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Stupid things you've seen in sPvP while queing on your own.


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You know you've done it. With your play times not exactly matching your friends, you got it in your head that you would play sPvP by yourself. Its a good way to kill time as you wait for better content that would come with more people in your party in que.


This is a thread for everything stupid thing you've seen done while on your own in sPvP. Words don't count. Trash talk or just stupid comments are for another thread. Just dumbass moves here please.


I'll start it with...


Ant trail tactics: Players dying, rezzing and running back to the "Team Fight" one at a time, dying immediately and then doing it again.


Not talking on team chat: I'm strongly inclined to believe that most players playing Gw2 sPvP, don't speak English. "I'm taking home" results in someone following me to home on match start and "Who wants home" results in 0 response. These are very simple words and form a simple start to strategy where someone steps up and fulfills a role while not stepping on anyone's toes that might try the same thing.


Both these things make me laugh because they aren't part of bad games, they are the game and produce so much salt in players that don't understand it. Still, I'd like to hear more from others.

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> @Nova.7261 said:

> You know you've done it. With your play times not exactly matching your friends, you got it in your head that you would play sPvP by yourself. Its a good way to kill time as you wait for better content that would come with more people in your party in que.


> This is a thread for everything stupid thing you've seen done while on your own in sPvP. Words don't count. Trash talk or just stupid comments are for another thread. Just kitten moves here please.


> I'll start it with...


> Ant trail tactics: Players dying, rezzing and running back to the "Team Fight" one at a time, dying immediately and then doing it again.


> Not talking on team chat: I'm strongly inclined to believe that most players playing Gw2 sPvP, don't speak English. "I'm taking home" results in someone following me to home on match start and "Who wants home" results in 0 response. These are very simple words and form a simple start to strategy where someone steps up and fulfills a role while not stepping on anyone's toes that might try the same thing.


> Both these things make me laugh because they aren't part of bad games, they are the game and produce so much salt in players that don't understand it. Still, I'd like to hear more from others.


Actually there are a lot GW2 players who do Ranked with chat closed. So all and any chance at communicating a strategy is wasted.


The most silly thing I've seen in Rank, was the 4 team mates I was giving. Decided to all cap and camp home node. Like :lol: , I'm pretty sure they all had chat off because they did that to whole match. Needless to say that match was lost, and my time free time was completely devalued. But hey those are the players ANet is focusing all their effort on.

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Oh boy ...there are so many misconceptions about pvp i don't even know where to start....so lets see:


- Thieves going close at start of the game

- Thieves going solo far at the start of the game

- "Why do you fight offpoint, ohmagawd!!11^!"

- People refusing to kite offpoint but rather tanking 2 overloads, a scourge, various traps, chaos storm and 2748 more cleaves cause "At least I died on point!"

- Commiting way too hard to useless side objectives (forest in unranked ....yay >.>)

- "OohMaGawd focus the thief!11!"

- People camping close without an enemy in sight

- At least 3 players getting trolled by 1 druid

- People continuously running into lost/outnumbered teamfights ....preferably 1 by 1

- Spellbreaker. In its entirety. (Altho that one not being a misconception)

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○ Support ele/firebrand running home/far


○ Running mid 1 by 1, instead of waiting at home/respawn for regroup


○ "get beasts guys"--start of the game or when points are only below 200 or 300


○ Chasing thieves/mirages while they are kiting


○ Constantly running far when a bunker is on the point and the duels end up lasting forever


○ Not focusing on the valid target


○ Necros running away from support constantly


○ When the entire team doesn't care about Tranquility except you

• When your entire team runs to Stillness while your team has 2-3 of the points


○ Letting other team keep getting the bell and not even trying to contest bell point throughout the entire game (same for skyhammer)


○ Getting both power-ups in Coliseum and not being a highly mobile spec


○ Rushing lord at start


○ Running untested, poorly-made builds in Ranked (sometimes happens on accident though)


○ Any combination of the above

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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > @Loop.8106 said:

> > Having both of your Spellbreakers go into the mid teamfight. Forcing your actual teamfight classes to cap sides.


