd really like a proper response from an ANet official please, because I want to know if there are actually any plans, or if it's even being looked at, at all.


Not likely. That increased cost was the direct result of Arena Net adding the Gossamer Patch to all armor recipes. Every time they want to "balance" the market they end up breaking it. So yeah, idk if i want them to meddle anymore. It usually backfires.

It backfired with Silk, it backfired with wood, and it backfired with leather. In a couple years there will be enough leather in the market to balance the changes out. Let it. Otherwise they'll just break something else.

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