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Would a Canthan trained Assassin use a pistol in this day-and-age of Tyria?


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> @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > Mmmn. Of course, any Canthan Assassin-themed elite spec is going to have pistols as long as its based on Thief, and I'd be really surprised if it wasn't. So they'll _have_ them, but they won't be their signature weapon.

> >

> > Yeah, the lack of guns among Joko's forces was something I noticed as well. I'd guess that if guns had only recently arrived in Elona, the majority of Awakened would have been alive before guns arrived and thus would be more comfortable using the weapons they were used to. Most if not all Awakened also seem to be magically enhanced in one way or another rather than using more 'mundane' attacks, too, so maybe there wasn't much value seen in making the switch from magically enhanced bows.

> >

> > (It's worth noting that from what we can see ingame the Seraph also seem to prefer bows over rifles, even though rifles are clearly known in Kryta.)


> It is most likely due to how much technology was allowed to advance.


> For Joko, he probably kept technology down to still bows and arrows to prevent creations of technology that may expose him.


> Only the Order of Whispers that remained in Elona manage to use guns as shown by how they created the Deadeye Elite Specialization since they did not restrict themselves to Joko's standards on what is allowed.


> Cantha on the other hand may have allowed their own technology to advance enough to introduce Guns as a common use but that is assuming the Canthan Emperor allowed it to reach that point.


I don't think that's accurate - I don't get the impression that the deadeye NPC is Order of Whispers/Shadows, and they took a contract from a village that is loyal to Joko (if not to their local overseers - the villagers are under the belief that Joko would crack down on the overseers if he knew what they were doing, when the truth is that they're probably genuinely following his directives). Nor does she show any signs that deadeyes try to hide what they are.


Guns might be uncommon in Elona, but I don't think they were illegal. I suspect it's more likely that, given his own immortality and the augments applied to his Awakened elite, he just didn't see them as a significant advantage to his forces or as a a significant threat.

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