> Noob question: as spellbreaker I always go mid at start. Every. Single. Time.

> What's wrong in that?


Spellbreakers are without a doubt the single most overperforming 1vX class in the game. This means, if I go close as something that's not a Spellbreaker while the enemy teams Spellbreaker is pushing me. We lost sides.


In scenario two, lets say spellbreakers takes 1 side node each. (In a Spellbreaker, Spellbreaker, Firebrand Scourge Holosmith comp for example.) Even if we lose mid, we can rotate into an even fight on the sides to reinforce and maybe even win it before the enemy team has a chance to follow the Holosmith there.

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* People that chase Thief

* "Oh, my team mates are 2v1ing an enemy over there, let's make it 3v1!"

* Ele/Warrior constantly spaming and dying on Far

* That one guy who tries to self-rez for 60 mins, because every time he gets hit once.

* Tunel-visioning Thieves

* People who think a Thief taking Close is _always_ a bad move. (it's not especially on LoF it is almost a win if enemy comes)

* Druid that never reses

* Smart-asses who think they know how to play Thief better than the team Thief though they never did (aka. "Why you no help me in that 2v1!/ Why you no decap Far! (SB standing on it)"

* Those people who barely kill someone and go like "lol, noob" all over the map chat even though they are playing Spellbreaker

* "It is Thiefs fault" -2012-2017 Every-Single-Person on a Thief Blamefest Train

* "Stealth for Mid is useless, learn how to Thief" -yeah.... Sure...because team bursting an unaware enemy with stuns is so useless, not to mention splitting an enemy

* No Target

* Wrong Target

* No Target focus

* Wrong Target focus

* No cleave

* No Stomp

* That guy who helps you down a Warrior and then insta bails when you get downed by Warrior down state, leaves you to die to Vengeance

* People who chase you like bloodthirsty chipmunks just because they managed to 3v1 you, then they get owned in 1v1 and spend the rest of the day spamming your whispers how "lucky" you got

* People fiercely defending Spellbreaker, even though everyone knows it does not even require you to be awake, claiming how skilled you need to be to get a kill with it..

* "Sind always goes Far at the start dumbass, learn how to Thief" yeah, he goes Far because he has a freaking Duo with him, both bursting with stealth, not yoloing in to 1v1 and losing like you.

* "I don't care about other people, I am testing my build here" -dumbass in **Ranked**, never heard of Unrank

* Ragers in Unrank

* Before-matchstarts Tryhards


I could go on, but just typing it makes me feel salty. No more

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Thieves going home at start


I agree that the idea of thief going home at start is stupid. Unfortunately, 99% of teams expect the thief to go home at start because they don't realise how much more use they could be going with the group and stealthing the group or going far with a mes.

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> @Static.9841 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > Thieves going home at start


> I agree that the idea of thief going home at start is stupid. Unfortunately, 99% of teams expect the thief to go home at start because they don't realise how much more use they could be going with the group and stealthing the group or going far with a mes.


This is for solo queue, where you can't expect a thief stealth the group or a team to last long 3v4 on mid. Thief is picked for close because it has the mobility to get there and then to mid quickly.

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The most frustrating thing I see is people not paying attention. In one game, I saw our thief respawn and run past our close, which was empty but capped by the opposing team. I was on my way to mid when I saw him do that, so started heading for home. Halfway to mid, the thief heads to cap home, wasting both our times. Same match a guardian is recapping home and sees me fighting a guardian not too far away. He leaves home, uncapped to support but I down the guardian before he even arrives. Then he completely forgets about capping home and I have to hobble over there to do it.


From the otherside, I was capping far in Coliseum and a warrior shows up. I stall him a bit until a Scourge comes. So I hightail to mid the long way. The warrior gives chase. About half-way to mid, I engage the warrior a bit. When the Scourge finishes capping, he runs to mid the short way. I fight a little longer then head back to far. The warrior I was fighting then goes to mid. I cap the point and we win by 500-496.

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