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Fortune [Fame] - Beta 1v1 Tournament Rules - Please Review

Trevor Boyer.6524

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Fortune [Fame] will be running the first 1v1 tournament post PoF release, tomorrow on the 26th. Click the link in my signature if you're interested in joining. Since this is the first 1v1 tournament to be held post PoF, we are working with a bland and unshapen "beta ruleset". It would be great if we could get some community opinion on need for changes and/or additions to this ruleset, before the tournament launch tomorrow. Here is what we are working with:


**Tournament & Code of Conduct Ruling:**

- Players agree to all ruling when joining the tournament

- Understand this is beta 1v1 ruling for post PoF release

- No arguing, no insultation, be cooperative with admins

- Enter with one class, no class swapping


**Match Ruling:**

- All matches are played at mid in Legacy

- Usual 1v1 arena boundaries apply

- Best 2/3 wins

- 3 minute time limit on rounds

- Swap to Berserker or Viper when time limit runs out

- Disqualified if keep fighting when timer runs out

- Players may alter build before match begins

- Players who win a round must keep the same build

- Players who lose a round may alter build structure


**Amulet & Trait/Skill/Rune/Sigil Bans**

- Magi & Mender's = Banned

- Warrior = No bans until feedback

- Guardian = No bans until feedback

- Revenant = No bans until feedback

- Engineer = Moa is banned

- Ranger = No bans until feedback

- Thief = No Shadow Arts

- Necromancer = No bans until feedback

- Mesmer = Moa is banned

- Elementalist = No bans until feedback


Before giving feedback, please consider the difference between fighting to defend nodes and death matches in open areas, when holding a node is not an objective. Please consider that although your class running a conquest build may struggle against another conquest build, that doesn't mean a slight alternation wouldn't give you advantage 1v1.


Example #1 - Thief vs. Spellbreaker on a small cap node is unfair but Thief vs. Spellbreaker in an open area 1v1 to the death, is a very equal match.

Example #2 - Conquest build Spellbreaker vs Scourge while holding a node gets repeatedly boon converted but Spellbreaker with a rifle chews scourge at range in 1v1.


Use common sense with feedback and don't be biased.

~ Much thanks ahead of time for any and all feedback.



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