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Revenant profession: Question about healing

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Dears, I have a question related to healing with the revenant profession.


I have one toon who is revenant, however up to recently covered with dust as I was never playing with her (she is a she). Reason: I could never achieve playing revenant properly and therefore never enjoyed it. Now with the new elite Renegade, allowing to play shortbow, I get a bit more fun at it, however with still a trouble at healing.

If I understand it correctly, there is only one single healing skill per stance set (Demon, Dwarf). Both have a long recharge time of 30 seconds. And that's my problem: When I am solo in a fight especially against several foes at once, if I need to use it early, then I have no more healing for the next 30 seconds and that's simply too long. I just had that case again in Sparkfly Fen, fighting against a group of Hyleks that can so badly poison us: I almost failed and died because unable to heal/cleanse sufficiently.


And my question is: How do you manage good healing when you play Revenant? With regeneration boosters? Food? Attribute? Rune of vitality on all armor pieces? Else?


Could you please share good experience here so I can learn from it?


Thank you :)




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I am not a revenant expert, but I do enjoy playing the class in pve for exploring. If fights get long I agree that my revenant starts to falter and die because of lack of heals. I find the revenant doing massive damage in pve and almost never have to use heal before the mobs are all dead. My main weapon set is mace + axe (just spam 2 and 5 as much as possible, and 3 if 2 and 5 are in cool down).


Don't forget to switch stances during fight then you have access to 2 heals. Also demon 6 + 7 clean/resist conditions and dwarf 6 cleans conditions. If you are low on stance energy just switch stance.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Dears, I have a question related to healing with the revenant profession.


> I have one toon who is revenant, however up to recently covered with dust as I was never playing with her (she is a she). Reason: I could never achieve playing revenant properly and therefore never enjoyed it. Now with the new elite Renegade, allowing to play shortbow, I get a bit more fun at it, however with still a trouble at healing.

> If I understand it correctly, there is only one single healing skill per stance set (Demon, Dwarf). Both have a long recharge time of 30 seconds. And that's my problem: When I am solo in a fight especially against several foes at once, if I need to use it early, then I have no more healing for the next 30 seconds and that's simply too long. I just had that case again in Sparkfly Fen, fighting against a group of Hyleks that can so badly poison us: I almost failed and died because unable to heal/cleanse sufficiently.


> And my question is: How do you manage good healing when you play Revenant? With regeneration boosters? Food? Attribute? Rune of vitality on all armor pieces? Else?


> Could you please share good experience here so I can learn from it?


> Thank you :)





You have some different options available to you depending on exactly how you play revenant... the most reliable heal on Rev kit is Ventari's tablet (pulsing, with a higher powered heal based on a spammable skillshot that has to pass the tablet _through_ you to do its heal, as well as some other utilities improving the healing for the area around the tablet itself) but it is not, of course, a useful legend on every setup/build. Each other heal on rev is in fact on a 30s cooldown, but they are on their own seperate 30s cooldown, which means that if you swap legends your other heal is available even after you have burned the first which, if played with timing in mind, can allow a burst of heavier healing by insta legend swapping or can allow for more sustained healing on a 15s effective cooldown (use heal, wait 15s, swap and use other heal, wait 15s, swap back). Each heal ALSO has its own "purpose" or optimal uses... Shiro is better if used before you drop low in health (much like ranger's Troll Ungeant) in order to keep your life total from dipping too low, and also provides an offensive buff in damage... Dwarf works more like a classic heal and has a condition cleanse built in... Renegade heal is pulsing with a lower base and so should be used in similar situations to Shiro though perhaps with a slightly lower HP pool. Dragon stance heal (herald) is really powerful if you are low HP and being pressured by a lot of damage, but has to be cast semi strategically as it is not instant.


As far as other counterplay options with healing, Revenant has some reasonably powerful sustained healing built in to its core traitlines, particularly for power builds. The grandmaster Devastation major _and_ minor traits can give a fairly powerful life siphon to help keep your total up, as long as you keep positioning in mind. Most revenant setups use Dwarf stance on swap, and the Vengeful Hammers utility provides a small heal per hit that it makes on an enemy, but when combined with the siphon on enemies with vuln and the siphon on flanking every 1s this can keep your HP pool pretty high when combined with the base heals on rev. Herald has a small life saving heal on shield, as well as a trait that allows it to trigger when you drop below a certain health percentage. Rev in general has decent access to regeneration. Staff drops healing orbs on auto-attack that heal for a small amount when you walk over top of them which can help improve your sustained health pool. The elite on Renegade stance itself also pulses a pretty decent damage buff _and_ heal on hit that can help you to sustain.


Beyond heals, rev has a number of active defenses (primarily protection, evades and blocks) that allow you to avoid taking as much damage in the first place. Once you learn where on your kit these are, and get used to the idea of frequently swapping stance for maximum efficiency, you shouldn't find yourself dying too often. Remember you have access to twice as many heals, elites, and utilities at at time over any other class and that swapping resets your "energy" to half way allowing you to utilize skills that were locked out because of low energy.


Hope that all of that info helps and was not too confusing. Sorry for lack of info on maintaining healing on condition rev in particular, but I am decidedly less familiar with the condi playstyle as I typically only solo pve and much prefer power builds from a playstyle perspective.

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To me is normal.

Most of the classes have a 15-30s cd on heal, while revenant without talents has 2 different ones with 30s, which means 15s on heal without using any talent to reduce their cd.


As Sojourner also said, you have to rely on mechanics like


* dodge.

* evade.

* block.

* cc.

* movement skills.

* ranged dmg.

* defensive boons ( protection/resistance ).

* sustain heals ( Regen, life siphon, etc ).


If the problem is to deal with many enemies, we should first discuss what do you mean with "many enemeis" and "what build do you use".

I am still trying revenant, but coming from a zerk thief 11k health and used to do large pulls, i guess i could do the same with a less squishy class.

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In open world PvE?

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ventari%27s_Will + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blinding_Truths (This is very tanky against melee groups of PvE mobs)

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Draining + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Darkrazor%27s_Daring (Turns Darkrazor into a heal over time)

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Mad_King + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soulcleave%27s_Summit (Turns Soulcleave into an AOE life leech)


Also you can control and heal with Ventari Tablet while doing other skills, such as moves that block or evade.






The devastation traitline also gives access to life leech and it is devent in open world PvE, because you are hitting lots of mobs, triggering it regularly.

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