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Commentary on Reaper vs Spellbreaker


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Breakers have that on a 6-sec cd but they nerf scourge...smh...


OT: i'm really glad you posted this. I rarely wvw but now i know the 6-sec rule for breakers :) I should state that i'm perhaps unjustifiably biased against warriors as they have denied my necro dungeon and fractal spots since forever ^^

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> @Funky.4861 said:

> Breakers have that on a 6-sec cd but they nerf scourge...smh...


> OT: i'm really glad you posted this. I rarely wvw but now i know the 6-sec rule for breakers :) I should state that i'm perhaps unjustifiably biased against warriors as they have denied my necro dungeon and fractal spots since forever ^^


Yea such an OP skill on a 6 second CD. And of all things they nerfed the damage on full counter when there were so many other areas that should be toned down.


Then like you said, they nerfed Scourge F2 CD which is way less OP than a spellbreaker's full counter.


Then you look at Reaper, they also removed Reaper shroud's 7 second CD trait. *rolleyes*



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> @brannigan.9831 said:

> Necros were just as popular as Spell Breakers in the Automated Tournaments please with Scourge nerfs into relation to pvp. PVE I admit to havign no knowledge off. But in spvp Scourges are still as good as anything currently.


until you catch them while they are alone trying to reach their teamates/capture point....


then they instantly flop to any half decent player on most classes....

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