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Is there ever gonna be a new Stronghold map?


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I wish there would be more Stronghold maps, but ANet really dropped the ball on it. I blame the overall failure of Stronghold as a mode on ANet for not pushing it at all.


I mean, if they had a tournament season that was based on Stronghold for the finals, rather than Conquest, the mode would probably be much more popular (and more polished).

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It sucks i loved ranked stronghold in seasons 1-4. Solo necro season 3 i got 102-8 legendary. Kind of felt like pvp has slowly died since the seasons began. Then again i feel it started the massive decline after anet allowed free to play players to do ranked.


Only way to fix pvp is to move on from circle dancing conquest to anything i mean anything else. (wont happen anet invested too much time into circle dancing maps). So now unless we move on at this point from the most noncompetitive game mode (Which wont happen) pvp will slowly die till its just unranked players and the top 250 only playing ranked lol.


Ranked is too toxiic to even join.

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @Abelisk.4527 said:

> > The playstyle is too slow, and 80% of the time pugs have no clue on what to do


> Too fast, actually. A coordinated team can win in 3 minutes with the first wave of skritt. It's a joke PvE map.


No one calls mobas pve games and that is what the map is sort of modelled after of. It has lanes, it has minions (skritt), it has multiple doors you have to go through to get to the core (lord) to win the game. So the idea its self is not the problem.


From my observation the problem is that the map is totally out of focus. There are just too many things going on and too few people to do them. You have:


* Defending your lane which is comprised of destroying skritt, heroes and players.

* There is the treb

* There is the supply drops in the middle

* There is summoning heroes and skritt, the latter which requires you to run all the way back to the door

* Pushing their lane, which requires you destroy guards, players and have skritt knock down the door

* Then there is pushing their lord


That is too many objectives for just one map. If you look at conquest maps in comparison they are simpler and only have one objective. Foefire has lord, Spirit watch has orb, forest has the two npcs on each side, skyhammer has the hammer, coliseum has the shield and sword, Capricorn has the bell. Conquest is much more focused than stronghold.


What Anet could possibly do is shave some of those objectives down in stronghold and move them to new stronghold type maps. Like the lanes stay, but maybe on one map there are no minions but only a treb which is needed to take down the door. One another map there are skritt but have them maybe automated. I believe the game mode could be salvaged and built upon but it needs focus. The potential is there though.


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